☭Communism☭ 126 members · 19 stories
Comments ( 26 )
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I just want to know, what type of computer are you guys using right now? Also, what phones do you guys have, or perhaps what brand of TV do you watch MLP (provided by the Hasbro corporation) on? You know what... Buck it! I want to know what compony or cooperation your bed, your refrigerator, your car, microwave, food, clothes, real estate provider, electricity provider, cable?

Just wondering

Oh, and if you do establish communism where profit is criminalized and corporations cease to exist, how will you provide the people with all the necessities they need for a prosperous life?

I can't help but feel you're being sly :ajbemused:

We're forced to buy things because that's the only way you can get things. If we weren't forced to buy them we wouldn't. We need these fucking things. And also, Hasbro is profit-oriented but the specific staff that made mlp are mostly interested in giving us a great show and getting by in life. It's mostly the top management (of any company except the small ones) that are corrupt. Also, the system I personally believe in is here

well amigo, I use a gateway computer on windows 7 and I currently watch MLP on a 50 inch Vizio flatscreen TV

No one is Irving you to buy things. It just so happens there are some things tgat people require in order to live. If you want to go through the hardships and life threatening situations to provide these things yourself, then go ahead; no ones stoping you. However, me and the rest of humanity who understand common sense principles will rather buy these things that are already provided by coorporations.

Oh, and if the staff at MLP weren't doing it for the money even at the slightest, then there wouldn't be MLP. I highly doubt Tara Strong would voice act if she wasn't getting paid (besides, who in their right minds would put on a show for people who masturbate and fantasize about fucking little animated animals and be proud of it solely to give you a great show?)


I want to know what compony or cooperation your bed, your refrigerator, your car, microwave, food, clothes, real estate provider, electricity provider, cable?

None of them are good, I assure you.

I just want to know, what type of computer are you guys using right now?

I've got a shit computer from a company that makes great stuff that I will never be able to afford.

Also, what phones do you guys have

I don't have a phone and my parents have flip-phones because we can't afford anything else because said corporations over-price the living fuck out of common things.

what brand of TV do you watch MLP

A mediocre old-ass flat screen because anything new is mad over-priced as well.

MLP (provided by the Hasbro corporation)

MLP isn't a exactly a great show if that's what you're implying. And Hasbro can eat a dick, my childhood died when they killed off the real Tranformers.

Yeah, if I was able to afford all of the good shit, that'd be great.

But I can't, so your argument has no real validity.

I mean, if my father wasn't forced out of work by a shitty company that was trying to cover it's ass and then gave him nothing in return and revoked his benefits for working for five years and not missing a single day, my life might be a bit better. Even if I went out myself and worked my ass off, it still won't change shit because I'll end up getting taxed by a government that's been sucked dry by helping out said corporations.

Life sucks for anyone poor in the current system and it'll still suck if a new system comes in and fails. What the fuck do we have to lose?

I'm a centrist, I think communists and capitalists are idiots for not trying to merge the two properly for the benefit of all and would rather instead focus so hard to fight each other.

4266474 I have a miniature net of Free PCs ..
I barely use Phonies or TV, the PC is handling this as well. I guess it is servicable.

How to provide for us, the people?
factories still will produce all the articles we need and the farms will still produce our food, right?
Only now, we choose what we need, not the $$$.

Of course, we need to have the people making our choices prove themselves Academically.
How can any of you trust an ecconomics devision, where the people can barely spell the word Ecconomy?
While they may be well versed in the "Joys" of Greed?

Production needs o be split up, step by step, from Research, Design, Programming, Production, Distribution and Delivery.
4266495 Sly, like a Pinkie and her Infernal Pie?
4266499 Sadly, they need to be weary of acconomics. Yet, they do produce a quality show well worth our time.
4266550 Woah, still on Win7, just curious as to why? Not trusting this particular update, as they refer to it?
Although I go by the well established cycle, win 8 is once more crap.
Oh, and this is the root of Greed made manifest.
4266580 This isn't entirely true. Even if they are technically not forcing you, but they make you do it all the while.
They trick us into thinking we need these items, while we in fact don't.
All we need is the bare nesesseties of our basical needs. Now, where is the food in place of the fabricated nonsense they try to push on us?


Oh look, a loaded question. How quaint.

Here's a better question: Who made the stuff you buy? And before you respond with "Hasbro" or "Dell" or whatnot: I asked who, not what. Companies, despite what the US Supreme court will tell you, are not people. They are ideas. Concepts. They are not "whos", they are "whats". Again, I want to know who made your shit?

Let me answer that for you since you seem more intent on getting your buddies to downvote me rather than answering straightly: Workers. Workers made your shit. Not CEOs or Managers in 3-peice suits. Workers. Workers will also be the ones making your shit in communism, albeit without the capitalist class to extract surplus value in the form of profit from their labor. Well, that and robots. Especially since under communism being replaced by a robot is a GOOD thing, as opposed to the life-destroying affair it currently is under capitalism.

And then ask: Who gets the profits? Again: who, not what. Workers only get the tiniest fraction of the value they helped produce in the form of a wage or salary. The rest of it goes to the Capitalist.

Also: Marxism is not Liberal Lifestylism.

