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Wrong Planet is an autism focused forums. I don’t exactly have a good history with the site which just goes further to reinforce my beliefs that other autistic people are not automatic kinship from both having the same condition. In fact, I had a lot of trouble with other autistic people, but more details on that another time, beyond what I dealt with on Wrong Planet.

I first joined in 2006, back when I was 18. This was also the same year I found out I was transgender and wanted to be a woman. This will tie into things shortly. WP has an option to select your gender in the profile/bio. However, unlike so many other websites where you can choose not to select a gender, it’s required on WP. Now if it’s like this in 2024, I dunno, might be. Anyway, I was annoyed with this and even posted a thread on such. Nowadays I would just put female, but back then, it didn’t seem entirely right for me to put female despite wanting to be one.

In spite of that annoyance, I posted a few other times but I left shortly after. Something just didn’t feel right. I just wasn’t hitting it off with the members there. Granted that probably takes time, time that I didn’t give back then.

In 2010, I figure I would return. Instead of reusing the rarely used account from 2006, I figure I would make a new one. If I had a different or same IP, I don’t know. And I suppose this possibly counts as my fault. At some point, someone accused me of being a concern troll or something. I don’t remember the exact details, but I know I was straight up banned, the first time that ever happened to me on a forum. I tried emailing the staff afterward, with no response.

From what I heard, the site nowadays is pretty radical so perhaps it was best I didn’t stick around even if I could have. Maybe someone here has or is still on there, perhaps with a better time. If I wasn’t banned for another account, then I have absolutely no idea why. The original account didn’t get any warnings or strikes, so it won’t ban or warning evasion. And I don’t like bringing this up because I could be setting myself up to getting dogpiled here about how I totally deserved it for trying to start over with another account where that might have been against the rules.

I did try another site some years later and I wasn’t banned from it or anything, but that’s for another time. And even if I totally deserved it, do I really need to get beaten up over this stuff? Granted, I’m the one who posted this thread to begin with for something people here otherwise wouldn’t know about. Anyway, going with the I totally deserved it angle, is there really no such thing as forgiveness? Do I deserve to be banned for eternality over this? At this point, it’s been close to 14 years. Did I really do something so bad that I will always be the unredeemable bad guy on the site for the rest of my life? For all they know, I could have simply forgotten about my old account. I sure as hell now don’t remember the name or even password to either account.

Granted, if I were given an option to come back with a clear state, I probably wouldn’t take it. But this whole thing just bothers me so much and just reinforces how I should worry around even other autistic people. It’s not just my experiences with WP, but that’ll be a thread for another time. Posting this is already opening up old wounds, but I’m afraid I’ll get beaten up over them again yet I feel compel to get this out of my system.

Group Contributor

I quit Wrong Planet years ago when the place was getting taken over by hardline autism supremacists. I probably still have an account there.

If they are enforcing a gender binary, then I have no interest in going back.

I haven’t been there.

Never been there, but then again, I only discovered my autism last year. Sorry they did that to you.

From everything I've heard (as well as my experience growing up autistic with two autistic siblings) Wrong Planet is very much on the wrong track, and that's the politest way to say it.

They aren't as bad as, say, Autism Speaks, but they're pretty bad.

I'm sorry that you've had such a bad experience, and I hope you get the tools and support you need. Hang in there.

I didn't even know this existed, but hearing this from you means I know to stay away.

More so being a trans woman myself apparently.


hardline autism supremacists.

Those are words I never imagined I'd read. That's how you know it's extremely bad.

Group Admin


hardline autism supremacists

may I ask what that is ?

Group Contributor

I considered joining that site years ago, but saw the toxic staff and userbase I noped right out of there before I made that mistake. It is probably even worse now with the self diagnosers and the worst aspects of the Neurodiversity Movement having an even more profound influence now than they did back then.

7926550 I think they might be even worse actually, because it is bad enough to have idiots outside the community, but it does evren more damage to have them on the inside.

7926567 I didn't think I would either, but autism advocacy has been hijacked by partisan lunatics unfortunetely. I have decided it is too important though for them to dominate the conversation. So now I have to make videos that piss people off, and for once I am not talking about my political videos.

It's a really bad situation is what it is.

Great, all we needed was bloody hijacking of any kind of advocacy. Never mind this one specifically.

Group Admin

But what do they do ?

Group Contributor

Just what it sounds like. The belief that autistic people are inherently superior to neurotypicals, and should dominate society.

