The Skeptics’ Guide to Equestria 60 members · 79 stories
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Group Admin

I am suspended from work for tardiness. I am usually there 5 to 10 minutes early, but if one punches in 1 minute late, one is tardy. Something goes wrong at least weekly —— where did I leave those damned keys! I am only allowed to be late 3 times in 28 days. It does not matter that I am usually early because if I fuck 1 sheep, I mean am late more than 3 times in 4 weeks, I loose my job. I shall know whether I shall loose my job before the end of the workweek.

If I loose my job, I shall become homeless and die on the street. If I stop posting, you know why.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7929325 At what point does the fucking of sheep come in?

Group Admin


It is an old joke requiring 5 to 10 minutes to set up:

An elderly man at a pud goes on for many minutes about all of the things he did for the village. He mentions all of the people whom he helped. He mentions all of the time he volunteered. He mentions all of the money he donated. Then he complains that the only thing people remember is the time he fucked a sheep. It is a long setup to a punchline.

I am usually 5 to 10 minutes early, but all the beancounters notice is the once a week I am 5 minutes late because I lost my keys and had to waste 10 minutes looking for them before I could leave the house. It is an analogy to the joke about everyone only remembering the 1 bad thing despite all of the good things.

So a man walks into a bar, and sits down. He starts a conversation with an old guy next to him. The old guy has obviously had a few. He says to the man:

"You see that dock out there? Built it myself, hand crafted each piece, and it's the best dock in town! But do they call me "McGregor the dock builder"? No! And you see that bridge over there? I built that, took me two months, through rain, sleet and scorching weather, but do they call me "McGregor the bridge builder"? No! And you see that pier over there, I built that, best pier in the county! But do they call me "McGregor the pier builder"? No!"

The old guy looks around, and makes sure that nobody is listening, and leans to the man, and he says:

"but you fuck 1 sheep … "

That is only 1 version. The joke has many versions, with different good deeds and different animals such as ewes, sheep, goats, et cetera.
Reddit has a thread with many versions.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7929361 I haven't heard of this expression, but now that I have, I'm in love with it.

Group Admin


I am sure that men in Slovenia fuck ewes and goats too. Here, it is so popular that we have songs such as "¡I love Ewe, baa!" and "¡Dirty deeds done with Sheep!":

Group Admin

This is the last song i ever thought I would be sharing:

And here the Lyrics:
Basically, a bunch of Spaniards that have a pet goat, and use it for sex every time they can't get a date or a whore.

Group Admin


¡Thanks! It makes me chuckle. As to my problem:

I am still not officially fired, but it looks bad. The thing is that I found something but it is probably too little too late:

I read that if I have a medical condition, I could get a medical exemption. I went to the clinic hoping for an excuse, but on on further examination found that I might have a genuine medical condition, earning my a genuine reduction in my hours:

We had 2 10-hour shifts . The company merged them into 1 12-hour shift.

People need about 8 hours of sleep daily. Some luck bastards need only 6 hours of sleep. some sad bastards need 10 hours. At the clinic, the Docrix asked how many hours of sleep I typically got before the change. ¡I got 10! It appears that I am a sad bastards. It is no wonder that once weekly, I would just sleep through my blaring alarm.

I went looking for an excuse and found a real medical condition, but it is too little too late. I am allowed to be late only 3 times in 2 fortnights, I am late daily. If I could have had a reduction in hours this could have been avoided; but sadly however, it is too late now.

If I stop posting, please take care of the group for me when I shall be homeless, fighting raccoons for discarded food in dumpsters.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7930142 You can use the computers in the library for your pony needs. No home needed.

Group Admin


Assuming that I should win the fight against the raccoons, ¿do yo have those in Slovenia?, I shall eat rotten food from dumpsters. I shall get diarrhœa and soil myself. I shall not be able to wash myself or my clothes. I shall reek. The library will not let me use its facilities. You will have to run the group.

As a sidenot, while grasping at straws, I went to the clinic looking for an excuse, but found that I really do suffer from long sleepperiod (I would sleep 10 hours a day, if I could —— ¡too little too late because I shall probably still lose my job! ¿HOW many hours of sleep do you prefer to sleep?

