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A certain user on this site has spewed condescending bullshit directed at me, an upset to the point of tears. Right now, I feel like I don't matter and maybe I should drop dead so this particular brony can get his fucking rocks off on the suffering of a mentally ill girl that he misgendered.

I'm sending a PM so we can talk with more accuracy.
However, no, you really shouldn't hurt yourself.


5370196 Never! I may mot know you, but you sound like a great person! Whatever they did, just.....ignore them. They go on to a point where you are weak, very weak, and then they maul and run you over till you're dead. Litterally.

So please, feel free to PM me.

Group Admin

5370196 I had to comment here, because of how close I am to this already.

I know how much that hurts. Believe me. But his words don't matter. He's ignorant and misguided, and you don't have to take what he says seriously. You have friends here. We can help you. We can support you. And we're here for you, no matter what.

Don't feel like you don't matter. Don't ever feel that way. You matter to me. You matter to your friends. You always matter to someone in this world, no matter how bad you feel. Stay strong. We're here for you.

5370196 First, if someone makes you feel terrible about yourself, ignore them.
Second, all life matters. Yours, mine, even his/her's.


Killing yourself is a very bad idea. Especially if it's over some nobody on the internet giving you a hard time. You do not have to put up with that. Whoever this person is, he is not the captain of your soul. He's not even the goddamn cabin boy. You are under no obligation to appease him, live up to his standards, or give him any power over you whatsoever.

Anyway, even contemplating suicide is considered a medical emergency. As in, it's directly comparable to having a heart-attack or being poisoned - your life is in danger, which gives you the right to immediate assistance from someone specifically trained to help you. That's how much you matter. It may not seem like it right now, but you are a beautiful, irreplaceable being and your life is valuable beyond measure.

Please don't hurt yourself. I know it feels hopeless at the moment, like everything is a bleak nightmare but it won't last forever. So many people would be heartbroken if something happened to you, so please talk to someone. Talk to a friend or a family member, or talk to us here. We all care about you.

5370196 If you die, they win. Defy them, instead, by choosing life. :rainbowdetermined2:

I wanted to think about this for a while before I posted this. As someone who has contemplated suicide before I have this to say.

Don't listen to anyone about it. Most people's reasons why you shouldn't kill yourself are selfish. They don't want you to die because they would be hurt by it. They want to assume that what you are going through can be fixed, that death would be a permanent solution to a temporary problem. That may be. I'm not saying that they are wrong about that. But, in my battle with depression, I've found only one thing matters: how do you feel?

Really, only you can decide if you have the strength to last one more minute, one more hour, one more day, one more week. Of course I would hate to see someone die, we would be sad to hear about it. But to me, when you're at this point, it is no longer about us. It's about you.

Staying alive for others won't help. Seriously. I kept trying that, but it became fragile if the people I put my dependence on let me down or whatever. And things are fleeting, material, even experiences. Ultimately, you have to be at peace with yourself. You keep going because you know in your heart you can, because you're willing to see what happens. It builds the foundation for a healthier way of thinking. The idea that you're alive because you chose to be despite your feelings can really give you strength. You build from the inside out, and recognize that you ultimately aren't alone when you have yourself.

I hope you find these words helpful. And if you truly are at the point where you can go no further then I simply wish you the best whatever you decide. I don't want to seem like I'm encouraging it, because I'm really not. Just know that if you're slipping away and would rather not that there is help. I'm not trying to sound cliché, but depression is a symptom. What causes the symptom can be treated if you are willing and to great effect.

I've been at the threshold of an attempt before. I hope you will be able to say you lived to tell about it.

Group Admin

5370196 You should absolutely not hurt yourself. Who cares what that guy thinks? Don't let the opinions of others pull you down.

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.~

In other words, nobody can make you feel like a nothing without you first letting them.

Group Admin

I would impose the "no more than four people per thread" rule here, but suicide is a very serious topic that requires maximum attention.

Good job helping out, everyone.

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