Good OCs 255 members · 717 stories
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When you make an OC, what mindset do you put into it? How much of a part of yourself do you put into from your own life? I like an OC to not be the white knight, rather the opposite. I like it to start from the ground up without the 'perfect' mindset and abilities pre-installed. Do you base the morals it has from personal thoughts or ones you think people need?

4011184 I give an OC the opposite morals of my own, and then I crush the OC. :pinkiecrazy:

4011184 my views of right from wrong, meaning that even dark can be right if needed.

Almost all my OCs wind up with a little bit of me in them. Some more, some less. All My OCs got the same moral as I do.

My OCs are kinda jerks.
I mean, they're can be self-centered narcissists at times. If they do something good, most of the time it's because they too will get something from it.
It doesn't make them bad, per say, but they're not pristine goody-two-shoes either. For fictional horses, they are strangely human.

I try and develop a backstory for my OCs and then develop character traits from that. I then let any events that happen to them (on-screen or off) continue changing that character. Personally I feel that if absolutely none of my characters have changed over the course of a story, I haven't been doing my job properly.

This is a double-edged sword for me as a writer. On one hand, it let's me really get into a character's head and follow their decision-making process. It also lends realism to my OCs and helps me flesh out their traits, flaws and goals. It even helps me keep them unique and differentiate them. On the other hand, it's also really easy for me to over-think backstory for a part and over-develop my OC, especially for background characters. That's actually how several of my characters got started - they were originally meant as bit parts or one-scene wonders, but I delved too greedily and too deep into their backstory and wound up with somepony who could only really advance in a story of their own. Then that story perpetuates more of them, and so on.

This is why I never publish anything. I'm forever playing catch-up with my own characters.

Way to go George R.R. Martin.
Now do you see those morals as good or as good as yourself?
Give into the dark side.
The whole goody two shoes thing kind of wears itself out. If a character doesn't have any real faults, then there's nothing to build up for a real story.
Sounds like you've got it all figured out.

As giod as me. I guess me and my moral is not perfect in every aspect, and so is not theirs.

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