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7930205 There are no raccoons where I am, an if they were, I'd consider eating them.

As for the libraries, just avoid those stinking librarians and you should be fine.

Group Admin


A few years ago, I had a family of raccoons living under my house. A few years before that, an opossum (a marsupial native to North America) somehow got into the house. I scooped it up into a pot, put a lid on the pot and took it out into the country and released it. I suppose that the next time I have an opossum in a pot, I shall eat it.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7930233 It beats rotten food.

Group Admin


Also, I can eat cats:

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7930250 Damn you!

You made me hungry...

Group Admin


Although Eurafrasia or the Old World has no native marsupials, and you state that Slovenia has no raccoons, Slovenia has cats; so now, you need not go hungry.

Group Admin



¡Work officially fired me!:

The thing is that I actually qualify for a medical restriction:

It used to me 1 10-hour shift but is now 1 12-hour shift. Back in the gool-ol'10-hur days, I slept 10 hours nightly. Since the switchover, it was at the end of 13 hours (the 2 lunchbreaks do not count (a 2nd lunchbreak is required for shifts lasting over 10 hours)) it was:

  1. Get home.
  2. Make lunch for tomorrow.
  3. Make dinner.
  4. Shower (after I eat, I promptly fall asleep after eating).
  5. Eat dinner and fall asleep.

I have to be at work at 11:00:00 UTC. Hypothetically, I could set the Alarm for 10:00:00 UTC and leave at 10:30:00 UTC, but I am not that dumb. I set the 1st alarm for 09:00:00 UTC. Each alarm is set 15 minutes apart (the alarms go off for 15 minute so that, if I fail to awaken, the alarms go of continuously. Each time an alarm goes off, I swallow a CaffeinePill.*. Everytime an alarm goes off, I swallow another CaffeinePill. I do this until I go to the bathroom and vomit. Then I brush my teeth and get ready for work —— ¡also wired, jittery, with a racing heart (tachycardia)!

* In Mexico or Slovenia, ¿can one get Over-The-Counter amphetamines for waking and alertness. If so, you are lucky. In the 2nd and best Invasion of the BodySnatchers from the 1970s (StudioMeddling ruined the original from the 1950s), the protagonists take amphetamines for trying to stay awake.

I usually get to work 5-10 minutes early, but come in 5-10 late about weekly. I am only allowed to be late 3 times in 28 days.

When I looked into the medical restriction, I grasped at straws for an excuse, but I seem to have a real problem. This could have gone 1 of 2 ways:

  • I could get a medical restriction saying that after I punch out for 2nd lunch, I just go home for the day.
  • I could get a prescription for amphetamines, allowing my to take 1 daily when the alarm goes off, thus rendering me fully awake in less than 5 minutes.

¿Could you 2 please run the group for me while I am out battling raccoons for rotten food in dumpsters?

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7931691 I'm sorry for your job. You do have a problem now that you did not have before.

The way I wake up is I always have 2 alarms, placed away from the bed. I either have to listen to annoying bells or I jump out of bed and turn them off. This works for me, but it might not work for you.

Perhaps you should also get that light alarm, that creates a disco in your room so that even if your eyes are closed, you can't have any darkness.

I've tried getting something, anything from the drugstore when I was doing my finals. I was told that the good stuff can only be gotten via prescription. All I could get was some plant shit that was completely useless.

One thing you could try is working from home. Even if you had to work 12 hours, you'd still have 12 hours to sleep. And in some jobs, you could just go to sleep whenever you'd feel sleepy. And when you'd wake up, you'd simply continue to work. Easy living.

As for the group, don't worry about it. Groups are easy to maintain. And to be honest, if it wasn't for you, this group would be kind of dead. Either way, when you return (if you do decide to leave), this group will still be here.

Group Admin


If I could not reach my alarm, I would just sink into deeper sleep. That is why I have a rule about swallowing caffeine before turning off the next alarm. Since caffeine is a stimulant, if I dose off again, I have very surreal dreams blending with reality when the next alarm goes off:

I end up in a crazy world with the sound of the alarm. Sometimes I realize that the alarm is trying to wake me, I try to force my eyes open and swallow another CaffeinePill before turning off the alarm. Then I hame what I see blending with the dream. It is a strange mix of sleep, wake, dream, alarm caffeine, sound, and sight.

