Discord's Den 126 members · 329 stories
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Hiya, lovely peeps!

Yaʼll remember the infamous Season 2 finale? The one that spawned an entire subculture in the fandom?

Turns out there are more stories to tell about it.


ELadybugs Awake
Shortly after the changeling attack, Twilight and Cadence have a talk.
Uz Naimat · 2.8k words  ·  159  0 · 2.2k views

Ladybugs Awake, starring S2 Twilight and Cadance, is a conversation-y fic that addresses the trauma the girls have faced in recent days.

Do give it a try; itʼs a piece Iʼm really proud of.


Yaʼll remember the infamous Season 2 finale?

In what way was it "infamous?" Everybody that I've talked to said that they loved it and said it was on par with a Disney renaissance film.

The one that spawned an entire subculture in the fandom?

The only "subculture" this episode spawned is those moronic Lauren Faust fanboys who claim to this day that everything about the show went to shit the instant she left.

Never meant for anyone to take my sakes pitch that seriously.

Basically, what I was trying to say is that the S2 finale is very popular among the fandom, and part of the reason why, is because of certain charactersʼ actions in it.

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