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Rune's ears flick as he walks down the dorm hallway with his bags in tow. He can still barely hear the sounds of the music and singing of his roommate and others in the lobby, but it grows fainter with every step. Double-checking the room number on his key one more time, he is pleased to hear the hallway fall to silence a few doors before his own. Hopefully the actual rooms are a bit more soundproof than the hall, but if nothing else, he supposes, or at least he hopes, a full-blown karaoke party won't occur in the hall. If there was one thing he liked, well, he liked a few things, but one of them was definitely the ability to have quiet when he wanted it.

The key in his hand turns smoothly in the lock, no fusses. Good, best to know early if his lock was one of those finicky ones where you have to manipulate the doorknob an exact way in order to get the thing to work. As he steps into the main room of the dorm, he is treated to see that it is actually a bit roomier than he expected. All these bits of good news bring a smile to his face and a bit of optimism to his thoughts.

The bathroom turns out to be splendid as well. The counter inside seems well big enough for he and his roommate to potentially each have half of the surface as well as a cabinet and single drawer below the counter itself. He quickly brings forward his bathroom bag, having packed it in reverse order, unpacking it goes by quick and painlessly as he claims the right side of the counter and below. Towels go in the bottom, uncommonly used items such as cologne and first aid kit go on the small in-cabinet shelf above them, and finally frequently used items go in the drawer just under the counter-top for easy access. He decides to not put anything on the counter itself for now.

His numerous luggage pieces roll or float behind him with the help of his magic as he quickly strolls through the dorm and checks both bedrooms. Nice guy or not, he'd be a fool to pass up getting his pick of which room he wants. A cursory glance reveals about what he expected, in general status the rooms are the same: bed, desk, bookshelf, window, chest of drawers, and a few other bits to define a certain default state to the rooms.

However, it's the details he cares about. One wooden desk turns out to have a slight wobble from one of the legs missing a pad on the bottom, making it shorter. He'd definitely have to move the bookshelf if he chose the other, that or the bed, whichever he figures would be best. He performs a few more tests as he goes throughout each room, taking his time. One bed has a slight squeak, the other isn't quite as comfortable. One window has a tree within its view, the other doesn't. The list goes on.

Eventually he decides on a room, and after a quick switch of the bookshelves so he could have the darker wood one, he moves all his luggage in on one side of the room and cracks his neck. He looks around: quiet bed though slightly less comfortable, desk that doesn't wobble, darker bookshelf, window with a tree, ceiling fan that makes a pleasant but barely audible hum when on, no squeaky floorboard in the middle of the room, grimy window blinds, and excellent wall-socket placement for his purposes. He does a quick moving of the desk so that he can look out the window if he wishes but the sun doesn't hit him in the eyes if he's sitting there. A quick sit on the bed reaffirms that the sun hitting his face on here will also be a non-issue due to the angle. Finally, the bookshelf is confirmed to be out of the walkway, but still convenient. Now for the tedious part, unpacking everything and fixing up the room with what he brought.

This could take a while.

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor


((Yeah, give me all the shit you don't want, I see. -_-))

Helios walked down the hall, found his and Rune's dorm, and pressed his ear to the door. He heard a slight scuffling inside, which meant that Rune was already inside. He took out his key to the room, unlocked it, and walked inside silently. Let's see how much I can get done without him noticing... He snuck into the room he assumed was his, and put his bag on the bed. He then moved everything out of the way, and set up his microphones and amps. Not powerful amps, just enough that the neighbors wouldn't hear them. I'll send the others home then... He brought many speakers in his magic bag, enchanted by the princess herself for his fathers endeavers. He put all the misc. stuff that is for certain situations in the closet. This all took about an hour, due to his equipment.

He then moved to the bathroom, and unpacked the rest of his stuff. Next he put his musical showerhead on the countertop, with a note that read: Don't use this unless you wanna jam in the shower. "Awesome." Helios said quietly, still sneaking around. "Alright, I'll go let Rune know I'm here." He walked to Rune's room and knocked.

