I HATE Starlight Glimmer 143 members · 54 stories
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Has anyone seen this episode, as since I no longer watch the show, I haven't seen it, all I know is that Discord trolls Starlight, but one scene in particular made me shake my head, Starlight really needs her horn removed.


(Starlight banishes Discord's physical form, which is a flimsy/kid friendly way to say she killed him, right...)

This is what I think of that hasbro (and waiting for the glimmer fans to become butthurt)

So Starlight now commands the Wavemotion gun!

I showed this to someone who supposedly has studied writing and they kept telling me that Starlight isn't a Mary Sue.


Up to this point, her not being a Mary Sue is hard to wrap our head around, but since she keeps making stupid mistakes (keeps using magic on other characters), has anger issues, and causing problems for other characters, she's not a true Mary Sue, she's definitely close to being one however, and as I said, up to this point, it's hard not to call her one

(Having the power to literally banish a God more powerful than Celestia without something to temporarily boost her power like the elements of harmony , and being able to remove the cutie marks of two gods)

I cant see the killing discord clips (dumb computer) but honestly it doesn't surprise me that the writers would give their oc that much power


Anything to prove she's the most "amazing" Waifu in the show, even better than Twilight

Don't forget Vogel, too.

As if her automatically befriending everyone she meets, having a tragic, pity-worthy backstory, Twilight incessantly wanting to protect her, never suffering, never taking responsibility, and never paying for her mistakes didn't make her enough of a Mary Sue, now she's powerful enough to not only fight an Alicorn without breaking a sweat and effortlessly demonstrate spells that no one else has, but can also easily blast the god of chaos into oblivion.

Christ, I hate this character. How do people defend this piece of shit?

They have allowed themselves to be blind.


Yeah, I'm getting pissed off about how like I've been saying, the show and fandom are playing favorites with Starlight, and the show staff is pandering to the rabid fans who will praise any stupid thing Starlight Glimmer does only cause "She's Starlight Glimmer and she can do no wrong."

Thank you! Oh god, her fans really annoy me, they really do. I even read a comment saying that "She's improved so much, she doesn't deserve to suffer because she's no pussy like the other characters." Also "She's the best Waifu in the show." Why do people even like this awful character. I've read hundreds of comments about the episode and not one person thought Starlight was in the wrong for killing Discord (Sure Hasbro try to cover the fact that he died by saying she banished his "physical form", I'm certainly not buying it, especially when you actually see his freaking spirit!) But I saw someone say that they think the show is making her too powerful, I mean, she shot her magic like a freaking canon instead of a laser. Believe me, do to the show loving Starlight so much, it only gets worse from here.

At this point she could brutally murder someone in the show or destroy Ponyville similar to Double Rainboom and they'd still applaud her. I'd rather see Chris Chan do a Curse-ye-ha-me-ha on her (and speaking of him, though I hate to bring him up, is it just me or is she turning very similar to him? I mean think about it, both have anger issues, they have the mentality of bratty children, are public nuisances, though Starlight has magic and Chris doesn't, keep causing trouble and getting off scott free mostly, they don't care for anyone else but themselves, they won't reform and throw tantrums, makes me wonder why both haven't been imprisoned).

That's exactly what I said, no matter what this piece of shit does, she's praised or forgiven extremely quickly. If they can love her even though she ultimately destroyed all of space and time, they can love her if she became a child abuser or outright kill Celestia and Luna and take their place. Calling her fans idiots is not hard, it's very tempting, especially when they chose to hate characters who arguably have done less cringe worthy things. But Starlight Glimmer is the best most amazing character in the show so she's always in the right, even if she's hurt so many people, if not in the right she doesn't deserve hatred because she's the best pony. All hail Queen Starlight! (Eye roll) What's better than throwing Starlight in jail, is severing her horn, she's nothing without her magic, since she relies on it far too much. Who's Chris? From the way you describe him, I don't think I like him, but I want to know who he is.

Those gifs of Starlight getting tossed are perfect, and I still blame Josh Haber for everything...

