Padded Ponies and Adult Foals 1,304 members · 968 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Don't let it get to you too much. They just seem to gravitate towards those fics for whatever reason.

i see, well this one dude called me out for uploading a diaper story on this sight. I told him "Then don't read a story that's not men't for you" he just said this site isn't for that kind of stuff and I can't except criticism. I said he was being an idiot and said all kinds of stuff about why i'm aloud to do this. He didn't say anything back

a lot of writte get bully for all type kink fanfic. people are jerks
but you can't let them bother they fault look at the title of story.

7469644 Don't let them get to you, some people mock/torment others just for kicks because of mundane things and interests.

Don’t let them stop you doing what you want to do and what you want to right.
The one thing that pisses me off and aggravated me the most is when people kink shame others.
So what you made a diaper story, so what someone made a heavy bondage story, so what some one made whatever fetish story.
In my opinion people that kink shame or try to my people feel bad, they can go fuck themselves for all its worth.

You had the right attitude, they don’t like the kink, don’t read the fucking story. I know this may have not been too helpful, but it’s my biggest pet peeve when someone critics something just because of a fetish.

If you don’t like it. Plain and simple.

Sorry again.

havent had it happen to me much at all but ive seen it, but real talk poeple who bully you are the ones who have something wrong with them, not you.

Never got those kind of comments. Must be lucky

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