As an aside, one of the members there was someone I knew IRL from my local scene. He was a misogynistic sex pest who used his autism as an excuse for sexually-harassing and assaulting women, and was eventually kicked out of the community because of it. He was welcomed at Wrong Planet despite being openly misogynist.

Group Admin

Funny things is that in my story I have Smart-Supremacists, they think that the Smart should dominate society

I think you know where this is going
p.s. Plus they are also Races,

Group Contributor

So, a Technocracy?

Thanks for the support! I was expecting things to go down very differently based on how it was probably a bad look on me with the 2nd account even if years apart without trying to warning or bad evade anything.

I'm not surprised. Nowadays, I don't know if the gender selection goes beyond male or female, but I found it rather annoying back in 2006 they enforced it in the first place. I forgot to mention it in the OP, but I was leaning more toward being a mix of male or female, which I guess would be called bigender these days. They couldn't have known that back then, but it's still their fault for not having a 3rd option to just not state either.

They didn't even give me an official ban reason and it could have been entirely unrelated to the 2nd account. That vagueness is what I don't expect from other autistic people, even if the moderators are or are not autistic themselves. I dunno, people hardly make sense to me even if sharing the same spectrum.

They've become extremists, right? I swear I'm tired of niche communities falling into that trap. In terms of any community specific to autism issues, I mostly don't even know where to go on that. Sure I'm here, but this is just one group on a website not specifically about autism.

I can't say for sure how they'll react to transgender people today, but I don't exactly have good feelings if they're already autism extremists. I could take a look around but I rather never even visit the site again.

Every time. Minority focused community becomes awful to any outsiders. Maybe a lot of reasonable people left, leaving only the extremists and any newcomers getting a rude awakening to what the community is probably like now. At least you avoided it unlike me.

I know right?!

If people like that are welcomed on WP, it's long gone. It wasn't that long ago that I dealt with an autistic man who was a creep about women and who seems to think all fictional women are his sexual playthings. He banned me from his RP (good riddance!) after my female character made it very clear what she would do to his male character if he stolen her clothes off of her again. It's like he thinks he's a gigachad who always gets what he wants and doesn't understand that other people in the RP might not be into his perverted character's behaviors. Sharing being autistic in common with other people is not kinship in itself, as I sadly found out so often.


I can't say for sure how they'll react to transgender people today, but I don't exactly have good feelings if they're already autism extremists. I could take a look around but I rather never even visit the site again.

It's best by far to just stay away. Being around any kind of extremist is really bad for your mental health.

I know right?!

Yes, we have enough problems as is, we do not need extremist behavior thrown in too.

Group Contributor

7927004 When I first considered joining it was years ago, it is probably far far worse now.

7927010 When extremists have so much influence it is not a simple matter as just ignore them unfortunately. Some of my recent videos focus on exposing them, which is something I really wish I didn't have to do. It is bad enough I have to do that for my political videos already.

Acting like those who would actually oppress us is not a solution. It's certainly not healthy.

It also, never ends well.

Group Contributor

7927099 Doing that or just sitting back and doing nothing at all is a false choice that I fully reject. They can't be allowed to control the narrative, if they do than their lies will add to the already long list of misconceptions so many in the general public have.

Indeed, but, we have to be careful when challenging such individual so as not to become what we oppose.

I have zero doubt that there is some of that involved with the people you're talking about.


I'm so tired of fighting people who I should be able to get along with, not that this won't stop me from still fighting mind you. I swear I can't automatically connect with any minority based group, least there be very vocal extremists giving a bad name for everyone else. Being autistic doesn't make me superior to other people, but it also doesn't make me inferior even if society isn't designed with autistic people in mind. It's so sad how easily groups can become extremists regardless of whatever good intentions they had. I guess all I can do is call it out when I see it.

What do they think their end goal is? Autistic people will probably always be a minority. It's not like all important and powerful positions in society will be held only by autistic people.

You make videos Earthbending? Can I see?

Yeah, we shouldn't be fighting each other. We should, instead be working together to help makes things better.

Group Contributor

7927132 Perhaps, but some people will never see reason and not everyone are good faith actors. I will never engage in things like doxxing or death threats no matter how scummy the people I am dealing with are. Once I cross those lines I know I have lost.

7927229 I have made them for many years, this is my Autism advocacy and misc channel.

And this is my political one

I also have accounts on Odysee and Rumble, since I am a libertarian some of my political content is a bit too spicy for Youtube so you will find some new tech exclusives there.

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