Tempest Shadow 1,054 members · 658 stories
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So I was looking at my subscriptions and saw that Lily Peet made a video about Tempest.

Raise up you pitch forks and torches! (Though what do you think of her video?)

People still link to Lily Peet?

Slight problem with Lily's point here. Tempest, she wasn't exactly a sympathetic character from the start, it was only after "Open Up Your Eyes" did she become that. And besides, this is a show based on the concept of Friendship being Magic. I think it slipped Lily's brain for a moment there.

From only viewing this video I think Lily Peet is just lacking in the brain department

Someone show this vid to The Abyss. I'd like to see his reaction...

Yeah, even if he did have a valid point in there somewhere, his lack of likability, non-stop outrage, and refusal to acknowledge any kind of counterpoint made it impossible to see.

Yeah, I honestly stopped watching at the 2 minute mark since I could tell he was not going to like the character and going to be like that for the rest of the video.

Ooh, two arrogant as hell people flamewarring! I'll grab the popcorn!:trollestia:

oh, then you missed the 6 minute rant about villain reformation, and why he thinks the Pony of Shadows, Starlight, and Princess Luna are all horrible wastes of characters.

When you say it like that... yeah I expected something like that in the video.

Anyone who bashes Tempest for minutes on end is made of pure evil. /s

EDIT: (the /s means sarcasm)

If you stopped watching at the two minute mark, then why did you ask if you could share it on a forum of mine (did you mean discord)? :P

Arrogant as hell? Really? :ajbemused:

To be honest, I already knew what she was going at during the first two minutes, she was just going bash Tempest and rant about how she and other villains are disappointing. And just now I did watch the rest of it and I was basically on point.

She? A dude was talking in the video.

Yeah, you sorta are at times, a lot of your blog posts do kinda scream attention-whore with your posting of suggestive or cute pics and pretty much asking people to comment on them.

This sorta screams arrogant as well and a little bit creepy.

It felt great because I put myself into my character's shoes, so to speak. Also, if you can't get off to your own clopfics, how can you expect others to do the same?[/

Lily is right.

And how exactly, is she right? A good argument would offer counterpoints, and Lily does none of that here. Instead, the video goes on just bashing Tempest and pretty much every other villain without explaining why they're bad villains, or offering any insight as to their redeeming points. It's a like an essay prompt on a test, you have to look at both sides of an argument.

Lily Peet is a transvestite, and so she likes to be referred to as such. As negative Lily is, I do still respect that part of her.

she does offer counter points, the fact that a lot of people of unknown fandoms...are so quite to just down anyone with a actual opinion. make any augment about her and her subject matter flawed. she is just a youtube doing her thing but no we all have be hateful about anything that isn't popular.

now that I explained your problem you can work to being less hateful to her...it will take time but I believe in you. :raritywink:

So how exactly is posting cute ponies asking people to comment on them? Dude has one of the highest followercounts on this website, I don't think he feels the need to attention-whore. You know, maybe he just shares pictures he likes? Isn't ponies being cute something we all like to see? ...besides, EQD does kinda the same thing...

So, I'm the one that asked the question which led to the quote you called arrogant and creepy.

The creepy part I don't see, since it's just kinda a genuine answer lol. The second part of it is definitely right, and the first is just personal I believe, and something that actually makes sense.

But how is it arrogant? I asked him how he felt while writing clopfics and he answered, nothing arrogant about that...

And yet I saw none of that offering counterpoints in the video. What it seems to me here, is you're just someone who thinks anyone disagreeing with their favorite Youtuber is automatically in the wrong. ...Sorta like Lily and anyone disagreeing with her opinions actually...

So... let me get this straight. Because I love to share cute and adorable pics, knowing that the majority of my followers love cute and adorable pics as much as I do, that somehow makes me arrogant? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. :rainbowderp:

I don't ask people to comment on my blogs; they do that of their own accord, and I love it when they do! Interacting with my followers and readers is something that I look forward to everyday; it's why I do what I do.

And thanks for reminding me that I didn't make a Daily Dosage of Cuteness blog today, so here it is: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/778685/daily-dosage-of-cuteness

not at all true, I disagree with your biased hate for transgender people. also she does offer counterpoints, you just don't care to see them.

Oh, okay cool. I've never seen their stuff before, so I was blissfully unaware haha.