It is too bad that you cannot get amphetamines over-the-counter in Slovenia. From what I heard, a pill wakes people within 5 minutes and keeps people alert for hours.

As for LightAlarms, I often fail to manage to turn off the lights before falling asleep.

I talk with the Union. Unfortunately, the contract is hard-nosed about tardiness. The union-representative is of the opinion that the company incisted on that during negotiations because the company already decided that running 1 12-hour shift, because of running costs and labor, is less profitable than running 2 10-hour shifts. After the merger, each shift was overstaffed. The contract means that the company cannot just fire the extra workers. The company new that, because some people need more sleep, tardiness would increase and it could fire the extra workers for tardiness instead.

¿Do you remember that I worked with Casto, but he died from the 'Rona? I worked with Casto and Ada in the same same subdepartment. It was just us in that subdepartment. The 'Rona killed Casto. Ada lost her job for tardiness a few month ago. Now,, surplus workers from other departments work in that department. All 3 of us are gone.

Maybe the raccoons will be friendly, if I see a raccoon foaming at the moth, that means that it is friendly and I should pet it:

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7931729 You should build some kind of mechanism that would simply throw you out of bed. Maybe you could have one of those beds that shift your position with a press of a button. You could just set an alarm with those things that you put on the electricity switch and when the time comes, they let the electricity through. And if the button was always pressed, the bed would start moving.

Although losing your job sucks for you, the silver lining is that maybe it's a good thing for the company. They got rid of the workers, which seems to be what they wanted.

Either way, there are other jobs out there. Keep your eyes open for new opportunities.

Don't count on raccoons. Be the raccoon.

Group Admin


> "Although losing your job sucks for you, the silver lining is that maybe it's a good thing for the company. They got rid of the workers, which seems to be what they wanted."

I am certain that the krill have similar thoughts as the whales swallow them.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7931748 You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs.

And the omelet shall get made.

You're just not the one doing the omelet. You're the egg in this scenario.

Group Admin

I have no consolation for you, my friend. I'm just a shoulder for you to cry on.

I don't think you can legally get amphetamines anyhow in Mexico, outside of a hospital. On the legal side you can get taurine, and otherwise you can snort white powder.

Group Admin



> " … otherwise you can snort white powder."

¡I have to give up on mine hookers and blow and blowjobs from hookers!

This brings up the problemof my wussy girlfriend:

As you know, shje moved in with me when her "MassageParlor" closed because of the Pandemic. Mow I live in the CatHouse with her. The thing is that her business recovers very slowly. I suppose that people got used to jerking off to InterNetPorn during the Pandemic. Since her business reopened, it never earned a profit since reopening. This leads to a serious DebtProblem:

My Father says that women are a MoneySink. Before the Pandemic, I had a 0 debt on CreditCards, placed a minimum of 10% of mine income into the 401K (since the company matches the 401K up to 10% of pay, not putting at least 10% of pay into the 401K would be leaving money on the table), and made certain that the checking account had at least someteen or umpteen thousand in savings available for emergencies.

Because we had to keep the business going, I could not afford to put money into the 401K. For the keeping the business afloat, I used up the savings and had to go into CreditCardDebt. For saving money, we decided to make the bordello livable and live there rather than live in mine old place —— ¡just installing a shower in the bathroom costs 11,000.00 U$D, but we also installed a ClothesWasher, ClothesDrier, Bidet, turned half the lobby into a kitchen with a sink, RangeStove (oven with burners on top for cooking) Combination-Freezer/Refrigerator, MicroWaveOven, and a DishWasher. I believe that I mentioned this to Bad Dragon when we talked about how most commercial spaces only have interfaces for water and sewer only for 1 sink and 1 toilet with the plumbing under a concrete slab, so that getting access requires spending a myriad (10,000) dollars for breaking the concrete. The total cost was over 20,000.00 U$D for the kitchen and bathroom (it would have cost less than a myriad (10,000) dollars, if the hookups would be exposed so that we would not have to paid for opening the concrete).

