The Writing Process 280 members · 902 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Dolphy Blue Drake
Group Admin

Welcome to the world of Byetkul, meaning "Home we all share". Once called Equus by ponies, Earth by humans, but after they met, they renamed their shared world. In this merged world, a small human boy's life will be shattered, then rebuilt piece by piece after a chance meeting with an individual he may one day come to think of as "sister".

TKinbound: Greater Than Friendship
In a world where ponies and humans live on two halves of the same planet, a young human boy is about to meet and befriend somepony who will change his life forever. Lives intertwined, with bonds as strong as family, they face their futures together.
Dolphy Blue Drake · 24k words  ·  20  6 · 873 views

My first fic in quite a while, this one was based on a dream I had of all things! It had great potential, so I decided to try to make it into a fic. If you give it a read, I promise you won't be disappointed.

(If you read it and the votes aren't yet visible, please leave a vote! I'm trying to reach 10 votes before hitting the 100 view mark, because there are some people on this site who refuse to read fics with 100+ views that don't have the views visible yet, deciding that the fic must be "dull" to not have even 1 in every 10 vote one way or the other. As of posting this thread, there are 4 total votes. Please help me to reach 10 before 100 views!)

I always vote up or down!
(It prevents me from reading awful crap twice)

I often feel sad for current authors. Our works are often compared to older authors by people with rose tinted goggles on and it is rarely favorable. I am going to stop there before i go on another rant...

I'll put it on my to do list.

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