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This is no big surprise here and I think the Kremlin was spot on in how they described him. Putin sure was right about the idiot destabilizing our sociopolitical system, right down to the very brink of a coup.

I fear him - or someone worse - trying it all again. It may be the last gasp of the far right, but these mouldering liches are still dangerous and they worry me.

Group Admin


One that is particularly dangerous is that Boebert woman who represents Colorado's third district....she is one of those extreme far right gun nuts. She has to carry a gun on the capitol because she is "afraid" when it is her party's minions that are the true threat.

If he runs again, I have my concerns that this country would cease to exist if he was to become like Grover Cleveland have two non-consecutive terms. Then there are others that would be worse, Boebert being one of them....although she is so far out of touch with reality that only like those who live in that third district....the types my dad calls 'braindead rednecks' could truly relate with her. Sad thing is though, many would vote for her solely because of the letter by her name.

I honestly think this country has enough far right sheep in it that it will ultimately collapse, I just hope that I'm dead and buried before that happens.

Since this thread is back from the dead I might as well post my video about NOT taking the shot.

7533684 Considering the obvious inside job that the Capitol riot was and the fact that the capitol officers who let the rioters in and the higher ups that likely ordered this are yet to held accountable I can understand why Boebert would be somewhat concerned. Whether you think she is a good person or not she still has her 2nd amendment rights. As for Trump he likely will run again, what will happen in the 2024 election is anyones guess though. I predicted a Trump win in 2020, but we ended up getting the deformed crack baby of the 1876 and 2000 elections instead.

Group Admin


Here is the thing, Boebert shouldn't be worried, it was her goons who were responsible for the insurrection. She shouldn't need to carry a gun on the Capitol and I honestly think she is the type of person you have to look out for. The more far right and more gun crazed someone is, the more likely they are to go out and pull shit like that. I highly doubt you'd see someone like Bernie Sanders or any other democrat going on shooting rampage just because they didn't get their way.....that is a far right thing.

Well this is a first, I actually watched some youtuber's drivel from start to finish. Normally I don't even bother watching things like this, which is why I left The Unsafe Space because the forum is mostly Time Reaper's sharing of right wing youtubers....well that and I don't fit in there politically. I will say this, this guy is scared of his own shadow. The way he talks you'd think people are being rounded up and hauled off to concentration camps in cattle cars for not getting the vaccine. My view is, JUST GET THE DAMN VACCINE. It isn't going to kill you nor is it isn't going to harm you. I am fully vaccinated and I'm perfectly fine, so is my sister, so is my brother-in-law, so is my dad and so is a family friend. We're all fine!

This guy seriously thinks that the feds are going to be going door to door forcing people to take the vaccine. This sounds just as ridiculous as the republicans in Arizona accusing democrats of shredding Trump ballots, feeding said ballots to chickens and then incinerating said chickens to destroy the evidence. It is laughable crap you simply can't make up.

Oh and the guy brings up does the government own your body or do you? That is quite hypocritical coming from a guy who likely doesn't believe women should be allowed to have any control over their reproductive rights.

And tell me, how did the 2020 election become a deformed crack baby? Biden won the popular vote and he won the electoral vote, end of story. It was 2016 that was the deformed crack baby....a deformed crack baby loses the popular vote big time yet still got in the White House. With any luck Trump will croak before 2024 comes along. Yeah if that happens some other mental defect with his ideas will likely run and hopefully that clown will lose despite the GOP trying to restrict voting as to put the poor, elderly, disabled and minorities at a disadvantage.

7533706 I keep hearing that talking about populist republicans having "goons" as if they somehow ordered the idiots who rioted to do their thing but am yet to see actual evidence of it other than "but they questioned the 2020 election" as if the democrats didn't do the same thing with the 2016 and 2000 elections. Whether Boebert has reason to fear or not she still have a 2nd amendment right to carry and if you don't like it there is always the constitutional amendment process.

I hate to break it to you, but most of the political violence in recent years has been on the far left though the mainstream media rarely acknowledges that. Sure there are stupid and violent right wingers, but I am yet to hear any republican politicians excusing the capitol riots but have heard plenty of democrats excuse the Antifa riots over the past year. Both democrats and republicans support statist policies that use extortion and violence to impose their will on the population and both support murdering people overseas at the behest of the military industrial complex. Tulsi Gabbard was the only democrat in congress I am aware of that spoke out against it and she is unfortunately not in congress anymore and Rand Paul and Thomas Massie are the republicans I am aware of speaking out against the military industrial complex and police state.

