Transgender Bronies 1,105 members · 752 stories
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I was searching for specific blogpost at Eugenia's blog and found this bit:

I loved the trans story, but the gay one had way too many cheesy scenes in it for me to take it seriously. It felt that the whole series were revolving around the trans & gay sex scenes, rather than these sex scenes being simply part of the story. For the record, I would complain just as much if it was as much hetero-sex from the same lovers over and over too. My complain is not the gay/trans sex, it’s just the fact that we see the SAME lovers doing the same thing all the time, which is something that doesn’t serve the story and the plot. The only time I felt that the sex scene was excellent AND very much needed by the plot (because it **explains** what sex can be for a sensate) was the sensate orgy scene (3 men + 1 trans woman). This scene needed to be there because it’s the only way we can understand the unlimitness of being a sensate. It was rightfully part of the plot!

So, I have wikipedia article on this serial open, "Sense8 (a play on the word sensate /ˈsɛnseɪt/) is an American science fiction drama streaming television series created by Lana and Lilly Wachowski and J. Michael Straczynski for Netflix. " Hm, not sure if I'll go out and actually try to watch it, but from description/keywords this remind me local (fimfic) story Blind - I very much liked this story. I see story is 'cancelled' but for me it feels finished - because it gives enough ..sense of the world/situation, so one can extrapolate .....

Sex scenes were my issue with a few Nextflix shows, a lott of long, necessary, sex scenes. They don't really add anything to the story. You could just as easily show the characters going to bed and have it clear sex is happening, without spending minutes upon minutes watching it, doing nothing to advance the characters or the plot.

sorry for leaving this thread for some time ... I read another article with interesting line of thought:

As Prum theorizes, lesbian behavior enhances female sexual autonomy by forging social bonds among women, alliances that allow them better to defend against male sexual violence and coercion. Gay behavior likewise enhances female sexual autonomy, but by forging male-male social bonds, reducing the intensity of sexual competition and deescalating sexual conflict.

this is interesting potential way of making humans into more pony-like beings {psychologically} .. but I don't think I'm ready to test this theory with my own practice :) :|


what does that have to do with Sense8 ?

only indirectly related.. Probably better in their own thread, but this forum not exactly busy place right now .....

two more positive mentions of this serie:
at forums

and at but be aware about last page of forum thread where it was said vox piece was a bit misleading

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