Thanks! It was mighty satisfying to see Starlight getting slammed, even when Juniper hurt her, despite Juniper being a poor villain, it's hard not to look at Glimmerbuse in derpibooru. As for Josh, I do too, where did all the good writers go?


They defend her because they are idiots who in which many, imagine themselves marrying, it's funny how these people put OCs down who are too powerful, yet praise a canon character who is too powerful and literally shown out doing other characters, where is the logic in that? I can just imagine them crying, sending death threats, making petitions, or leaving the show if the writers decided to get rid of Starlight. The excessive praise and love this overrated, Mary sueish character gets makes me want to throw a chair. :facehoof:


And there's no salvation for them. They'll love her no matter what. Even Discord called her incompetent and power hungry to her face, and see what that got him, death/banishment. This is all the proof I need which shows she shouldn't be a princess, not if she's going to execute or exile characters who question her leadership. Tyrant Celestia is out of the question.

But we know for a fact she will be a princess cause "she's the greatest and deserves everything handed to her with no effort what so ever


Yeah, all hail Queen Starlight who can do nothing wrong! Let not forget that she didn't even truly redeem herself.


You're welcome and I'm glad you can agree with me. Severing her horn would be a good thing as long as she doesn't become another Tempest Shadow (whom I despise even more than Starlight)...

Your points tend to be good, the fact Tempest (who reminds me of a more boring version of Starlight Glimmer and don't get me started on Templight) could still use magic confused me, than again, a tiny portion of what was left of her horn remained, but her magic should have still been pretty much gone. Starlight Glimmer must have her horn completely removed and magic permanently disabled. She can't be trusted with it.

all she's doing with her forced/constant forgiveness thing is painting a fake picture on how the world works, stuff like that doesn't happen in real life even if the show supposedly teaches "life lessons."

I know right, and it makes her such a waste of a good character. The show is teaching some really horribly jacked up messages

1. Pairing up a baby and adult are okay (Spike and Rarity)

2. Every bad guy can be saved and easily become your friend if you are nice to them.

3. It's okay to harass, stalk, manipulate and kiss a girl without her consent, in the end, she will love you anyway (hard to say anything)

4. It's okay if you aren't actually learning from your mistakes, in the end you are forgiven (Starlight Glimmer)

I recently looked at Pokémon Heroes, had two villains who tried to take a crystal being thieves in the Japanese version and Team Rocket agents in the English version, almost succeeded at their goal, and guess what happened to them? They got arrested and ended up in prison as shown in the credits which shows an important life lesson FiM fails to show: don't do a crime if you can't serve the time, and in the end, villains always pay the price for what they did (about Chris, oh you're lucky to not know about him).

I will have to look into that being a pokemon fan, sounds interesting. I especially like how pokemon is darker than some people who believe it's for babies, think. Starlight executes worse acts than the other villains in this show and they all paid the price, cept for her. So what lesson are they trying to teach, it's okay to instantly forgive a felon as long as they come with a beautiful appearance and sob story? Even when they constantly do criminal acts afterwards, it's no big deal in the end? Well, from the way you describe this Chris guy, I don't think I like him.

SilverStarApple on this page also summed it up much better than I did: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/201654/we-hate-whats-happened-to-mlp/thread/127700/why-do-we-hate-whats-happened-to-mlp#page/2

He once again hit the nail on the head, don't think I could have worded it any better.

The only good thing I can say about the whole debacle of her practiac

Sadly most of the old writers moved on...

Them leaving is literally killing the show...

Do you know who my favorite Pokemon villain is? Hunter J. Not only was she remorseless for the acts she committed, she got exactly what she deserved! She made the show watchable to me again.


I don't ship Spike with anyone either. Most pairings people have come up with does not please me in the slightest. I'm not much of a shipper, nowadays, people will ship anything and it's like people can't make up their minds on who they like as a pairing, a little while ago it was Spike x Ember, now it's Spike X Smolder, in a little while, it could be Spike X a Griffin named Crystal.

I'm still somewhat curious about this Chris guy, if you say he's that bad.