Comment posted by Blazing Justice deleted Jan 13th, 2014

((Didn't exactly give me a lot of time to answer did you? He's not asleep.))


The sound of shuffling is clearly heard, before hoofsteps are as well. Rune opens the door. Behind him, him room reflects a level of partial-unpackedness. Open bags are strategically spread throughout the room next to where their contents are going. The blinds have been removed from the window and what looks like a shade sits propped up against the glass. Even a bedside table has been slipped next to the bed and a lamp put on it.

Comment posted by Blazing Justice deleted Jan 13th, 2014

((You really didn't, just wait until the other responds. Can we just continue from where it was assumed I answered you at the door? And neither of us slept?))

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2595139 ((Yeah, fixed it))

Helios waited for his roommate to answer.


The sound of shuffling is clearly heard, before hoofsteps are as well. Rune opens the door. Behind him, him room reflects a level of partial-unpackedness. Open bags are strategically spread throughout the room next to where their contents are going. The blinds have been removed from the window and what looks like a shade sits propped up against the glass. Even a bedside table has been slipped next to the bed and a lamp put on it.

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2595169 ((I'm so sorry, bro. I'm a bit fuzzy from today))

"Hey, man." Helios said. "Uh, need some help?" He said as he looked into the currently unkempt room.

With a smile and a shake of his head, the anthro answers. "No thanks, I've got it covered. I'm just getting everything how I like it. You done unpacking your room already?

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2595189 "Didn't exactly have too much to unpack. Musical equipment, food in the fridge, and had to rearrange the room a bit. Did you get somewhat low-end stuff too?" Helios asked, bringing up the things Rune moved into his room.

((he only moved one thing btw, just because he liked the color better))

"Meh, it's a mixed bag. Some things aren't great, but I brought some stuff that I'm either going to replace them with or fix them up with anyway." He motions to the grimy blinds on his bed then to the crisp shade he had brought with him as an example. "I still need to pad out the bed, but I'm saving that for last."

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2595254 "Well, if you don't want help, I'll play some music while you work. You okay with that?" He asked, striding towards his guitar.


He watches the dragon head back to his room. "Uh, sure I guess, if you want." Inwardly he thinks that this will at least be a test of how soundproof the walls are.

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2595313 Helios grins, "Awesome." He brings out his guitar and sits on the couch in the middle room. "Here we go..." He said as he played the first few notes. ((Ignore visuals!!))

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2595313 As the song finished, Helios asked Rune, "Did you like it?" He knew this answer would determine whether or not he could play again anytime soon.


The unicorn peeks out from his room, having found out that the music is nicely muffled by the walls to where he can hear it if he wishes, but can always stick earplugs in to silence it if he needs to. "Yeah, it's a good song. You played it very well."

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2595456 "Thanks." ((gtg for a bit))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2595456 ((*gives you two a gold star*))


After the little impromptu concert by his roommate, Rune goes back to fixing up his room, keeping the shade holder still with magic as he puts in the screws to keep it there permanently. With a quick tap after to make sure they stay, he nods and slips the shade into place. He closes the door to his room and pulls the shade down to test how well it works. The room is suddenly plunged into near darkness, the only source of light being the barest lines of golden rays around the edge of the shade, providing enough light to see dark blurs and not hit anything. The anthro nods approvingly as he brings the shade back up. "Perfect."

Next up comes the bookshelf, a fairly straight forward activity. His horn stays lit as a constant flowing of books from one of his bags floats over to him. He glances at each one before placing it on the desired shelf, leaving one empty for text books, another for pictures, and another for nicknacks he may end up acquiring. The last few things coming out of the bag are some pictures of family and friends and some mysterious books, two of which look like journals of some sort and a collection of what appears to be research notes. These are all stowed in their proper places on the shelves.

He nods again, moving onto the tedious task of getting all his clothes organized into the closet.

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2596120 "You're absolutely sure that you don't want help?"