Since when did I say I hated transgender people? Can you quote me on that?

Cute, real cute. Actually saying I wished to remain unnamed.

The fact is, the Abyss said he actually jacks off to his own porn. That is sorta arrogant in my mind. Excuse me for having an opinion on things like that.

Oooooh you edited your comment to add something in?

This sorta screams arrogant as well and a little bit creepy.

It felt great because I put myself into my character's shoes, so to speak. Also, if you can't get off to your own clopfics, how can you expect others to do the same?[/

I stand by my words. If you don't find your erotica hot, then why would anybody else?

Thanks! I'm glad that you thought the pictures I shared were cute.:heart:

He said he COULD, not that he does. And even if, so what?

If that#s arrogant ( though I still don't how that is arrogant ) in your opinion then that is fine, but you started unnecessary drama based on that, so don't go acting all offended and victim-like when facign retaliation for that...


The fact is, the Abyss said he actually jacks off to his own porn.

I did not say that directly, so lemme rephrase that for you. If you don't become aroused by your own erotica, how can you expect others to?


someone is getting defensive, no need to go all bush on us.

when you pm me....any who besides your clear biased opinion, I don't defend some crazy bitch on youtube...but she has the right to her opinion without being burned on a stake.

Since when did I PM you? Now you're just offering up evidence and putting words into my mouth where there is none.


Okay, I apologize to the both of you. I shouldn't have dragged this into here. I admit I was wrong. Even if you are arrogant and maybe you are or maybe you aren't (I don't know honestly, it's very subjective), and I'll quote myself on this:

A good argument would offer counterpoints, and Lily does none of that here. Instead, the video goes on just bashing Tempest and pretty much every other villain without explaining why they're bad villains, or offering any insight as to their redeeming points. It's a like an essay prompt on a test, you have to look at both sides of an argumen

I offered no good argument, or provided any good evidence to you being arrogant as all hell Abyss.


Even if you are arrogant

So you're still gonna state that opinion as fact even though you admitted you're wrong.

Eh, whatever. This won't come to a conclusion anyway...

Okay, lemme edit that. Yes, I'm admitting to editing my own comment and I do realize I'm acting like a hypocrite here, being all high and mighty.

Even if you are arrogant and maybe you are or maybe you aren't (I don't know honestly, it's very subjective),

That better?

I can settle for that yeah. The discussion about Abyss has nothing to do in this thread, but there is nothing to be done about that now anyway, so whatever.

From the argument that Lily was making, yeah, they're definitely right. Hasbro makes a villain, and then reforms them (all the main villains except for Chrysalis (though she might be reformed in later seasons)) or kills them off. They've set a pattern now, so that whenever a new villain is introduced, we know that there's a very high chance of them being reformed. Where's the fun in that? The only villain we have left is Chrysalis, and with the way that things are heading, she too might very well get reformed, though I pray that that never happens.

Personally, I love Tempest. I think she's better than sliced bread, and I don't get offended when people have a differing opinion on that particular matter. Twilight forgiving her at the end was a very strong thing for her to do, especially after all that Tempest did to her and her friends. While Tempest did end up being reformed (or begins the process of reformation), I feel that Twilight forgiving her only serves to strengthen Twilight's character as a character in the show. Since the movie (and the entire show, for that matter) is mainly about Twilight, I feel like Hasbro made the right decision with what they did with Tempest, and the other villains for that matter, for the point made in the last sentence. While that probably isn't the best thing to do in the short run, it keeps us invested in Twilight's development as a character for the long run.

Actually, I want to point something out, and hopefully mend a few bridges.

The only villain we have left is Chrysalis, and with the way that things are heading, she too might very well get reformed, though I pray that that never happens.

I heard Tirek's coming back for Season Eight as well, and I honestly can't see him of all creatures being reformed given that, he's y'know pretty much the MLP version of the Devil or at the very least the worst creature in Tartarus. Dazzlings haven't reappeared in EG, so they may not get redemptions either.

Personally I feel like reforming villains is honestly the best option here. First of all MLP kinda has a message to send to it's intended audience, and characters transforming from evil to good through friendship does a pretty good job at that.

Also, what is the alternative? Keep villains evil so we deal with the same villain over and over again? That would probably get a lot more boring than bringin in new ones.

