Anti-Depression Ponies 1,888 members · 2,441 stories
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Now I will tell you right off, here I'm not looking for comfort for myself.

No what I'm here to do is assure you of one simple fact; whoever you are, wherever you are and whatever you may feel like, you are never alone. Forget what things may feel like at the moment, forget how much it may feel like it's you against the world, out there is people who care about you. Doesn't matter whether it's family, friends, girlfriends/boyfriends, teachers or hell even someone you don't even know yet, none of us are alone in this world and I implore you to always remember that.

Before you brush it aside, perhaps even think "oh sure, you can say that", just think about this; just think about the sheer scope of our world, all the good that's in it. Ignore the bad stuff for just one moment, and just focus on how many people there are in this world, and how many of them are good, caring people who love you, even if you and they don't even know it yet.

The feeling of being alone is one of the first steps we can take down the route to serious depression and dark periods in our lives, trust me I've been there and I know. I'm here to tell you, right now, kick that feeling away and never feel that you're alone; you will never be alone, and I can say that with utter assurance.

And how can I be so assured? Because even if you doubt yourself and doubt everything I've just said, whoever you are, wherever you are and whatever you've done, I care. I care about you, I wish you only the best in life and I implore you to not take that first step when you are so much better than you may think you are.

Thank you for your time.



2015528 The cure to being alone is getting a homosexual tulpa :moustache:

2015528 You're right. No one is ever alone. Because we exist as a people to love one another, and be there for everyone at their highs and lows. That is why we all exist, for the betterment of one another.

2015528 (\ thanks OP, I never new you had felt that way
(As an aside I've commented on our game)


Thanks a lot for this. I myself have been struggling for this past year, and it's good to know that despite there not being anyone home, I'm not by myself.

Only a couple more years left...

2015605 couple more years of what?


Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her.
You are not alone.

- Homura Akemi

My fave quote from the show :rainbowkiss:


I'm still in high school, so all I'm waiting for is the day I can move out and go to college. Start my own life, you know?

Group Admin


2015645 hmm, I see
This is something I find funny, there's a train station near my house which goes right by the college I want to go to. So, I plan to say in the house I grew up in as my parents move to there second home in the more rural part of the state where my dad grew up and were we own a store.

I'll always be alone, the only time I don't feel alone is when i'm doing something with others or talking directly to someone . No one that I know can relate to my hatred and rage, and no one knows why I lose my mind at times and start acting crazy, like nothing matters except revenge and making my tormentors feel pain. (Or atleast those my mind convinces me are tormentors)


Ah, this is what I live to see.


you are never alone

Yes, yes, all the voices tell me that all the time. :pinkiecrazy:

That is just the beginning, brother. We are many, you are us all...

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