Daisy Chain 44 members · 9 stories
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Group Admin

This is a thread for all new members to introduce themselves, as well as mingle with older members or writers, so post away bronies :pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor

What's up everpony

Group Admin

Morning folks. :ajsleepy:

Mhm introductions, what do those usually involve?

Hi, I'm crow, 28, from the Netherlands.:derpytongue2:
I dabble in gaming, writing, photoshopping, and roleplaying.
As i get sleepier, I start to think more things are funny, you have been warned. :trixieshiftright:

Group Contributor

Hello all!

I'm UnlicensedBrony (Unlicensed / UB / whatever else you fancy :pinkiehappy: ), I'm from the UK and I've been a brony for almost three years now. I started going to meetups in my area after BUCK con in August last year - once I discovered how awesome hanging out with bronies can be :twilightsmile:

I've always been a writer, and FimFiction has provided me an awesome outlet for my creative side. I'm also an avid gamer, dabble in sketching and cosplay (not great at either, but also not bad) and am learning guitar so that I can play brony and country music for open mic at my local pub.

Other fun facts about me - I usually (not always) wear a tail to meetups, Pinkie Pie is my favourite pony, I love pretty much any fanwork of Trixie, and I am prone to procrastination :twilightblush:


I'm currently working on my entry to the Daisy Chain collab, for which I've been given Applejack x Teddie Safari (:raritydespair:) I'll do my best, and keep y'all in the loop as to how I'm progressing.


Group Admin

Hello Everybrony

I figured I should post a comment here, give a little about me, and reply to those you have commented so far, after all this is a thread for communication :ajsmug:

Well I'm Fimfic4ever, some (namely Crows) call me Fim. I'm an Australian, more specifically Perth, WA, I've been a brony for about 3/4 years but only been an online brony for 4 or 5 months now.

Interests include:
Gaming - I prefer games with well written story and intense atmosphere, like Alan Wake or Heavy Rain, but I do still enjoy the occasional shooter for the sake of shooter type game, like Bulletstorm :pinkiesmile:

Writing - I mainly enjoy writing stories with romance, though I do like to put stuff with the romance, e.g. adventure (like in my first 2 stories), Comedy (like in the next story I'm writing) on occasional sad/dark (like in the 2 after the next story). Kind of a funny thing, some of the things I write are actually what I would avoid reading. Everything I've written so far would be fine, but 2 of the next 3 stories I'm writing will have tags like 'Sad, Dark, and Tragedy' (don't worry, there'll still be romance), I normally avoid stories with those tags, but I still make eceptions, e.g. if the story doesn't sound that bad, if the story was written by a friend, or if the story was written by Ezrienel, of whom I am a big fan.

Reading - (Fimfic) Mostly shipping, but I have made some excepions. My favourite writer is probably Ezrienel (no offense to the rest of you, you guys know how much I love you :twilightsmile:), but there are many writers I like for different reasons. (non fimfic) sci-fi/action/romance, e.g. The Mortal Instruments Series and The Tempest Series.

Photography - I am currently studying photography at TAFE (it's kind of university or collage for those of you that don't know). I would say I'm a decent photography, not sure what type I like best, still trying to decide. Maybe I'll post some of my stuff on here one day if anyone's interested.

Photoshop - This started as an extension of photography, but I find it very fun so I've continued doing so. I've done a fair few things with it but the only online one was a cover for upcoming story: 6 Shades of Rainbow.

Daisy Chain - This is an extension of reading/writing, but I figured I should talk about it anyway. Daisy Chain started as just a simple idea I had while flicking through various pony related whatnot. After coming up with an initial idea I talked to my mate Crows. Thanks to his genius Daisy Chain became what it is today and what it will be someday (really he deserves as much credit as I do, I'm just an administrator and idea guy, if not for Crows, none of this would be, so thanks for that Crows :twilightsmile:)

Others - There's some other stuff I'm interested in but we'll save that for another time as this is really long and I still haven't talked to those who comment already, so let's move on.

Hello you two, nice to see ya commenting, I hope we get to know each other better in the future, and I look forward to what you write for Daisy Chain :pinkiehappy:

Hey Crows, assuming you've read my ramblings above then you already know some stuff I wanted to say to/about you. Nice to see we have a fair few things in common, especially the sleepy thing :rainbowlaugh: I haven't actually tried roleplaying (assuming you're talking about tabletop type of stuff) but I've been thinking about it.

Hey UB

I haven't actually gone to any conventions yet (I don't know what the Australian ones are), are they fun? I wish I could see you at one of them, would be hilarious to see you in a tail :rainbowlaugh: I wonder what I'd look like with a tail :rainbowhuh: Probably a combination of funny and weird :rainbowlaugh:

I look forward to seeing your Daisy Chain story :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Dang, Fim, that's a lot. O.o

I've been a brony for about 3/4 years but only been an online brony for 4 or 5 months now.

