Comments ( 154 )
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Yeah. And this group was created to get away from harassment like this.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


This is a different person. Trust me.


Can you tell me what happened? I'm confident that you're using Poe's Law, but I'd at least like to know some stuff for context.

5432195 I knew that :rainbowlaugh: I just wanted to see if this guy who started this whole thing knew :ajsmug:

Group Contributor


Heh, you're funny.

By, the way, "freedom of speech" doesn't apply to websites and never has. It specifically protects you from censorship from the government, whereas the admins around here can toss you out for whatever the hell reason they feel like. Especially if you are a hilariously obvious troll who thinks it's okay to insult people who are literally dealing with a serious disability.

Class act, my friend, class act.

5432187 A small percentage do. The vast majority of people that do make accomplishments aren't infected with autism or aspergers. Stop trying to make yourself look better, you mentally deficient idiot.

5432183 Oh good, you're even Spanish.

People like you don't deserve Ponies!

Okay then? Keep them to yourself and keep being coddled like a fucking child the rest of your life.

5432182 I am

Root Beer
Group Contributor

5432183 I'm not very good at spanish, but I think it means something similar to "You ignorant simpleton blah blah blah"

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


I agree. Even so, I feel this sort of trolling falls under Poe's Law- it's so extreme that some people will inevitably take it seriously, but others will notice that it's... Well, a troll. It doesn't excuse anything, but I feel that every single one of us has to grasp what Poe's Law is to better combat things like this.

Trolls get off to anger and frustration. If you just roll along and laugh with them, they either cool down and realize you're cool (that's actually happened to me before,) or they get bored and leave.

Time Reaper
Group Admin

To everybody reading this, just stop answering him, just by responding to this post you're giving him all of what he wants. Trolls only cares for attention and that's it. This isn't worth your time, stop responding and it will leave (especially after he gets banned).

This little creature is some guy who has such a low life that he prefers to expend his time to create a second account (because he was already banned from here) and keep on being annoying. That's the way of acting of losers and lamers who are just too envious of people as great as us, Aspergers, and thinks that by trolling he'll have a better life.

He's not worth the effort, just stop answering him.

5432203 Wait, it's a disability now? I thought you dipshits said it makes you super intelligent, otherwise you wouldn't be spouting made up facts.

Comment posted by Root Beer deleted Aug 17th, 2016

5432201 Dude came in here with a troll thread. People took the bait so fucking fast. Admins took care of it. He backed off. These retards continued harassment.

5432215 Yeah, advertise your plan too, fucking retard

5432211 Maybe if they took your words to heart this wouldn't happen, but the little dipshits decided to keep going even after Grey got banned.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


Then we're not talking about a guy on the internet, because that cooled down quite quickly. Grey attacked a user who was in this group that had posted in another. That user's post, which was in response to another one?


That's when trolling either grows extreme to the point of harassment, or when it's unmasked as bigotry. Am I saying that he should be harassed outside of the group? No. We should have left it at the locked threads (in both /pol/ and this group.)

Now then, who harassed Grey?

5432222 Just go to his user page and you'll see they kept going. He also told me he got several PMs

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


And another word of advice: CALM DOWN. Lashing out will get you nowhere.

Also, you. The one who's in this group and is scrolling down. This applies to you, too.

Time Reaper
Group Admin


I'm pretty sure nobody did, he must have probably invented it to have an excuse to come here. This is the internet, this kind of stuff is too common.

5432211 Oh wait, you're probably one of those neckbeard perma-virgins.

That's the way of acting of losers and lamers who are just too envious of people as great as us, Aspergers, and thinks that by trolling he'll have a better life.

Hol-ee shit cupcake, make sure to tip your fucking fedora and don't let the special needs classroom door hit you on the way out.

Phoenix Heart 27
Group Contributor

5432205 You aren't worth the time or irritation.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


Check the comment where I linked the user's page. She's right.

Some of you overstepped your boundaries and made things much worse than they had to be.

5432235 Yet we're on page two, so good job on that front.

5432236 Yeah, invite more of them to fuck around with him. Good idea.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


I asked for adminship of this group- if I get promoted, I won't hesitate to start handing out bans.

Root Beer
Group Contributor


I am.

What you are is an asshole, thing is, this group isn't about free speech. It can silence any opposition from anyone, including yourself. So, go on, be an asshole, until the group silences you like everyone else who thinks that way. It worked in Soviet Russia, and it will work here too.

Group Contributor

5432236 totally agree to that

5432244 Oh good, so you're admitting this group is on the same level as a terrible dictatorship that saw to the death of millions and attempted to spread misery to the world. Good job there, sunshine.

5432243 Yeah, and until that happens, shit's going to keep going.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


Also, contact me if the harassment continues. I'll contact site admins in that case.


That's because of a simple reason:

You cannot just join a group because you want to fucking harass it.

Your troll friend and yourself may as well be worse than fucking Hamster Master and his group of trolling idiots, but that'd be low of me to compare you to people who don't even harass people with Aspergers or are Autistic... wouldn't it?

So here's a little gift for you when you get banned:


So kiss my ass and go to hell.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


It worked in Soviet Russia, and it will work here too.