Thank you for saying that I am afraid of my own shadow (yes I made that video), yes if this isn't ended than unvaccinated people being rounded up and put into FEMA camps is exactly what will happen. The Biden administration is already starting the precedent for that with door to door vaccines, the fact that impeachment proceedings haven't already been filed against that senile old fool really says it all. Him, Fraudci and all the lockdown governors need to be removed from power and at the very least rot in prison cells. The people of France of all places are speaking out against this because Macron overreached big time with his Orwellian Covid passport system.

I think that Democrats are being weak. The evangelical-powered far right is a danger to democracy and America as a whole - easily the greatest danger since the original Civil War. I need Democrats to take the threat seriously, not just to democracy, but to issue of survival itself.

I want mandatory, zero exception, enforced vaccination of the entire nation, with the same unified, patriotic spirit that America once had when it worked to wipe out polio and smallpox.
I want the elimination of the power of the right-dominated supreme court and the filibuster. If that means forcing more rational judges onto the bench and utterly disenfranchising the GOP, then fine.
I want passage of an equal rights amendment that clearly includes and specifies gender identity as well as sexual orientation, with serious consequences for bigotry and hate.
I want serious, enforceable federal attention to eliminating systemic racism established and maintained.
I want no quarter whatsoever given to any entities that would attempt to threaten the separation of church and state, or would attempt to make the US a theocratic state. I want enforcement of secularism and rationalism.
I want an absolute elimination of all efforts to prevent voting and limit voting - I think every citizen should automatically be required to vote, by mail, in the same way they pay taxes now, with fines for failing to vote!
I want completely socialized medicine, akin to every other technological nation on the earth, and an end to monopoly capitalism in the health care space.
I want absolute protection of the fundamental right to abortion, in such a manner that it cannot ever be questioned again!
I want the threat of global climate change to be met with serious and severe action commensurate to the danger it represents - I want America to lead on the issue.
I want severe changes in the tax structure such that the wealthiest can no longer escape their duty to the civilization any longer. I want the wealthy to pay up.
I want reparations to black folks and indigenous people!

I also want an end to the electoral college, through an amendment to the constitution. But, that would take all the preceding steps to even hope for.

I want to live in a rational, compassionate, equal, just, and secular nation based on science and education.

7533842 The religious right has not been relevant since George W Bush was in office, though the blatant nihilism and degeneracy of the far left may end up causing them to make a comeback 20 years or so from now. Yes they still exist and still have some strong holds, but the most powerful voice on the right is now populism as the election of Donald Trump in 2016 and Trump supporters gradually supplanting the old guard in the GOP clearly indicates. Trump never gave a damn about any of those cultural issues and didn't really speak about them much, he did have Mike Pence as his VP who does have legit religious right credentials but the balancing the ticket strategy is something both parties have done since forever.

There is also a growing libertarian wing of the Republican Party as well, while not anywhere near as powerful as I would like them to be are helping to steer the culture in a more liberty oriented direction with Ron Paul planting the seeds and Rand Paul and Thomas Massie picking up where he left off. The populists are using the understandable anger against the corruption in the system to propel themselves to political power, but often fail to realize that you cannot replaced left wing cultural authoritarianism with right wing cultural authoritarianism and expect liberty to be preserved. What DeSantis is doing by being a powerful force against lockdowns and forced vaccination is good, but the bill he signed which would require students and faculty in the Florida state university system to fill out yearly political surveys is incredibly Owellian and will likely be struck down in the courts as unconstitutional. I understand why he wants to fight back against CRT, but abolishing state funds and leaving it at that seems like a much better way of going about that.

Be careful what you wish for on forced vaccination, if it comes to pass to the degree you are calling for than civil war will be inevitable and said civil war will be far far worse than the last one even if a miracle happens and other countries don't end sticking their noses in our business. This will be seen by myself and many others as an act of violence. I would prefer if widespread secession were to happen before things got that far. There is a part of that is wondering if we should have kept the Articles of Confederation instead of replacing it with the Constitution.

In either case it is becoming increasingly clear that decentralization is necessary to save the republic, even if said republic needs to break up into smaller pieces. The vast majority of Americans are statists and most statists unfortunately don't realize that every law passed comes with a threat of coercion and violence if it is not followed. Simply put we all need to ask ourselves if we are willing to throw people in cages or even kill them over said issue before passing any law of any kind. This dosen't mean there shouldn't be no laws at all, but only that there should be far fewer and there should be a greater degree of care when they are passed.

Group Admin


I agree with you on some things but the thing involving forced vaccinations is rather disturbing. Hey, I think everyone needs to get vaccinated but I would support something more along the lines of forcing people to prove full vaccination before doing things such as traveling via air and I would fully support businesses forcing masks for folks who are not fully vaccinated....and yes I do think that people should be carrying their cards with them to prove it. I live in a shit state where only 30% of the people are fully vaccinated yet no one wears masks.

