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Good evening and welcome to the Three Thirty News. I’m your anchor, Toby or not Toby, That is the Question. Today’s top story: the Canterlot National Zoo has announced that due to budget cuts, it will have to get rid of all of its animals except for a single dog. An anonymous official said that if the plan went through and the zoo had to choose only one dog to display, then it’d be a shitzu.

This just in, we are getting word that an airplane is in trouble over Ponyville. The flight, on approach from Canterlot, is being piloted by a certain Rainbow Dash, who has flight training after flying with the military group the Wonderbolts. I am being told she has a mare named Lightning Dust as her co-pilot, and the captain of the Wonderbolts herself Spitfire has just arrived at Ponyville Airport to help talk them through the landing.

We’ll keep you up to date on this development. In other news, the celebrity Sapphire Shores was seen accepting her mare of the day award with her step-ladder. She noted during her speech that she loved her step-ladder, despite never knowing her real ladder. And now, the weather.

It's a long road to the airport, a long road you have traveled. But it doesn't matter because your flight has been canceled.
The Red Parade · 12k words  ·  36  4 · 913 views

I'll read it!

Well I'll be damned, this is certainly a way to get people to read your story

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