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Im sorry that it had to come to this but if i see one more hate thread im leaving.

I love this community but i cant and will not tolerate hate.

Group Contributor

5428172 it was a troll this time, there was no actual hate present

Group Contributor

There are going to be trolls every now and then unfortunately, but what they are doing really says more about them than anyone else. We can't control their behavior but we can control our reaction to it.

Jesse Coffey
Group Contributor

5428172 I report every person here who spouts hate speech about Autistic persons. Didn't know you were one yourself.

Im not but my brother is but i may as well be one...( Not saying there is anything wrong with that) because as soon as some one hears that my brother has autism the treat me like im am idiot who has no worth

5428198 It's hard not to ignore a troll who bashes people for the sake of self-amusement, but we do have to be careful with how we approach said troll or we will keep feeding him the aggravation he so craves. For one thing, you must report anyone who would make fun of autistic people to the administrators and get him to cease under the penalty of being banned from the site for however it need be.

I would personally ignore the hate and troll stuff, not worth the time.

5428172 I totally relate. I have a brother has autism, but the best you could is ignore trolls.

5428172 I know how you feel. I have a disability myself. (None of the doctors could figure me out. I may have Asperger's). Don't pay him any attention. Bullies like him take pleasure in seeing people getting angry.

5428172 Y'know, when I first joined this group, I didn't expect something like that to happen either. I understand how you feel, though. This is a bit of a personal subject for me, too (though I wish to refrain from elaboration for the sake of my own privacy). But I certainly wouldn't leave this group over the incident.

Life's not an echo chamber. There are going to be idiots, schmucks, and idiotic schmucks everywhere you go. And unless you can actually have an intelligent conversation with such a person, you're better off just not giving them the time of day.

That's just my advice. Use it as you see fit. :duck:

Time Reaper
Group Admin


Being someone who mostly knows how to deal with trolls (they never go after me once I engage them) I'll tell you that all the trolls that could say something on this site, the best way to deal with them is by ignoring them. They want attention and not giving it to them it's what will send them away.


Thank you all for the kind words:pinkiesmile: this is actually the first time i have ever dealt with Trolls so i did and said what i thought was right sorry evey one:fluttercry::pinkiesad2:

Group Contributor

Guess there should be a story we should make on Defening Our Self-Advocacy Against Haters.

Big Brother is Watching
Group Contributor

I don't think there's any legitimate hate towards us on FIMFic, those were troll threads. Even if they weren't, they weren't from Autists themselves, whom this group is aimed at.

Group Admin

5428188 5428220
Let me know so that I can block them

5428457 Can I hug you ?

5428593 We are making a story

Group Contributor
Group Admin

5428908 Do you want to tack part in it ?

Group Admin

5428944 I can what ?

Group Admin

5428964 yes you can hug me. *hugs you*

Group Contributor

5428913 sure, but I just gotta know the concept first.

Group Admin

5429009 What do you mean ?

Time Reaper
Group Admin


Do not worry, the sad part about dealing with trolls is that you learn by facing them. I learned because trolling is a part of the Venezuelan lifestyle (we call it chalequeo and it's a way of joking around but never aiming to complete hurting comments, at least considering the level of tolerance of the targe- I mean, person) you learn how to deal with trolls, or at least how to detect them, because you practically become one.

I don't follow that rule because I have a very dry humor (and almost lack a soul to have emotions), but I have learned how to detect trolls and, depending on the troll or person, how to deal with it.

For you, I recommend you to avoid them as much as you can until you learn how they act, and do not worry, the power in their words only affects you as much as you allow them to affect you.

Group Contributor

5429017 I just have to know what the story is, then I can chip in on it. Right now, I'm going to school.

Group Contributor

I think I saw it. I didn't get a good look since I was busy.

5428172 somebody is always going to try to make fun of other people because putting other people down makes them feel better about themselves. I'm sorry you had to deal with somebody like that. All you can do about people like that is ignore them because they're just trying to get people mad and they will continue if you respond the way they want you to.

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