Now your whole thing involving reparations is one thing I really disagree with you. There is not a single former slave alive today nor are there any slave owners alive either so basically you want us to pay people based on skin color. Hey, the Irish were treated like shit when they first came to this country, sometimes worse than blacks. A majority of my heritage is Irish so where would my reparations be? What about the Chinese? They were shit on when they first came here too. Before you go saying you want reparations, you better think about how many people's ancestors were shit on. Before you know it, EVERYONE will be demanding reparations of some sort. I'm going to be honest. If you think racism was bad before, you go forcing reparations racism would be at an all time high and may cause some people who are not racist right now to turn that way. Resentment and hatred would tear this country to shreds with reparations. If you want the far right gone, that would only cause it to become much bigger.

Forcing people to vote? That could backfire big time, you may get more enemies of this country voting than you'd want to see. Now if you were to prohibit domestic teRRoRists from voting (proud boys, oath keepers, III%ers, neo-nazis, etc.) from voting, we could steer the country in the right direction.

When it comes to socialized medicine, I think there should be a cap on who would qualify for government provided health care. Anyone making $ 500k or more a year, they don't need it nor do they deserve it. Those rich bastards can afford to pay for it themselves. Why should someone making $ 25k a year be providing money to pay for a millionaire's health care?

I think of myself as center-left. I support things like Medicare for All Who NEED it....not for everyone. I know your heart is in the right place but some of the things you bring up, if enforced, would push a ton of people pretty far to the right. You say you want equality but reparations is anything but is racism against some folks based on skin color. Sorry to be bringing this up again but I'm not about to support something that would discriminate against me for being white.

The Articles of Confederation were a joke. America would have collapsed by the year 1800 had we not ratified the Constitution.

By the time the mid-1800s came along, no country on earth could survive with such a weak national government, much less in today's world. I'd much rather have a strong national government that may not be all that trustworthy than be living in a Confederation that has no real way to defend itself, no national currency, no way to regulate trade, basically no way to exist as a country.

You want widespread secession? Hell we may as well cease to exist as a country and I'll go beg the Canadians to take me in as a refugee from a collapsing "country" if you can even call a Confederation a country.

7534380 "1. Congress could not regulate trade...2. no uniform system of currency...3. no power of taxation..." All true, but you view these as bad things while I view them as good things. All "trade deals" do is rip people off and line the pockets of big corporations, cryptocurrencies are making traditional currencies obsolete to the point where we should just abolish all legal tender laws and just let people use whatever currency they mutually agree to. The state and local governments still had the power to tax, the federal government shouldn't have done much taxation anyway. With that said the Articles of Confederation weren't perfect but many of the problems in them could have been fixed by amending them. If we see successful secession in this country it won't look exactly like America under the Articles of Confederation. Some states would increase their liberty exponentially while others would become even bigger socialist shit holes and collapse. If the event this happens you damn well better believe I am leaving California and not looking back, unless the saner parts of California manage to breakaway from tankie central. Even if we don't see full blown secession I would at the very least like to have some of the larger states like California broken up.

Group Admin

I swear, I can't help but wonder what kind of drugs Mike Lindell has been taking. Seriously, you can't make shit like this up. My guess would be crack-cocaine, this idiot needs to be locked away in a padded cell for national security purposes.

Group Admin

Something political but fun at the same time.


That sums up what I've been hearing about and seeing.:rainbowlaugh:

Too bad I'm in the U.S. too, but these days, you gotta take whatever laugh you can get sometimes.

Group Admin


I posted this in FB and even one of my conservative friends got a laugh out of it.

Group Admin

I don't like the Taliban government/Sovereignty in Afghanistan. They won't give women rights, the ability to work or go to school. They believe that women should stay at home and look after kids.

It's disgusting. The Taliban are disgusting people. And so are the Mujahideen A.K.A the Israeli fighting force.

Group Admin


I know you're saying that because of Samus's post in my group and I don't like what they do either. Samus is simply a troll so never take anything he/she says seriously.

Democrats are going to go the way of the Whig Party at this rate, these polls are disturbing. What the fuck is wrong with these psychos? Arrest and internment camps for people that criticize the vaccine? I guess all the Nazi allegations were just projection.


Women having rights is haram.

Group Admin

I don't get why they hate women working so much.

Yet they also annoy me by reading from right to fuckin' left.

Who fuckin' reads like that?

It's inhuman.


Why don't you ask a Muslim? :raritywink:

Group Admin

I have a muslim friend.


Ask him and report back to this thread

I am doing the happy dance since the Mises Caucus took over the Libertarian Party

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