Run replies cheerfully in the closet. "No thank you! I do appreciate the offer, I'm just one of those types that likes everything in a particular way and it's faster to do it myself than explain it to someone else." He pokes his head out. "Nothing against you, I'm just weird like that."

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor


"Alright, then. I'll go see what Schnuff and Quill are up to then." With that he walked outside, guitar still on his back.


Rune calls out as Helios leaves. "Hey, can you tell them I said 'Hi'? I didn't get to talk with them as much as I wanted to earlier!"

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2597678 "Yeah!" Helios shouts back.


Rune finishes unpacking while Helios is gone. Clothes are put away in both the closet and dresser, laptop and printer are set up, bed stripped, fluffy mattress cover added, new sheets put on, clock put up on wall, alarm clock put on bedside table, standard pillows shoved behind the ones he brought from home, snuggle pillow present and accounted for, and finally, all the empty luggage is put into the top of the closet until he needs it.

Nodding to himself for a job well done, Rube drinks the last of the stuff in his thermos, lamenting the fact that it is empty after. Recalling that they have a kitchenette, he heads back to the common area, checking the fridge. Appropriately, it is empty.

"Yeah... definitely need to figure out where to get supplies around here..." He checks the map he had picked up, but nothing jumps out at him. "Come on... how's a guy supposed to get his milk fix around here?"

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2599194 ((milk? Suspicious...))

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2599194 2610257

Helios unlocked the door to his room and walked in, "Rune! I'm back!"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

2610261 2599194
Quill walked into the dorm after Helios and looked around the common room, where she promptly ran and hid behind the couch.

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2610295 "What are ya doing now, Quill?" He asked, laughing at her antics.


Rune looks up from where he has been reading a book while laying down on the couch. Peeking over the back of it, which is to the door, he hails his roommate, not noticing the quest literally under his nose. "Welcome back. How was your walk?"

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor


Helios snickered, "Good, hey, it says gullible on the floor." He said quickly.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill looks up at Rune as he talks to Helios


"I'm fairly certain it doesn't, but I'm curious what you want me to see." He looks down, seeing the pinto pony beneath him. "Oh... hello."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

2610368 2610331 ((Im eating leftover steak Boya!))
Quill stood up, coming nose to nose with Rune, "Hi!" she said happily as she smiled


He blinks at the close, rearing back his head a little. "Umm... you're one of the ponies from the lobby, correct?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

2610442 2610331
Quill nodded happily, her PJ's ruffling up a little bit, "Its nice to meet you! Helios told me your his roommate!"


He nods. "I am." After a moment he adds on to that. "Nice pajamas by the way, they look comfy."

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor


"See, bro? I care." He said jokingly.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill smiled, "Thanks, they are." she said.

Group Admin

2610515 Evergreen runs into the room and eagerly greets Nexus with a wet lick

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor


"This one's following us." Helios said, chuckling at Evergreen.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"She is a sweet timberwolf." Quill said as she hugged the wolf.

Group Contributor

2610555 2610508

Schnuffig knock at the front door. "Hello? Is this where the party has moved to?"


Rune's eyes widen as he sees the timberwolf. "Wow... I've never seen one of you close up..." He raises a hand and starts scratching behind her ear. "Who's a good girl?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

2610621 2610586 2610555 2610534
"It was nice meeting a new friend of Helios's! I hope I can be a friend to you as well!" Quill said.


"Sure, that'd be great!" He looks towards the bat pony at the door, waving a hand. "Hey, you can come in too you know. I'd offer to make you something... but our fridge is sort of empty at the moment. I hope to correct that soon."

Group Contributor

2610534 "Oh, then I wish I'd brought the fruit. I have a little left." Schnuffig steps into the room. "You have a nice room. Hello, Evergreen. You left your honey bear behind."


"That's alright." Rune waves a hand. "I'm sure there's some place we can get food... if not for the fridge then at least for dinner. I hope they have milk..."

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