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my first idea is sweetie or one of them, not scootaloo finding out snap shutter and main all good waved the deed to the house in her aunts face before giving them the boot (you know "if she has nowhere to stay she'll have no choice but to go with us" logic) like that one scene in ice age "manny" daddy little girl forever!

also https://docs.google.com/document/d/19y0Xm489h7R5SCRZ0Ss-N87cHEPacu_bjggvBYQwf9s/edit?usp=sharing (warning mess draft )
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V4FedFKrfNMRlfS5-W4qEAM4w9t44EqG1jTjXq2RGDg/edit?usp=sharing my personal guide to world-building

what I need help with is taking the script from the show and rewriting it what if they refused to let her stay what if they gave her aunts the boot and they didn't come back etc I just don't like how the episode plaid out

How is that a "fix"?

You can't fix it, it's irredeemable.

Really? What's so wrong with the basic concept?

That episode can easily be fixed by making Scootaloo have actual conflict between wanting to go with her parents and staying.

At first, she tried to pull the stun of the rare animal with the CMC like in the episode, hoping her parents would stay and she could have both.

When that failed, her parents confronted her about it and actually asking if she wanted to stay. They explained they couldn't stay but if Scoot wanted, she could. In that moment, Scoot decided to leave with her parents because she had missed them too long in her life. The CMC talked with her about it afterward and she explained her feeling.

On the final days, right before they left, the CMC and the town invited them to a farewell ceremony. They didn't try to convince her to stay because that was Scoot's own decision, but just saying goodbye. Seeing the connection Scoot had with the town, her parents actually persuaded her to stay, telling her that they could still be family despite the distance like this whole time, but her destiny was here in Ponyville, with the CMC. Finally, Scoot decided to let go of her parents to follow her destiny.

Scootaloo's-and I use the word in the most basic biological sense-parents are neglectful pieces of (yay). I suppose you could make it so one parent has been home all this time and the other was away or something.

Or that she was with her aunts all along - though then we're short a resolution.

Capitalization and punctuation would help.

Honestly, it would've been mature and even ballsy to have Scootaloo move away. Instead, it's the usual character-may-have-to-leave-but-convinces-parents-to-stay plot. That, or make it so that Scootaloo's parents were deadbeats and her aunts lied to her about them being adventurers so that she didn't grow up thinking that she wasn't loved. Then she could realize that she doesn't need her parents in her life, content with her aunts and many friends.

That latter one seems a bit to similar to Spike in Season 8.

Fair enough. Still, the moving away idea has merit

It could probably sell the "friends are still friends after you're apart" thing better than how Last Problem tried to do it with the Manes.

Precisely! Plus, it not only acts as a nice subversion of expectations but is also a good lesson

You'd probably have to switch it later in the season, though.

True, true. So, did any of this help?

To be blunt, just remove Scootaloo's parents entirely.

Make her an orphan that's collectively been raised by the residents of Ponyville and the main draw/conflict/plot is Scootaloo trying to figure out her past, which ends up with her discovering she has a living aunt who thought she had died along with her parents, hence why she never looked for her sister's/brother's (depending on whose sister she is) kid

I dunno if entirely replacing the episode counts as fixing it...

It's what we've been doing for the past decade, so why stop now?

I don't see why Scootaloo can't live on her own at this point. She has a career in Ponyville running a camp and has basically lived on her own the entire series.

The silly short sighted nature of the CMC's cutie marks makes it clear they are to be joined at the hip til the day they die.

Scoots aunts are shit. They force Scootaloo on a foster-care rotation because they can't be bothered to live with her full time.

Her parents are crap because I dunno, career? Its a week crappy reason they never explain. They are so absorbed in their career and themselves that they forgot they produced a child.

In the episode where we meet Rainbow Dash's parents Scootaloo even says she never had anyone in her life who believed in her. So yeah her still alive/neglectful parents and her "We only want you on the weekends" aunties are terrible care givers. The episode is bad, but its even worse when you take subtext of past episodes into account.

My solution is either make Scootaloo's parents actually bad parents not celebrated like the idiot writers did. Or just make Scootaloo an orphan.

I thought the episode was fine. I just found the rotation of caregivers for Scootaloo needless. Just have her aunts living with her full time from the start, and make the conflict more about whether her parents or the Crusaders are what she needs the most.

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