Use our OCs! 332 members · 365 stories
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So after seeing some cool 31 day projects showing up on Youtube and Deviant Art for the month of October, I thought it might be cool to do such a thing for next year... then I thought about it and realized that that would just be exhausting, so I decided that if I wanted to do that I would have to make all the chapters ahead of time and post a chapter each day of that month of October (next year).

So after starting some work on these future stories, I thought, "You know what it would be cool if I could perhaps encourage some of my fellow FiMFiction members by perhaps using some of their OCs in these stories.

Now before anyone starts jumping up and down and saying, "Yes, Robipony I would love to have my character in your story!" I need to make a few things clear.

1. Your character could potentially die in the story. Now of course it does have the Alt Universe tab so technically your character only died in that universe and not in your own universe, however I figured I should warn you.
2. It could get messy. Its a collection of spooky stories based around Nightmare Night, so yes blood could be involved.
3. I'm mostly looking for pony OCs. I am willing to make room for griffins and maybe a few other races but I really need pony OCs.

That is it. I will of course credit you for your OC within the Author Notes of the chapter they show up in with a link to your account, so proper credit is given. If you are just creating an OC for this event please consult the following threads before posting.

Thank you all for reading this thread. I will be looking forward to your response. :twilightsmile:

Name: (Stormy) Night Frost Jr.
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Stallion
Appearance: A sunset orange coat with a storm grey Mane with a yellow lightning bolt streak and maroon eyes. Has a storm cloud with two Lightning bolts and a crescent moon for a CM.
*theres a picture of him on my profile*
Backstory: Stormy was the son of two wonderbolts, Night Frost Sr. and Prism Blast. He has a younger sister named Lightning Gale who is only younger by 4yrs. His family is a descendant of the Hurricane family, more specifically Commander Hurricane’s younger brother. Stormy originally died at a young age but was brought back by the spirit of his ancestor through the means of a Phoenix rebirth. Which gives him his connection to the stormy skies he so loves to fly in. He earned his CM during a race. While racing a few colts who were cheating, he decided to fly through a few misplaced storm clouds, in doing so he collected enough static electricity and magic in his wings to propel him forward with lightning trailing him. He had been offered a spot in the Wonderbolt Academy but declined to peruse music. He later became a rockstar of the band Dragonfire (Shinedown {All}, Imagine Dragons {All}, Three Days Grace {OneX}). He later ended up in coma while on a visit to Cloudsdale which made him rethink his offer in the Winderbolts. He eventually settled moved to Ponyville where he meets his mare friend Desert Sunrise.
Personality: Stormy has a very independent vibe to him and can be a bit wild at times. He is very agile and fast and can be very competitive in a race. He likes a good fair race and will do so even if his opponent doesn’t like too. He doesn’t like to boast about his family and doesn’t see it as a real deal. He treats Everypony the same as any other, treating them like an old friend. Even the Princesses themselves. He’s very outgoing and accepting of others. He tends to ignore the consequences of his actions and just lives in the moment always having fun racing or making music. He tends to bottle up his emotions and when asked a personal question he gets moody and just glares at you before replying with a short and agitated response. When he does get angered, he tends to break things and cause a lot of damage. He doesn’t like getting emotionally hurt so he tries to avoid attachment to friends but he makes exceptions to certain ponies. He’s always been a pony you could trust to have your back and is more than willing to defend you in a scuffle.

Trying out a new oc here and I have a certain idea.

Name: Typhon (sometimes calls himself Dr.Typhon)

Race: Batpony

Gender: Stallion

Appearance: A tall heavy built stallion with very thin and nimble wings, with great dexterity for handling but not for flying. Has platinum colored coat and permanently disheveled purple and red mane and tail. Has red and purple stubble. Has purple eyes that are more often than not bloodshot.

Cutie mark: A fanged maw made out of smoke

Personality: A very intelligent and neuritic seeker of knowledge. Prides himself on his alchemical and "alternate magic" knowledge, naming himself a Doctor despite never earning a doctorate. Antisocial and generally finds other ponies unbearable, along with any other sentient being. He avoids social contact unless he can get something out of it, like a book of forbidden knowledge for his collection. He isn't afraid to abuse ponies and the law to get what he wants, but usually avoids battles he can't win preferring to attack with chemicals and poisons, or empower himself with them to try and kill if he's angry enough.

Backstory: He is of noble birth, but do that the funny thing called genetics and his mother's distant bat pony ancestor, he was born a bat pony to two unicorns. Ashamed of him they kept him hidden from society, but gave him private education out of pity. He studied with private teachers in his mansions library, he never learned to fly. He grew to despise his own wings, his parents were never abusive or even neglecting, they were ashamed of him, and pitied him, he hated that. In secret he sought a way to transform himself into a unicorn, he first studied alchemy, an ignored science in equestria that could bring the results of magic if studied hard enough. He still didn't find his answers, his obsession grew until he ran away and robbed every useful book he could find in the Canterlot black market. Journeying through his teens and early adulthood he mastered alchemy and many forms of what wasn't exactly magic. He gave himself a heavy muscled body through body strengthening rituals, an alchemy potion freed him of needing sleep. He's increased his intellect through sacrifices and pacts with demons and other such beings. After 20 years of traveling and research he thinks he may have finally found his solution to his life long problem.

Story idea: He combines several fields of study to create a potion that would allow his body absorb new dna and transform his body. But things go horribly wrong. But he may not mind it.

P.s Am I too subtle?

While I don't have very many purely Pony OCs you can use any of the OCs freely just message me when your story goes up would love to read it
Laser Bright
Night Blaze
Raven Nevermore
Soul Forge
......3 different ones
Gaia Chainwing
Sky Split
Soul Harvest
Slip Stream
Thunder Storm
Civil Servant/ Rule Breaker
Star Jumper
Heartfelt Embrace
Also thinking back in it some of them would fit well as your villain just from looks alone

Group Contributor

My apologies, for not getting back to you all. Things have been keeping my busy. Also I might be reducing the number of nights from 31 to 13 as I'm not sure I'll be able to complete 31 chapters before next year, that would be like 3.8 chapters each month, and I have other plans so I'll try to restrict it to 13 to make my life easier.

I can confirm that Night Frost Jr. (Stormy) will be in the story, as for the others don't worry, I will be allowing more in, I just need to find good places for them as well as the right ones for certain roles, so fear not.

I hope this update is somewhat helpful.

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