Comments ( 154 )
  • Viewing 101 - 150 of 154
Root Beer
Group Contributor

5432283 No, it doesn't have a positive connotation, but why should I care about the connotation brought with this group? I don't just up and lie to people, I'm not going to say it's sunsets and rainbows all around.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


Honestly, I wouldn't call it a shit life. It's hard, yes, but life is about overcoming challenges throughout your journey. Some of us end up with additional difficulty, and it's our job to work with it as well. Of course people will help us out, but that applies to everyone.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


I get that, but equating us with the likes of Stalin makes things significantly worse. I'm not saying that you have to be positive all the time- you can be blunt- but that going so negative isn't a good idea.

Root Beer
Group Contributor

5432287 You don't have to put up with this shit, turn off notifications or leave the group.
5432129 Well that was a dick move by the Autism Defence Force.

Time Reaper
Group Admin


Maybe maybe not, it doesn't matter in the end. This only calls for a better structure of rules so we can have a code to act both here and outside of this group.

For now, I would like to request to the admins to:

a) Ban Soronitas_Kate for having too many problems and just coming here to troll (and having a horrible language).

b) Lock this thread so people can stop answering here.

c) Start a thread where we can discuss the rules that shall be made here so we can have a better way of acting and so we can make sure that trolls doesn't act all the time here.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


There's only one admin and he's offline. I asked him to promote me so that we go up to two. I'm online A LOT, so I can keep things down.

Root Beer
Group Contributor

5432269 Someone gets it.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


I agree with everything else, though.


Are you Russian, as well?

If so, I'm glad to find another Russian on the site...

Root Beer
Group Contributor

5432323 Well, the most ancient member of my family that I derive my last name from was a Russian, but that's about it :derpytongue2:

Group Contributor


I see, it's true that some of us overstepped our boundaries (considering that they probably don't know where those boundaries are)

While on the subject, does this group even have rules? I can't find any.

I mean, basic stuff like "if you troll around here you get banned" and "don't start pointless flame wars with trolls" might be a good idea.

(I agree that harassing site members outside of the group should not be done, of course.)


I wouldn't say that it was a dickish move, but it was a bit overreacted...

Although, I do approve of them...

Time Reaper
Group Admin


Thank you, in that case, we also need more admins. Whenever I'm not on college (or my mom isn't using the pc) I tend to be online. So I could try to give some structure to this.

Once I'm done with that thing I'm doing I'll do here the first post I've wanted to do in a while.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


If Nic promotes me, I think you and 5432331 would be good admin choices. You're both very level headed.

Time Reaper
Group Admin


Thank you, years of practice in a country known for being cynical, humorist and troll 24/7.

That and a good education in both the mind and soul (integrity), but I can explain that somewhere else.

Root Beer
Group Contributor

5432329 I just realized I love your avatar :rainbowlaugh:
5432339 Awesome! :pinkiehappy:

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


As for me, I'm much less prone to anger on the net than I am IRL, and even then I can be quite relaxed. Situations like this require a calm mind; level headedness wins the day here.

Group Contributor


I'll probably have to turn that down, alas. Frankly, I don't think I'm fit for any kind of responsibility.

Also, I didn't really plan to be very active in this group. I'm mostly just here to represent.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


That's alright; thanks for telling me.

Group Contributor


I actually got offered an admin spot at The Writer's Group as well. I really sorta wanted to accept, but I just don't trust myself.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


Again, that's fine.

Time Reaper
Group Admin


Didn't expected to see you here. How's life?


Hello again. Your main can take a day off.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


Howdy. So, this really was an alt?

Group Contributor


And apparently I'm a contributor now.

Confusion intensifies. :derpyderp2:

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


Anyways, thanks for the help Meester. Remember, everyone loves you.

Image is credited to the Make Meester Happy Foundation. God, those were good times.

Time Reaper
Group Admin


The usual, the Parliament/opposition tries do something, the government blocks it and I'm trying to survive in the middle of it.

So far, There's a month recess for both the parliament and Supreme Court, but the AN decided to still keep on working through Exceptional sessions and now they've started to renovate 2 (so far) directors of the Electoral Power. The government has done some dumb stuff, and I'm trying to help my family while I'm on vacation.

So I'm hearing music and reading a little bit while passing it here.

Just ignore the guy and report him. He has as much Special Needs as Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

How about we all just calm down?

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


Turns out that it was an alt.

OP is just a butt hurt little shit. Glad he was silenced.

Comment posted by The_Black_Knight deleted Aug 18th, 2016
Group Admin


I hate to admit it but those haters may raise a good point. And if you really want to think I'm wrong and that you should kick me out but hear me out... Please

Granted they just do this for attention because they have nothing better to do. But we have to grow up. We can no longer take offense when someone calls us retarded. It's just happens. We're no different than Black Lives Matter if we stand around here bitching about how hard it is for us Autistic people. We can do more than this. We can rise from the ashes and make a better lives for ourselves and make a name for ourselves. If we define ourselves as to what limits us then we will live the life as a tragedy. Those that insult us are just as human as we are. And if we really take offense to what ever we don't like than we will go no where. Rather this is our motivation. So when they compare us to Hitler and say we are retarded we must prove them wrong by what we can really do. So please everyone in this group. I ask that we simply ignore them and if you hope hard enough they will just leave us alone. Not only that but use this hate as your motivation to achieve your dream. God put us on this planet for a reason. So why don't we find out why we were put on this planet. Let's look toward the future and forget all of the hate and move towards out goals.

Group Contributor


To the surprise of anyone?

Root Beer
Group Contributor

5432683 The lesson is not to try to not get offended by things, the lesson is to try and ignore negative statements regarding you unless they're constructive criticism.

Group Admin

P.S. PM me your replies

5432134 I jest did

5432154 Why ?

5432164 Why not ?

5432300 Shod I make him one ?

5432313 Shod I make you a admin ?

5432316 but please don't change how I do it. please

5432328 Mhm...

5432331 Who else shod be a admin ?

5432335 Shadow of the Night, Fervidor, and Time Reaper as admin !?

5432388 Are you a member ?

5432401 You are one of us, so contributor

  • Viewing 101 - 150 of 154