What do you mean by that?

As for games, since you mentioned you like athmosphere:
Have you considered "Sunless Sea" ? It seems like it would fall in your tastes.
More shootery options would ofcourse be "Bioshock" but I doubt you've not heard of that. xD

I'd humbly fight you for a bit on the whole Daisy Chain thing credit, but I'm just going to take the compliment and call it a day. ^.~

About rping, I would have liked the table top thing. I did attend a single game of D&D once, but it was too much traveling for me (im lazy) so I did not keep doing it.
Fortunately there are some online alternatives, up to and including message boards, which is fun, but not quite the same experience.


Applejack x Teddie Safari (:raritydespair:)


Group Admin

3413944 yes, yes it is :rainbowlaugh:

I mean I've been a big fan of the show for around three quarters of a year, but I've only had an online presence as a brony for 4 or 5 months.

I haven't heard of Sunless Sea, what's it about? :trixieshiftright:

I have played the Bioshock Series :pinkiehappy: The first one was brilliant, the second was ok, the third just lost it, it was an ok game but didn't feel like a Bioshock game, know what i mean? Plus the ending of the third one sucked, now the first Bioshock knew how to end a game. :rainbowkiss:

You could fight me on the subject as much as you like, but I will never back down from my opinion of your contribution :twilightsmile:

I can understand online being more conveniount, maybe you and I should play a game sometime, not necessary a rolyplaying game (though if you'd want to guess I'd be up for it), for example I've heard of this game which has become a fairly popular game to play online with mates. It's called 'Cards Against Humanity' or something like that, it looks pretty funny :ajsmug:

Applejack x Teddie Safari (:raritydespair:)


Sometimes you can be such a troll Crows :rainbowlaugh:

3413762 i plan on getting to know you better, you seem like a good writer and nice person.

Group Admin

3422022 Thank you Dawn Gem, that's very sweet :twilightsmile: You seem nice too, so hopefully we'll be fast friends :rainbowkiss:

Thanks for the favourite and follow also :pinkiehappy: I should really read some of your stuff, I don't think I've read anything by like half the writers in our group. So I should definitly get round to reading others stories :ajsmug:

3423022 got to warn you i got a thing for gore and villains...

Group Admin

3423054 That's cool, I don't read a lot of stories with gore, but I do make exceptions, as for the villians, I like them, particularly Discord and Chrysalis :twilightsheepish:

I guess I should warn you I like to write romance (if that wasn't obvious already :rainbowlaugh:). Though I do intend to get onto more serious theme's with future stories rather than sticking with random romance. For example, after I'm done with my current story (which is more a comedy with romance), I'll be doing a serious story that was a possibly schizophrenic Applejack (though there'll still probably be some romance :trixieshiftleft:). After that I'll be writing a story I think we'll both like, 'cause even though there is some romance, a lot of it will be about hunting monsters (probably in fairly gorey ways sometimes).

So as you can see, my next 3 stories will be very different to my first 3. :trixieshiftleft:

Group Admin

3423235 so, what are your plans for future stories and stuff :trixieshiftright:

3423342 currently working on 2 more and i got ideas with Loki cross over and a Chrysalis world (if she had won). also always looking to colab:raritywink:

Group Admin

3423368 Sounds like some interesting stuff, I'll have to keep my eye on you :rainbowkiss:

You know I've never exactly done a collab, I do sometimes get peoples opinion on what I'm writing then make various additions and subtractions to plot based on what they think, but not a proper collab. Might be a nice thing for us to do sometime. :raritywink:

Group Contributor


I haven't actually gone to any conventions yet (I don't know what the Australian ones are), are they fun?

I've only been to the one, but I can safely say that it was extremely fun. It was the best time I've had in ages, and I'm really excited to go again next month. Yeah it would be cool to see you at a con, and same goes for a lot of people - it's a shame people live all over the world, it's really difficult to meet up in person a lot of the time.


Just to keep everyone in the loop, I'm still working on my Daisy Chain fic. Sorry it's taking so long - between work, family and everything else that's going on, I've had less time than I thought. But it's progressing steadily, so it shouldn't be much longer :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

3428909 I'll have to make sure I attend one this year :twilightsmile: Perhaps if you're ever in Australia or I'm ever in the UK we could meet up :raritywink:

Good to hear you're making progress, it should be very interesting to read it, especially since it'll be the first story I've read with Teddie Safari in. I'm also interested in seeing what prompt you give, I guess you just have to think, what mane 6 pony would it be interesting to see paired up with Teddie, I wonder who it'll be :trixieshiftleft:

Group Contributor

Well then.