Why the fuck did you do that? You're making this worse.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


Chill. She may have gone WAY too far with the OP, but the reason for her going off wasn't a lie- it was a real one. Somebody is being harassed, and we have to stop it. We have to show that we're better than this.

Root Beer
Group Contributor

5432236 Yeah, there are definitely some people overreacting.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


And you didn't by comparing us to SOVIET RUSSIA?

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


Chill. The fuck. Out.

5432254 I thought you people wanted to be treated equally? Are we all supposed to treat you as the special snowflakes that you are, or normal people that can handle harassment like adults? Pick one, aspie.

5432169 This is very sad to see this. That you, Sororitas_Kate, that you feel do this to find any form of acknowledgment or form of gratification from others by intensionally go out of your way to insult others with provocative images and comments. You must feel very lonely in your existence, most likely no real friends, if you can't find anything better to do then to cowedly hide behind the anonymity of the Internet and through shit as perfect strangers that you will most likely never have the chance to interact with them in a civilized manner in person. I know that the image and your comments has nothing to do with your personal opinions, only that you get the chance to hurt others feelings and get away from it without any investment on your part.

So sad...

5432260 And I'm sure your mommy said you're artistic too.

Root Beer
Group Contributor

5432264 What's wrong with comparing dictatorial actions to the most famous dictatorship of all time?

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


You're right. As much as I feel uncomfortable admitting it, you're right.

Everyone, we have to stop overreacting like this. This harassment, this anger... It's vile. Utterly vile. We have to be civilized and engage in intelligent discussion. Want to be treated like adults, guys? Then act like it. Control your damn anger and tempers, and DON'T INSULT PEOPLE AND START A FLAME WAR, AND DON'T HARASS THEM AFTER THEY GET BANNED FOR BIGOTRY.


Well, it's like saying that... Fuck it, it's like saying it worked for Nazi Germany! Does that have ANY positive connotation, even if it's true?

Group Contributor


Wait, it's a disability now?

Oh goodness, yes. It's a clinical diagnosis for a reason. I mean, I only have a fairly mild case of Asbergers, but there are still times I feel like I'm living in a world where nothing makes sense. I have no job because I am literally medically unfit to work, proper documentation and everything. People with more serious symptoms can barely communicate with others. Some of us have no sense of humor, are incapable of lying, can't read facial expressions, etc. It's can be a frustrating, debilitating and lonely way to live, because this society simply wasn't designed for people like us.

As for the intelligence thing, that is sorta true - "gifted" people do tend to have some mental deficiencies, statistically speaking, as a kind of natural compensation. It's easier to be great at something when you are terrible at a whole lot of other things. That's why geniuses are stereotypically portrayed as very eccentric. Some of us take pride in it, because we still need things to feel good about. Mostly, though, we simply tend to be very focused on things that interest us, which makes us seem smart to people who think intelligence is that same thing as "knowing stuff."

Anyway, the point is, what you are doing is roughly equivalent to bullying someone in a wheelchair. I get that you have your own frustrations to work out, but perhaps you should pick a more tasteful target.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


THIS is what I'm talking about. Good on you for keeping a level head- not to sound like I'm putting everyone else down; I'm just tired of all this shit.

5432271 Well, I see it as trying to get you retards to fuck off with a side of entertainment. But hey, if you really look at it, with how easy it is to rile up you idiots, it is sad.

Time Reaper
Group Admin


I see, it's true that some of us overstepped our boundaries (considering that they probably don't know where those boundaries are) but should we apologize? He came here trolling and he not only got banned but is now realizing why he shouldn't troll a group that is known for being stubborn. I think he deserves it.

Granted, I think that some stuff should be discussed with the admins but preferably once this dude gets banned again. For now I'm trying to help in some things, but I'll give my opinion on some aspects soon.

And as you can see, ignoring him can works, just look at how angry and jelous he gets just by trying to get my attention, it's hilarious.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


I'm not sure of whether this is the same person, mate.


Actually, I don't have aspergers, nor am I autistic.

I have ADHD, but do I care? No.

Also, and I'd say both.

You treat us as special, but you also treat us like normal people.

We're humans, too, dumbass.

We can feel, we can smell, we have emotions, we can see, we can eat- we can do the same things humans can do.

Sure, there's SOME added difficulty, but in the end, we are still humans...

Root Beer
Group Contributor

5432256 Here's how this group should work. When someone is being an asshole, tell them kindly not to be one, if they continue to be an asshole after you've kindly asked them, ban them. It's that simple, and it works every time. No you can't ban these people if you work with them, but you sure can ignore them. You may be wondering why I didn't do that, and the answer is because I didn't feel like it. Of course, it's not like any of that matters. The point of that blog post, similar to the other ones, was just to rile people with Asperger's Syndrome.

5432290 Why the fuck would I be jealous? 5432285 just explained how shit your life is.

Shadow of the Night
Group Admin


You may be wondering why I didn't do that, and the answer is because I didn't feel like it.

There's also the fact that you're a contributor and not an admin. Not to sound like an asshat, but that matters as well. I agree with your policy, though.

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