Writers With Learning Disorders 223 members · 1,543 stories
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Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are typically thought of as a hinderance on the brain's ability to focus. This is only partially true. The ADD brain does tend to drop focus easily, but if something captures its attention, it can stay focused on it for hours on end. This remarkable ability can produce inhuman amounts of work in long stretches of time if this power is tapped. If you feel passionate about something, and enjoy it at the same time, you can produce things beyond your wildest dreams with a little concentration. All of your brainpower devoted to a single task means inexplicable power can be focused like a laser on a single project.

Just so you know, I speak from experience. I have ADHD and when I tapped this Hyper-Focusing last summer I was able to write over 10,000 words in 14 hours. Stay strong my fellow Attention Deficit friends, all hope is not lost.

Group Admin

You know, I'm not sure I've ever had this happen to me.

2054491 I just hate it when people use ADHD or ADD as an excuse to do nothing all the time.

hyper focus, it's great when your able to tap all that brain power and have the ability to produce so much awesome :rainbowkiss:
unfortunately my mind tends to decide to hyper focus on random shit. especially when I'm doing something important like a test. All of a sudden the need to erase that little smudge is the only thing that matters and nothing will get done until it's gone. or I get too caught up on one problem and stay focused on it for too long. don't know if that's just me being ADHD or me just hyper focusing on the wrong thing.
of course I have been able to use it for more enjoyable activities :twilightsmile: I remember one time I managed to make 3 vectors and a digital drawing all in one weekend. and it was so much fun. I've yet to succeed in tapping it for writing, but I'm trying

Group Admin


I understand your frustration, but I can assure you that for some of us the constant fight to keep ourselves interested and doing things can wear us down so much that it drives us to lose interest in practically everything. I barely try anything new anymore because I'm near certain I'm going to lose interest in it within a short amount of time.

2054491This.This is EPIC when it happens


Yes, that is a very true ability. I get it sometimes and can hyper focus on my stories or something similiar.

I used to do it with video games a lot, then my interest turned to special effects, and eventually writing. Hyper-Focusing has been with all of those things.


We Aspies tend to be very good at hyper-focus. The problem is that we can't always control what to be hyper-focused at, and if you're unlucky it can turn out to be something completely useless.

I once spend several hours listening to Smooth Criminal over and over and over and over... :pinkiecrazy:

2058014If only it would now happen often enough when I need it, savvy?:ajsleepy:

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