I'm Dramatic_Spoon, live in Hawaii.

I do a bit of writing. mostly comedy and crack ships, and I'm part of the Manehattenverse and Flipsideverse.

I dabbled a bit in creating my own AU, but backed off after a bit, and I'm kinda-sorta in charge of the Crack Ships Inc group after ProfCharles and Twilight Armory vanished.

Group Admin

Hi everyone, I'm Ward282 and the Daisy Chain group was my idea...

I too am a writer on here, sadly most of you haven't heard of me as none of my stories are popular yet, I do co-write and edit some others so maybe you'll see me around.

About me: I'm an engineering student I've been part of the fandom for a year now and on fimfiction since April. Other things: I'm from the UK and I tend to write dark themed stories.

Wrangle Wolfe
Group Contributor

I know it took me forever to say something. I was just too lazy until now. But...

Wassup everypony! My names SonicMlpGamer and arist. But my name is so long... so most either say me initials: SMGA or just call me Sonic.

Umm, what's so great about me? Well, it's time to bring up my ego!

Drawing- For all of you who've seen my blogs, you would see that I show some of my drawings from time to time. I am good with drawing on MS Paint, regular paper, and Paint Tool Sai. Want to see some of my work?

Yeah... so I'm good at that!

I'm also good at playing instruments such as guitar, piano, and alto sax.

I'm just a black kid trying to become an artist or a writer in the future. Living in Flint Michigan, and all that good stuff. It's great to meet you all, and I can't wait for my prompt to come up!

Also for alittle bout me is I'm from Ohio USA but talk in a brittish accent I picked up from shows and my friends. I like creepy, weird, gory, fun, stuff. I am in waaaayyyy to many fandoms. I'm talking probably over 20:twilightoops: I am not normally for romance so expect my story to not turn out to well. I am younger than you'd think and have an interesting mind... aka super screwed up cuz of fandoms :unsuresweetie:well then. That was interesting to type:trollestia:

Group Admin

Hello every one, It's been about a week since I posted on here so I figured I'd check it out. Good to see some new people talking, if y'all want to know more about me there's a long comment a bit higher up with some details.

Though I would like to add one additional thing: I have recently started a deviantart account, just to hold vectors and what not I'm working on. Feel free to check it out (link here), and if you're on deviantart, please tell me so I can find you on there and check out what you've done. Ok, now on to talking to others.

Hey DS. So you live in Hawaii huh? Nice there? I still have to read your AU :facehoof: but then again there's a lot of things I gotta get round to reading, and don't even get me started on the things I gotta get round to writing :twilightsheepish:

I kinda thought you were in charge of the crack ship group 'cause you're always posting threads, making announcement and stuff. So you planning the next contest? I believe that's for August right? Maybe I'll enter, just to get me back into the groove of writing.

Another thing, just figured I'd ask, how's your Daisy Chain story coming?

Hey Ward. Nice thinking on the whole group thing btw, really brought everything together :twilightsmile:

I don't think I've read your stuff yet, but like I said to DS, I have a lot to write and read. I do plan to read a least one story by every Daisy Chain writer (not including there Daisy Chain fic), just haven't gotten round to everyone yet. :ajsleepy:

Hey SMGA. Doesn't matter if it took ya a bit to post on here, at least ya have.

That art work is awesome, mate, nice job :pinkiehappy: I too can't wait to see your prompt, I don't think DS will be that long, but only time (or DS himself) will tell.

Hey Dawn, good to see ya on here again :rainbowkiss: So you speak with a British accent huh? that's kinda funny 'cause people say I sound American but I'm Australian, damn you TV! :rainbowlaugh:

You know, you don't often see creepy/weird/gory and fun mixed, but with you it's somehow believable :trixieshiftleft:

Wow, you are into a lot of fandoms, I mean i'm into a few ships outside of mlp, but damn girl :rainbowlaugh:

I am not normally for romance so expect my story to not turn out to well

At least we've been warned, tissues on stand by :twilightsheepish:

I'm younger then ya might think too, and I too have an... ahem... interesting mind :rainbowlaugh:

Wrangle Wolfe
Group Contributor

3458344 Well that's great to know that my lateness isn't a big deal. Also, I'm happy that you like my artwork, because I'm trying to show it to as many people as possible to make it noticed. I know it sounds annoying, but I ain't work on that for hours just for nopony to see it. That just seems like a bit of a waste of time.:rainbowwild:

Group Admin

3458460 Yeah I know what ya mean, you put hard work into something, you want it to be appreciated. Well anytime you want to show me some new drawings I'd love to see them :twilightsmile:

Group Contributor


Next one is august.