Yeah, not to mention much of the creep factor in pokemon lies in unanswered questions like, were most adults killed in a war? Do people eat pokemon? Not to mention the manga, and pokedex entries can get really messed up.


I know who you are talking about, and yes she was awesome, one of the best antagonists in the show, and she actually died, I guess they can't keep alive someone that cruel. Than we have Starlight, who is much worse yet is allowed to get away with her crimes.


Sun and moon is alright, but the character designs do put me off. I don't know how to explain how horrid the characters look, their pokemon companions look relatively the same.

...And I've seen a Starlight fan's video on how Starlight is somehow just a "slow-learner" and that that's what makes her more interesting than Sunset Shimmer:ajbemused:

Thank goodness I can search blogs, and just to be clear what I said was just one relevant piece of a very extensive video, so I may be oversimplifying... or not:ajsmug:

I like Alphamon's work, but I disagree with him heavily on things like this. We even got into a long argument in a thread recently...

starlight is the reason I stop watch the show,
I say replace starlight with someone fan want like sunset simmer, freak I think flash would be good choose and he bland as can be.


That's basically the equivalent of calling her stupid :applejackconfused: (Do to what Starlight does and how blindly fans defend it, I'm speaking about her in particular, so sorry if this comment came out as offensive to those who have trouble learning)
I'm afraid unlike Sunset, Starlight screws up so much usually over the same thing (like magic abuse) so many times that it's embarrassing, even after she seen the negative consequences of her actions, out of all three (Twilight, Sunset, Glimmer) I can honestly say that Starlight has the least common sense.

I know, crazy that people seem to not even understand the concept of learning.


I am interested in hearing your thoughts on why you disagree with certain things on the video, and the link to the thread if you don't mind.


I agree with you on everything, Starlight is also the reason why I find it hard to watch the show, every single time, she says or does something that makes me double face palm

I prefer Sunset too, even if the video omnishifter shown made a point that Sunset is less flawed than Starlight, Starlight to me is not that likable. Even Flash is more tolerable in my opinion too.


People actually think school is what learning is.

Comment posted by Cianna200 deleted Aug 20th, 2018

nods, though to be fair I have read a few very few fic in which starlight is not as bad though very few


You mean in which her character is written better? / The friendship test is my favorite Starlight fic of all time, it may be very dark with a sad ending but how it manages to portray evil Starlight was nice.

that or she write like she could have been and well loved and like ie how her fan see her ie like mane 6 and such.
but really I hate sound of her voice


To me she sounds like a mix between Sunset and Twilight, notice how her voice changed after she reformed.

really I think starlight would have been better off as the offspring of sunset and twilight it would explain her power level and few of her issues. but be like with the children of the mane 6 ie set in future and force on the kids of the mane 6


But how can two mares have children unless they adopt them? Some people believe a life spell for unicorns.

If you mean the thread where I got in to an argument with Alphamon, it was about A Canterlot Wedding, and if you really want to read it:https://www.fimfiction.net/group/198187/the-accusation-fic-collection/thread/362515/what-if-the-rest-of-the-mane-six-and-princess-celestia-believed-twilight#comment/6460051
I feel proud of my defense of my arguments, even if in retrospect they aren't bulletproof, and that I walked away when further discussion would've been pointless:ajsmug:

As for the video, I disagree with the idea that Starlight is a slow-learning gradual protagonist with genuine merit to her actions rather than the petty and selfish Creator's Pet who made a life of brainwashing others just to make herself feel better for having a friend who moved up in life that I know she is, and this thread/episode it centers around confirmed that, hence why I brought it up. Other than that... it's been a bit since I've seen it and I'll come back when I watch it later, as I have other things to do at the moment:twilightsheepish:

:rainbowlaugh: Totally with you there!