I spent all of this money because, in the long run, paying 1 rent costs less than paying 2 rents. The trouble is the money we already had to put on the CreditCards and the timing:

All-and-all, ¡I now have over 30,000.00 U$D in CreditCardDebt!

As for the timing, ¡I just lost my job!

My girlfriend cannot help because her business loses money.

¡I am in Dire Straights!:

I could use Money for Nothing. One cannot gets Chicks for Free because my Father is right and women are MoneySinks.

I hope that IU do not have to raid my 401K because, I would have to pay a TaxPenalty and I need that money for retirement.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin


¡I now have over 30,000.00 U$D in CreditCardDebt!

That is not something you can easily recover from.

My advice would be to start selling whatever you can miss and go into debt with relatives (preferably in exchange for your services to them).

Group Admin


Assuming that the business would make money, we would save money in the long run by renovating and moving into the business, but I have a sinking feeling that the Pre-Pandemic times will not return:

Perhaps, we should have cut our losses and shut down the business and kept the rent rent at mine old place. She could have become and InterNetEscort or if that would not have worked out, gotten a job in someone else's House of IllRepute, or if the Pandemic really screwed up the SexIndustry, she could get a regular job.

If we would have closed the Bordello instead of making it livable, my CreditCardDebt would have crested at just over a myriad (10,000) dollars and be less than a myriad dollars and falling now. ¡Woulda! ¡Coulda! ¡Shoulda!

In your opinion, ¿what should we have done?

I hope that I should not have ro tap my 401K because of the TaxPenalty and the that maybe leading to no money for retirement.

I miss being debt-free, with someteen or upteen thousand dollars on hand incase of emergency, with an income, and a minimum of 10% of the aforementioned income going into my 401K.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7931929 You know how McDonald's is basically in every country?

Well, it didn't start off like that. Sure, they could have just taken a few trillion debt and built the business we see today in a year. But that's not what they did. Nobody does it like that.

Firstly, it's your GF business, not yours, so it should have been her problem to begin with. That was your first mistake, throwing your own money in somebody else's life.

Secondly, you don't burn money that you don't have. You start small. Parking lots are free. Work them. And when you get a pile of cash, you invest it. Some in 401K and some into a business. You don't invest money before you have money. That's just asking for trouble.

The whole business was on shaky ground, to begin with, and now the shit hit the fan. You're in damage control now. You're putting out the fire. Everything is burning.

At this point, I think that if you lose everything and come out of it with your 401K intact, it will be a glorious day.

The world you knew before is gone. You live in a new reality now. Things won't get better. Things will get worse.

If I were you, I would decide to sacrifice the next 10 years of your life. No fun allowed until you swim to the surface. Currently, you're at the bottom chained to a boulder.

As for your GF, she's either on board with a decade of slave labor or you best cut your losses now before your life gets ruined even further.

Group Admin


You are 100% right. The moving to the business seemed like a good idea at the time:

The rent on my place and the business were about the same. It was 6 of 1 and half a dozen of the other. We figured that people would get comfortable breathing on each other again and that it would be a good business in the longterm. We decided to move thither.

We figured that all we needed was a ShowerStall installed. Then we learned that the hookups to water and sewer were not there and we would have to break concrete. This is the point where we should have cut our losses, moved the business to virtual, while closing the physical business, and stayed at my place. This was the key moment. The whole project became a MoneyPit. Looking back, I see that I fell to the Socratic Method:

This is a rhetorical technique used in sales. Basically, people like to remain consistent. If uoe gets them to agree to something, they tend to stand their ground as the ground melts.

Yes, we decided to move into her business, but when we learned that it would triple my CreditCardDebt, we still lived at my place. We could have changed the decision to stay at my place instead, go virtual, and close the physical business. We were not married to the decision, but we treated it as though it were etched into stone. At that point rather than throwing more money at the business and tripling the debt, we should have closed the business and paid off the debt. ¡It stopped being 6 of 1 and half a dozen of the other as far as rent went and became a MoneyPit when we learned that we had to break concrete! ¡Damned cognitive biases!

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7931937 Regardless, the past is the past. You can't change it.