I was unaware it was my turn.

3458344 no tissues I mean it will be horrid never written romance :twilightoops: also nice with the accent thing. And I can garenty I'm younger.

Wrangle Wolfe
Group Contributor

3458537 great, I'll PM them whenever I make more. You'll be the first one to see! (I'm so nice aren't I?)

Group Admin

3459680 Very nice indeed :ajsmug: I look to seeing your stuff, mate :trixieshiftleft:

3458607 good to know

Yeah it's been your turn for a couple days, I assumed you would have been alerted by Unlicensedbrony's story being added to Daisy Chain and the Crack Ship group :facehoof: In any case, go read UB's story, it's quite good and might help with characterizing the Teddie Safari character, plus of course your prompt is there. When your story's done tell me and I'll tell you anything you may need to know for the upload.

3459193 Oh ok, at first at thought you meant it was going to be some kind of horror, nice to know I was wrong :twilightsheepish: still though, I'm excited to see what you do.

Now all we need is a British person with an Australian accent :rainbowlaugh:

And I can garenty I'm younger.

Why do I suddenly feel like a creepy old guy prowling on the internet for young girls :twilightoops:

Group Contributor


It probably got buried under all the other notifications.

Group Admin

3460201 i suppose so, at least you know now. Have you read UB's story yet and do you know your prompt?

Group Admin

3458344 If you want to read something of mine, I'd recommend Equestria Agents Of S.C.A.L.E I personally think its one of my better works but I do it co-operatively with a partner.

So I guess the question is, what is everyones' age?

I'm 20 if that gets the ball rolling...

Group Admin

3461858 I'm guessing that's kinda like Marvel's Agents of Shield , but with ponies :twilightsheepish: that's cool, I like that show :ajsmug:

I think I'll reveal my age when 2 conditions are met:

(1) 3459193 tells me her age, if she wants she can tell me in a PM, but she's got me curious now

(2) My birthday comes round, my birthday's 31st of July btw :twilightsmile:

3462265 check my blog hope and things I want anyone who reads this to know. It's there

Group Admin

3462705 that's how old you are? When you said you were young i was like 'she's probably 15 maybe 14' but damn Dawn. :rainbowderp:

Might i say you are very mature for your age, heck there are people on this site probably twice your age and not as mature as you

Group Contributor
Group Admin

3463051 excellent, how long do you think you'll need to complete you story? :trixieshiftright:

Group Contributor


Depends on how much time I put into it.
Could be tomorrow.
Could be next week.

Probably Thursday.

Group Admin

3463101 sounds good to me, mate.

Remember we have a thread for writer to give updates on how they're going with their story. So you can use that to tell people how long you'll be or if you get delayed or anything of that nature.

3462851 I am by no means mature in real life trust me I act like a super high monkey on steroids at times:twilightblush:

Group Admin

3464791 :rainbowlaugh: that's fair enough. I've been told I come off as charismatic on this site, but trust me, in real life, really more of a fluttershy :twilightsheepish:

Group Admin

3462265 Yeah its mine and Insanecrusaders' take on SHIELD, we'll be following the Marvel Cinematics universe but a of elements are our own. The disadvantage though is that SHIELD airs in the US before the UK so come September it may be difficult to write for, so to rectify that I'm seeing Guardians of the Galaxy on Thursday (A week before its release in the UK and US).

Group Admin

3465185 Sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out when I get the chance. I can't wait to see Guardians of the Galaxy, it looks really good :pinkiehappy: but it doesn't come out in cinemas here until 7th of August :applejackunsure:

3465887 :rainbowlaugh: the chocolate guy :twilightsheepish:

3466340 I simply searched random fish and this showed up:rainbowlaugh::rainbowkiss::rainbowwild:

Group Admin

3466871 course ya had to pick the one that looked the most psychopathic :rainbowlaugh:

3467239 I simply chose the most interesting one:moustache::raritydespair:sorry the rarity one was my cat not me.

Group Admin

3472416 sure, your cat :raritywink: and why does the most interesting one look insane? :rainbowlaugh:

Also, just so i'm sure, when you looked up 'random fish' you were going for a 'shocked' reaction right? :twilightsheepish:

3472611 and yes my cat I have four of them:ajbemused: and no it wasent a reaction I just like fish:rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

3472663 four cats eh? I used to have a cat, he is no longer with us :ajsleepy: but I do have a dog (staffy crossed with a labrador) :pinkiehappy: so what are your cats like? :duck:

Yeah some fish are pretty cool, I also used to have a big tank of fish, but then one fish ate the rest and committed suicide (not even joking :rainbowlaugh:)

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