Yes, we know that villains that get introduced have a very high chance to get reformed, but I think with their plotlines it isn't about the ending anyway ( since we pretty much always know the outcome in advance), it's about the way there... IMO anyway

Yeah, the tagline of the show literally is Friendship is Magic. It just goes along with the show's theme really.


Personally I feel like reforming villains is honestly the best option here. First of all MLP kinda has a message to send to it's intended audience, and characters transforming from evil to good through friendship does a pretty good job at that.

It also shows that those of true evil can turn their lives around and become better people. So for those in the fandom who do bad things to people and think that this is the only life they can lead, they see what happens in the show and realize that they too can become better and start anew. Kind of an extreme example, but an example nonetheless.

So for those in the fandom who do bad things to people and think that this is the only life they can lead, they see what happens in the show and realize that they too can become better and start anew. Kind of an extreme example, but an example nonetheless.

Not really the most extreme example, since I kinda fall under that category. Take that as proof for your assessment being correct :rainbowlaugh:

...Ok, THAT was true attention-whoring.

Wow, glad to see the fighting and bickering has (for the most part) stopped, and the group has leveled out to a kind of consensus.

I agree with Lily in the sense the whole quick reformation thing has been done to death. Especially, in regards to the comparison to Reaper. Still, I’ll take Tempest over Starlight, NM and POS any day.

Tempest I have found more entertaining than the others. Sure, I prefer Sunset over Tempest but I still think Tempest is cool.

Still, here’s hoping for more, as Lily puts it, ‘Saturday morning cartoon’ villains.


Well I watched the video, there seems to be a lot of bitterness, but it's not wholly directed at Tempest/Fizzle. There is one or two good points, in the angry ranting. Mainly about how Friendship is Magic, has too many threats, nullified. Winning over bad guys to friendship, or bad guys who have had bad experiences and turned evil, but they get redeemed. I do actually think that's a problem with the show.

There was also a good point about the Pony of Shadows having the potential to be this big, goofy force of nature-type villain. But that was completely missed. Plus can he really be called the Pony of Shadows? I think Sombra pulled off the big villainous shadow cloud better, than he did.

It might just be me, but has anyone noticed a lot of the more dangerous villains, that need to be reformed, are unicorns? Sunset Shimmer, Trixie, Stygian, Starlight Glimmer and Tempest? I mean I know it seems obvious why, cause they can all use magic to some degree. But you think there'd be a villain like Amon from Korra by now, trying to limit spell use or magical study =/.


Winning over bad guys to friendship, or bad guys who have had bad experiences and turned evil, but they get redeemed. I do actually think that's a problem with the show.

You do realize friendship is one of the core values of the show right? It's even in the name.


Part of what she seems to not know/ignore is that the writers often have to make villains good in the end so that Hasbro can sell toys of them to little kids, even if the writers don't want to. Also part of the beauty of FiM in my opinion is how simple the backstories can be (but not when they are too simple), because that lets the fans interpret the characters in their own ways, different from one person to another. That tends to spawn wonderful things from them, fan art, fan made merch, and even fanfiction, Hell its why this site is even a thing after all.:twilightsmile:

anyways that's my view on this, what do you think of my thoughts?

No no I get that. I mean it's more the fact that it seems to happen, maybe a little too often. And in too similar a way. Stygian, Starlight and Tempest all have seemingly one negative experience in their past, and end up, becoming villainous. Sure it can take just one bad day, to turn a person into a villain, one particularly bad day, as shown with Tempest. But it feels like the villains are kinda being copy/pasted with the tragic backgrounds.

There are some easy fixes for this, like Starlight should have come back a few times, before being won over. Her background with cutie marks being bad, should've been expanded. Say she had multiple friends who drifted apart, to pursue their own talents and dreams, brought about by their cutie marks, Starlight gradually losing touch and becoming embittered by her friends. Blaming cutie marks, and setting out to erase them from Equestria.

Stygian's backstory is okay, but could use more meat. Like how he became the pony of shadow. Maybe he studied books leftover from Sombra's reign? Studying and using dark magic, until it eventually corrupted him? Or maybe the darkness is something born from his own magic, or an entity he made a pact with?

Tempest I'm mostly okay with, but again, they had a whole movie and she could use a little more.

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