She sounded gruffer to me, like she was trying to sound more forthright and authoritative when she was an antagonist, but now that she isn't her voice has a softer inflection... don't know if that's intentional on her actress' part or not but it wouldn't surprise me:applejackunsure:

My thought on that is that just being flawed isn't a good thing if the flaws don't lead to anything good or interesting, I'd take an overly capable protagonist over a "flawed" yet unlikable one. Sunset has a more interesting storyline for me anyway, as the Equestria Girls plots that I've seen so far remain interesting whereas Starlight's place in the insanity the show has become doesn't do her any favors... in fact the only thing I find her tolerable in is the EG special Mirror Magic because despite her being the one to solve the problem that the others could have anyway had they been free, she plays the role at its most basic, "other girls are captured to make the threat suspenseful, so we have to have someone else get them out". Annoying, and admittedly pushing her in where she isn't strictly needed, but not as frustrating as her episodes... and honestly she's really cute in human form:twilightblush: I love that cap of hers!

i go off theory that all alicron have both fully funtion sex part


Hmm, what an interesting debate you both have and I must say both of your points were good. That scene truly upset me, especially when no one apologized to Twilight other than Applejack (I know she did so on the behalf of others but I don't like this, they all should have apologized.)

He's right when he said that Twilight just stormed in with a nasty temper and threw accusations while expecting everyone to believe her with the way she was acting. From the sound of it, it just sounded as if she was trying to prevent her brother from marrying a pony she didn't like. The fact that Shining Armor told the "truth" of what was really happening only made Twilight look even worse in front of her friends and Celestia.

On the other hoof, you're right that they shouldn't have just abandoned her at that, not to mention none of them took the time to really listen to Twilight, they all just left without giving her a chance. They most likely took Shining's word as the actual truth. In this instant, it seemed as if Twilight had nothing to prove, as how could she prove anything? I understand that Shining (as much as I was angry at him because Twilight was just trying to protect him because she feared he was about to marry someone horrible, not to mention he knew she was trying to protect him but his anger at Twilight clouded his judgement) had to comfort Cadence/Chrysalis, at least someone should have stayed behind and spoke to Twilight about it, but no, Hasbro needed them all gone so the fake Cadence could come and do away with her to stop her meddling. In the end, no pony understood that Twilight was simply a relative, worrying about who her loved one was marrying. They never stopped to consider that. I understand leaving a discussion, I remember arguing with an ex member who actually liked Starlight, about how we the people, of this group are obnoxious Starlight haters, but I ended the discussion because there wasn't any point and I was getting seriously angry.

I agree, Starlight is not a slow learner, the fact is that the creators are pushing this character to be as likable as possible and trying their hardest to separate her from Sunset and Twilight that they have to make her a constant screw up. Also like many Starlight fans and haters, he honestly buys into the crap that Starlight's heart was in the right place when she created that cult when it becomes clear her intentions were wicked. The evil smiles, the way she spoke, something wasn't right about this woman.

Also she isn't learning that abusing magic is wrong, "every little thing she does", "no second prances", "all bottled up", "a matter of principals". The fact that she has to keep learning this lesson again and again shows not a slow learner, but someone who doesn't want to learn, why do you think she has to use magic to handle her problems, take the easy way out?
I could bring up what else is wrong with her but Silver Star Apple does a far better job explaining the problem with Starlight other than her bratty whiny refusal to grow up nature.


Now that I think of it, maybe Starlight really was just trying to sound authoritative, but dropped the facade once she "reformed."


Bravo. Glimmer is very flawed but she's an obnoxious child who can't grow up. She's an annoying Twilight Sparkle 1.0 with a massive amount of magic. She's not very likable and as I said before, she does or says something in every episode (that unfortunately for Starlight haters, includes her) that makes me want to whack her with a paddle. I never really hated an overrated character this much since Cynder the dragon.

Sunset's backstory is very much believable and her redemption arc was done well. I'm afraid I groaned when they included Starlight, and the truth is that they had to make the other characters look like chumps just to make her look good, they hit captured way too easily, character upstaging is what Glimmer is best at. She does look cute as a human, and as a pony too, she's adorable, it's too bad I hate her. :rainbowlaugh:


True that, many of them consists of characters who never met, aren't compatible, are wtf, or did relatively minor things and they are shipped for it. (Sitting next to each other, looking at each other, walking in the same direction) don't even get me started on shipping the mane six with each other. Not to mention there's the thing called shipper logic.

