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I have a pony OC who`s cutie Mark I can`t seem to design, can any of you help me? Her special talent is parkour.

3879415 I'd like to help, but what's parkour?


the activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban environment, negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, and climbing.


:pinkiegasp: OH MY GOSH WHY DIDN`T I THINK OF THAT!!! XDXD OMG URS SO FUNNY!111!!! :ajbemused:


Any non-sarcastic help would be greatly appreciated! :raritywink:

3879421 Oooh. Sounds athletic! Let's see . . . Perhaps a more abstract cutie mark would work instead of a literal one? You know, like Twilight's. The way I think of cutie marks is harkening back to Cutie Mark Chronicles. Think about that very moment when they realize their talent. For example, when I wrote Flim and Flam's cutie mark story, I made their marks more abstract (after helping an apple farmer, they discovered that opportunity is everywhere). So, since she's so fast, perhaps she won an urban race as a filly and the mark is something related to that? Maybe a streak over a really big jump (ex. an overturned barrel or chain link fence)? Trying to think in the abstract's a pain, but often times that's the best way to come up with a mark.


Hmm, I like that, thank`s for the input! :twilightsmile:


I like it! Thanks~ I`ll try to incorporate it into the finalized design!

Coming up with a good cutie mark is indeed a challenge. You want something simple, but also descriptive. Notice that a lot of cutie marks are just simplet figures or geometric shapes, so you probably want an abstraction rather than an actual picture. For example, I threw this sketch together on my phone in about 15 seconds, but perhaps it could give you a place to start:


The two slabs to either side are meant to be walls, with the pink thing in the middle being the path your pony would take to the top, parkour style! You may want to change the colors, details, or even the entire design, but this is what I instantly thought of when you described your pony.

Hope that helps!


Thanks dude! I like it! I think I have a great idea now with everyones suggestions!!

Well since it's a military art derived from training maybe something military related can be the cutie mark.

3879415 the Assassins Creed symbol. Or hooves...maybe

3879415 a sweat band?

I have an OC who is good at mimicing others, partly with magic, but also in things like mannerisms and improv, so his mark is the comedy and tragedy mask.


Ah, sorry I`ve already finished the mark


Thanks for the input Rodimus, but I`ve already finished the cutie mark


What's her name and what does she look like?


Sorry Fervidor but I`ve already finished the design, but her name`s Bouncing Bow

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