Printed Fiction Hardcopies 398 members · 710 stories
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Wait, what?

That’s right! We’re doing another run.


Ouch! My wallet!

Don’t worry, it’ll be cheaper this time. We’ve combined both volumes from the previous run into one ubermensch-massive tome, which—while larger—will be more affordable all around.

Awesome! How much is it going to cost this time around?

Like last time, that depends on how many copies we end up ordering. The current estimate for domestic orders, including shipping and PayPal fees, is $47 USD. (The price for international orders will be a bit higher.) Remember, we’re printing each copy from scratch—these books aren’t going to be mass-produced, which means they cost more per unit to make. The good news is that $47 is a high estimate, and the more people we get on board with this, the more that cost drops for everyone.

So go spread the word!

Sweet! When and how can I throw my money at you?

Soon. We’re still hunting around for the best price, but we’ll give you a few months to save and set up a PayPal account (if you don’t already have one). In keeping with last time, PayPal will be the ONLY way we can accept payment, so the sooner you set that up, the better.

I have more questions that this list didn’t cover!

Post them in the comments on Chengar's blog--we'll answer them there! (This thread is primarily an announcement.)

UPDATE: Please reference this blog post regarding the print-run

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: The order form handily accessible at this link is open for one week! Come sign up and get a copy!

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