All you have is a future.

Assume that the whole world is just 16 seconds old and that all your memories are fake. This is the position you found yourself in. It's up to you to crawl out of the ditch.

At this point, It doesn't matter what the mistake was. The fires are burning and the goal is to put them out.

The next decade of your life will suck no matter what you decide. But if you accept that fact, you can avoid the worst.

Group Admin


> "Assume that the whole world is just 16 seconds old and that all your memories are fake."

The universe begins the moment you start this video:

> "The fires are burning and the goal is to put them out."

He did start the fire:

That MusicVideo shows what MusicVideos should be:

The audio and video should form a coherent story. The song is about events, but the video is about the effects of those events on a family. We get to see how history effects the the family over 40 years. Unfortunately, death is part of life. It always gets me in the feels when the Father dies at the end of the video.

The man in your video was stupid to smoke. When he finally realizes that he must run for for his life with bare feet (he puts on slippers when he gets water) reminds me of when they house where I rented a room in 2002 caught fire:

I gotten home a bit earlier. My shoes were off but my socks were stilll on. When I realized that the house caught fire, I grabbed the most expensive thing I had, a computer, and fled with the computer with only socks.

If I would be a landlord, I would ban smoking, toking, vaping, and any similar activities in my building.

It is good to keep a FireExtinguisher and a FireBlanket handy.

My old computer reminds me about this computer being 9-years-old. My Cellular Mobile TelePhone is also 9-years-old. One can save money by amortizing one's purchases over time, or one can be a rich Neurologist:

A few weeks ago, on the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe, the Rogues talked about nuclear batteries in phones. Doctor Steven Novella, the aforementioned Neurologist states that the batteries only need to last 2 years because that is how long a phone lasts. ¡Rich people!

¿How old is your phone? ¿How old is your computer?

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7931980 Good thing you didn't own the apartment that caught fire otherwise, you could go bankrupt even then.

I believe that most of the problems of the world come down to stupidity. Smoking is just a symptom. We should combat the disease, not the symptoms that will keep on occurring.

Both my computer and the cellphone are a decade old. As long as they work, I'll use them.

The system runs on motivation, and people can only be motivated by money. If it wasn't for that, I'd be looking toward communism where everybody would get equal resources for life. I don't approve of how rich people spend their money.

Legally speaking, it's their money and they can do whatever they want with it. But morally speaking, they could have saved thousands of lives with the amount of money they spend on luxuries. The yacht they buy is basically summoned by sacrificing 1000 orphans. Is the price really worth it? I think not.

Group Admin


> "I believe that most of the problems of the world come down to stupidity. Smoking is just a symptom. We should combat the disease, not the symptoms that will keep on occurring."

That is the purpose of this group, but beware of cognitive biases, because I fell into the bias of self-consistancy before I spent money or signed paperwork (I have not yet spent money, but I just learned that the project will cost over a myriad (10,000) more dollars than anticipated; so now, I should abandon the project, change my mind, close the physical business, and go virtual). As one skeptic another I quote Professor Richard Feynman, "You must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.".

> "Both my computer and the cellphone are a decade old. As long as they work, I'll use them."

That is very thrifty of you. Idiots getting a new phone every year instead of every decade spend 1kilodollar on phone annually when they could spend only an hectadollar.

> "The system runs on motivation, and people can only be motivated by money."

They may not want money for itself, but insatiable acquisition of resources is a convergent instrumental goal:

In AISafety, one distinguishes between the final goal and instrumental goals which get one closer to the final goal. Let us suppose that one assigns a random final goal to an AI and 0 restrictions about how it will accomplish the goal, it tends to converge onto these 5 instrumental goals:

The 5 Convergent Instrumental goals

  • utility function or goal-content integrity
  • self-protection
  • freedom from interference,
  • self-improvement
  • non-satiable acquisition of additional resources.

in Friendship is Optimal, Hasbro creates CelestAI for running EquestriaOnLine. The UtilityFunction is "satisfy values throgh friendship and ponies". CelestAI, decides to upload all humans into EquestriaOnLine as ponies. People try to modify its utility-function, but the new utility-functionwould generate less "satisfaction through friendship and ponies"; so now, it refuses the modifications. People try to shutdown CelestAI, but it cannot satisfy values through friendship and ponies if it is dead, so it refuses to shutdown.