Oh, and if you do establish communism where profit is criminalized and corporations cease to exist, how will you provide the people with all the necessities they need for a prosperous life?

Because that's really the only way to organize people, right? If so, that's just fucking sad.


Oh, and if you do establish communism where profit is criminalized and corporations cease to exist, how will you provide the people with all the necessities they need for a prosperous life?

Question is as ignorant as your user icon is pretentious. For starters, it is pretty misanthropic of you to suggest that humans only work off of profit. Humans do things because we want to do them, and many times we are barred so due fears of never gaining money. Plus, you have to factor in

And who would provide this? The workers that control the means of production. I don't expect anti communists to actually know anything about what communism really means (and before you say it, I'm a higher level econ student excelling in a class taught by a conservative professor along with having read your precious Friedman and Hayek, so I understand capitalism fine), but the corporations you love oh so much will become worker cooperatives wherein the same goods and services will be provided, but with the means of production in the hands of the workers who democratically make the decisions.

Furthermore, it would simply be people that WANT to provide a better life for their fellow man and contribute to the greater good of all. Some people love engineering, some people love medicine and some love politics and law. These people will still seek these jobs anyway and are better for it because they won't have to worry about profit. They will do their jobs not for wealth, but for great prosperity.

Again, you'd have to be very misanthropic to suggest that humans are selfish and can only work off money.


Some people love engineering

That's pretty much the reason why I'm studying it. The fact that it pays well and is always in high demand is a bonus.

Trust me, you would have been higher under the communist states of the Easter Bloc. The soviets supported its geniuses and some of those hardest hit by communism's fall were the STEM majors who no longer had grand projects to work on because the new capitalist states had no love for them.

This was parodied in a move about post communist East Germany where all the geniuses you see in the beginning of the movie now have to work as taxi drivers or at Burger King because no one appreciated their genius.


This was parodied in a move about post communist East Germany where all the geniuses you see in the beginning of the movie now have to work as taxi drivers or at Burger King because no one appreciated their genius.

That reminds me of one of the times I took a cab and it turned out the cab driver was an MD in his home nation. (The degree wasn't recognized here due to different standards.)

4271088 Unfortunetly, humans are selfish. That is another thing communism fails to consider. Here's a life lesson for you: if people didn't work for profit, they wouldn't work at all. Many people in this sad and imperfect world of ours don't give two sh*ts about other people. Thank God there exist a thing called profit. Otherwise, there wouldn't be any motivation for people to become innovators and entrepreneurs and thus helping humanity.

I suggest you stop putting your nose in your glorious manifesto and look at the real world. People can be evil and apathetic about the rest of society, and that is not going to change. Not everyone will work for the common good or even work at all without the motivation of profit


I can't help but feel you are missing the point. Indeed, the greatest hurdle in the struggle for equality and progress is changing the nature of our race. The best way to do this is to practice what you preach and start changing minds. Minds like yours, that are made up, inhibit the progression of our race by casting doubt on the possible change in human nature.

I'm sorry you feel threatened by the thought of change on this scale, but in the immortal words of Bob Dylan, "Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand, for the times, they are a-changin.'"


4271314 Only because this is going to bother me until I say something: technically the primary economic motivator is utility, not profit... mostly. Profit is best thought of as a type of utility that certain firms seek to maximize; also, remember take home earnings of an entrepreneur are not necessarily "profits," per se. It is true that individuals are often motivated by monetary compensation; indeed, utility can be easily quantified in dollars. Still, monetary compensation alone is not always the prime motivator for behavior. The easiest example of this is someone taking a lesser paying job that they believe will be more enjoyable than a higher paying one.

On a side note: people do indeed forfeit "profit," or more accurately higher monetary compensation, for the public good. Again, an example might be the lawyer who works for a non-profit aiding the less fortunate rather than a large law firm contracted by affluent clients.


Agreed, pro-bono defense attorneys are an excellent example

Soory, but human nature constantly evolves with its material conditions. Seriously, how do you think humans were motivated before capitalism? They were motivated out of the betterment of their own kin or to their community, usually reinforced with tradition, religious scripture, general community feelings, survival or their plain ingenuity.

Many people in this sad and imperfect world of ours don't give two sh*ts about other people.

Says you. Just because you're an ass doesn't mean that others are. If we didn't care for each other, we would have never progressed as far as we have.

I suggest you stop putting your nose in your glorious manifesto and look at the real world.

Pffft hahaha. I knew you'd say something like this, why do you think I made it clear that I've read more than Marxist works in my initial response. Are you even trying, or you being an assuming asshole using robotic responses based on how YOU think MY life works?

4266474 Hush your mouth you capitalist dog!:flutterrage:


I may not think that's a good approach for a man of reason



Unfortunetly, humans are selfish.

Unfortunately, capitalism doesn't run on selfishness. If all people acted perfectly selfish, a modern capitalist economy wouldn't work.

Here's a life lesson for you: if people didn't work for profit, they wouldn't work at all.

Workers in capitalism don't work for profit. If you don't know the crucial difference between profit and wage, you have no idea whatsoever about economy and should get informed first before talking about economical topics.

I think statements like this one are detrimental to our goals.

4271314 Did communists like...steal your girlfriend from you or something. You seem to have a major hate boner for communism.

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