Yeah I know that now, it makes sense as almost every creature is a pokemon and humans have been observed eating meat, even vegetables could count as pokemon. Several pokedex entries confirmed pokemon being eaten
It's already established that pokemon will eat each other.


Uh, okay? I don't know about that, unless the characters are genderless I suppose. I however believe that hasbro, like many people in fiction works, wouldn't really have that. It's still, male and female makes babies.

I never really hated Cynder the dragon.


I used to like her, but her fanbrats drive me insane, not to mention her character could have been done better, once I thought it, and like Starlight, she's treated like a perfect goddess who is the best thing to ever happen to the franchise. Between the rabid fans of Starlight and Cynder, I can honestly say Cynder's is worse. I liked both characters more when they were villains.


I haven't seen good shipping logic yet, I mostly see characters always being accused of being "canon" or in love no matter what they say or do.

I know, and what frustrated me was that I freely conceded that Twilight was wrong (she didn't know or suspect that wasn't Cadence, so she's actually wrong in her accusation whether it really was Cadence or not, it was what she saw and observed she was right about... as Chrysalis herself says), but Alphamon (as you saw) kept acting like just because I wasn't saying that every five seconds I was defending her friends or making Twilight's feelings the priority, which I wasn't, all I say about A Canterlot Wedding is that however wrong Twilight was to go crazy like that, that in no way gives her supposed friends or mentor the right to just walk out on her with not the slightest bit of concern. I admit from their perspective it would seem the obvious response, but it isn't the reaction a caring and mature individual would have, especially ones that know how crazy Twilight can get and that ignoring her makes it worse:twilightangry2:

The fact that Alphamon kept ignoring that point and acting like Twilight was just being a brat that needed a good metaphorical whupping, when these characters are supposed to be young adults who we are supposed to learn lessons on being reasonable and social from, made me realize we weren't getting anywhere. That and I had to keep repeating myself, as I mentioned, including my original point that Alphamon responded to in the first place! (I'm still bamboozled and incensed by that).

Having re-watched it, I found actually nothing to disagree with in the Sunset vs Starlight thing other then what I already mentioned about Starlight being more excusable in her actions and just a slow-learner, since that is the main point the creator was making.

But yes, Starlight was clearly not doing this with any positive intention, brainwashing in the form she did is clearly that of a villain, and her attitude when called out on her lies is outrage and selfish reassertion of her ideas, rather than hurt or loss. Add in the "not giving them a choice and clearly allowing those who want their marks back fear her" and her malicious and triumphant attitude and she clearly was in it for herself. Also, Starlight clearly says she wants to spread her "way of living" to the rest of Equestria, which is why she was so interest in Twilight and her friends in the first place, not because they got in the way, which is something the creator of the video, LowPon, got completely wrong... for a fan he sure doesn't listen to her:applejackunsure: Another problem that he misses by thinking Starlight is at all excusable in her creation of Our Town is that Starlight is the representation of the show's absolute one-eighty on Cutie Marks: The marks are meant to be a literal symbol of a realization of one's personal talent in life, whether overtly what one pony wants to do (like Applejack or Fluttershy) or is a supplementary skill which the pony can use to help fulfill that dream (Rainbow Dash and Rarity), whereas nowadays Cutie Marks are treated like this thing that is sometimes good or sometimes not, that the symbol is nothing more than that, a symbol that has no origin tied to a pony's development (Episodes where somepony doesn't know what their own fizzing special talent is when they get it:twilightangry2:, and the fact the Crusaders' ones are way too vague and don't do anything but repeat that insane idea and tie them together as characters... oh and re-iterate friendship is the end-all-be-all for the 100th time!:twilightangry2:)

To be fair, there wasn't much they could've done since the girls had no idea she had magic and had no reason to think she would be a serious threat, and Sunset had to get that close to find out she had it in the first place and her empathy would make the most reasonable choice to try to reason with her... would've helped if she'd at least taken a few cautious steps back though.

You know who Starlight reminds me of? Obito Uchiha.

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