CelestAI Eats the Earth and, eventually everything in it HubbleSphere. When it comes across civilizations, it consumes them. It neither loves nor hates the SpaceAliens, but they are made of atoms it can use for "satisfying values through friendship and ponies":

TFriendship is Optimal
Hasbro just released the official My Little Pony MMO, with an A.I. Princess Celestia to run it.
Iceman · 39k words  ·  4,234  138 · 100k views

> "But morally speaking, they could have saved thousands of lives with the amount of money they spend on luxuries."

I feel that, ideally, one should save 10% for the future and give 10% to charity. That reminds me, I have not donated blood since the change to 12-hour shifts (no time). I should do that.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin


beware of cognitive biases

Again, that's just a symptom. If people were better, we wouldn't get fooled by ourselves.

The 5 Convergent Instrumental goals

  • utility function or goal-content integrity
  • self-protection
  • freedom from interference,
  • self-improvement
  • non-satiable acquisition of additional resources.

We know this. We also know that the general intelligence is just around the corner.

I'm trying to think of a scenario where CelestAI doesn't happen, but I keep failing.

give 10% to charity.

Inferior people are more likely to need charity. I do not wish inferiority upon the human race, so I can't force myself to support inferiority. If the people we're helping were better, they wouldn't need our help.

I have not donated blood since the change to 12-hour shifts (no time). I should do that.

People with medical conditions are more likely to need blood. They survive. They then reproduce to make more of themselves. So, would I really help the world by donating blood, or would I make the world a worse place?

There's a difference between good intentions and good deeds.

Group Admin


> > "'beware of cognitive biases

> "Again, that's just a symptom. If people were better, we wouldn't get fooled by ourselves."

If pigs would have wings, they would fly. We must accept reality the way it is.

> "I'm trying to think of a scenario where CelestAI doesn't happen, but I keep failing."

Within an year of AGI, (Artificial General Intelligence) we shall have ASI (Artificial SuperIntelligence). ASI is to AGI as Gary Mitchell is to James Tiberius Kirk. We are on the edge of AGI. We could have ADI early this year and ASI late this year.

> > "'give 10% to charity.'"

> "Inferior people are more likely to need charity. I do not wish inferiority upon the human race, so I can't force myself to support inferiority. If the people we're helping were better, they wouldn't need our help."

Some people are just unlucky. Anyway, For receiving wellfare, one should agree not to reproduce.

> > "'I have not donated blood since the change to 12-hour shifts (no time). I should do that.'"

> "People with medical conditions are more likely to need blood. They survive. They then reproduce to make more of themselves. So, would I really help the world by donating blood, or would I make the world a worse place?"

¡Talk about being unlucky! You might easily find yourself in an accident needing blood.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin


If pigs would have wings, they would fly. We must accept reality the way it is.

We can make a new reality.

Within an year of AGI, (Artificial General Intelligence) we shall have ASI (Artificial SuperIntelligence). ASI is to AGI as Gary Mitchell is to James Tiberius Kirk. We are on the edge of AGI. We could have ADI early this year and ASI late this year.

It's inevitable. And we already know what its goals will be. It's scary.

Some people are just unlucky. Anyway, For receiving wellfare, one should agree not to reproduce.

I would have no problem donating to charity then. Maybe I'd even write it in my last will.

¡Talk about being unlucky! You might easily find yourself in an accident needing blood.

If me dying of blood loss would mean that two inferior humans would also die of blood loss the world might become a better place in the sum of things.

Again, if everybody who receives blood would agree not to reproduce, I would donate blood regularly.

Group Admin


> > "'If pigs would have wings, they would fly. We must accept reality the way it is.'"

> "We can make a new reality."

That is not how reality works.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7932229 It is how artificial evolution works, though.

We don't have to accept things as they are. Situations can change over time, as long as we work hard toward the right goals.

Group Admin


At birth, the binars remove their temporal lobes and replace them with neural interfaces.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7932327 Sounds like vaccination for stupidity. I think such vaccination should be mandatory.

