Undertale 1,142 members · 160 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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There's a lot of humor and other things in the derivations of the names of various Undertale characters. Those I've come across most are the derivations of the Dreemurr family (and the anagrams thereof). But I just came across something else.

While looking up the names of Angels of Death (for reasons), I came across one from Judaism...


...sound familiar?

5164685 It goes even deeper than that. In Waterfall, Frisk reads about a prophesy that an "angel" who has "seen the surface" will break the barrier and free all of monster kind. By the end of the True Pacifist route, Asriel fulfills that prophesy, having seen the surface and using all the combined souls to break the barrier.

Definitely a clever name.

5164685 Azrael, Angel of Death:

Asriel in his "Angel of Death" form:

They even look kind of similar.

Clever, Toby. Clever.

Group Admin

That's assuming Toby Fox knows Pete Mohrbacher's art.

5164685 Game Theory and Culture shock already mentioned it. It doesn't come as a surprise to me.


Well, I call it right now.

Toby fox is not only a God and a F#%king genius.

He is, the pun master.

Not even Sans could win this battle, for Toby, is the pun God.

there's a lot going on around undertale highlighted by Gaijin Goomba and Game theory. Dante's inferno, Irish origins of characters, "sage or murderer"...

5164685 Yep. Something else you might be interested in is, in the apocryphal Book of Enoch, one of the fallen Watchers, or Guardian Angels, has the name Turiel.

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