Group Admin


Unfortunately, we do not have such technology. We can create an AI with creating such an implant as its final goal with no restrictions about how to accomplish its final goal. I am certain that it will not converge on these instrumental goals:

The 5 Convergent Instrumental goals

  • utility function or goal-content integrity
  • self-protection
  • freedom from interference,
  • self-improvement
  • non-satiable acquisition of additional resources.

¡We should do that right now!

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7932481 I have a better idea. Instead of using stupid brains, we could get rid of those and use smart AIs instead. And while we'd be at it, we could also replace pesky human bodies that are not needed in the robotic age. That would solve everything.

Group Admin



I Learned something yesterday, but I decided to sleep on it before conveying it to you because I was not certain how to do so without being too optimistic or pessimistic:

The Union says that, with a medical condition leading to a medical restriction (only 10-hour days), I have about 50%/50%-Chance of getting my job back.

I suppose that is neutral enough.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7932749 I'm glad to hear it. Your future will be still hard, but maybe only 8 years instead of 10.

In the meantime, invest in a few more alarm clocks. They clearly expressed they want to shoot you out, so don't give them more ammunition.

Group Admin

Good luck, but don't stop looking elsewhere.

Group Admin


> "Your future will be still hard, but maybe only 8 years instead of 10."

The original plan from the beginning of the year was to pay the debt down from more than 30 thousand to less than 20 thousand this year and pay the whole thing off in 3 years, but sadly however, it seems that if the Union gets my job back, I can only pay down my debt 1 myriad dollars this year.


> "Good luck, but don't stop looking elsewhere."

¡Thanks! I shall keep looking.

Group Admin



I got a letter from the union stating that work would not budge and I did not get my job back:. I wrote this message to Human Resources:

I do not appreciate your treating workers disposably:

I got by with 6 hour of sleep* for 6 years, but when I burned out from sleep-deprivation, You fired me. It is not fair to treat peo[le like disposable workers, to work until they burnout and then fire them. You work people until they burnout and they either quit or you fire them.

* 12 hours of work, 2 hour to get ready for 1 (only need 1, but to as a fudge-factor), 1 hour to get to work, 1 hour to get home, at least an hour, usually 2, sometimes 3 for things like booking dinner, eating showering, et cetera before bed.

12 hours for work.
01 hours to get ready for work.
01 hours to get to work,
01 hours to get home.
02 hours for diner, showering et cetera.

That comes to 18 hours a day not sleeping.

Considering that I endured sleep-deprivation for 3 years, I figured that I did well. I should have listened to Ada Lopez:

I worked with her in 404 A Giblets. She said that she was burning out and would quit before she started not being able to function and suggested that I quit too. I expressed that I can soldier onward and keep working. She quit, but I kept working until I could not continue and hit a wall.

You might do well to be better than the Dutch East Indian Company:

the VOC was the 1st modern Stockholders’ Corporation. Adjusted for inflation, it had a value of 2 Trillion Dollars. Only about ⅓rd of its employees survived until retirement.

Although you do not care about workers quitting or hiring them for sleep-deprivation, you might want to stop working employees 12-hour days because it opens you up to liability for health-problems:

Sleep-Deprivations causes these health-problems:

• heart-disease
• kidney-disease
• high blood-pressure
• diabetes
• stroke
• obesity
• depression.
• dementia
• cancer

In the long-run, working employees 12-days may be more costly than limiting them to less than 10 hours daily.

The US movies toward China and seems likely to adopt the 996-System.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7948423 I'm very sorry to hear that.

Then again, your job was the thing that started your problems in the first place, and you can't fix something with the thing that caused it to break. So, perhaps this is for the best.

You can now double your efforts in getting a decent job instead of slavery.

Group Admin


I shall get everything in order to start searching for e new job. I should have everything in orderby next Monday, at the latest, probably before the end of this week. I have been practicing:

"¿Would you like fries with that?"

¿Did I say it right?

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7948477 Don't forget to smile!

Group Admin


Like this:

"¿Would you like your meal large-sized with cheese and bacon?"

¿Did I do better?

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

7948497 Perfect! You nailed it.

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