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Mista vomited white foam today, I sent her to the Vet. Some tests later and she has Kidney Faliure and she is going to be hospitalized for two days.

She is a 12 year old cat, so poor girl is pretty old and is on her last legs.

The diet she is going to get might at best buy her a few more years.

She has been my only company for almost five years now and she has been with me for all 12 years of her life.

I'll try to enjoy the remaining time this fur ball has with us.


I am so sorry to hear what is going on with Mista. I know what it is like to have a cat go through kidney failure. Hopefully the vet can get her kidneys up and running again because that can also lead to liver failure. That happened to my Mystique and on the morning that I took her to the vet one final time, she could barely even walk because it had started to affect her brain function too. 12 isn't young for sure and hopefully the vets can get her feeling better and you can have her for a few more years, at least.

Sorry to hear that. 😞 I love cats. Hope and pray her final years will be good ones.

7872932 Do cats go to Heaven? Surely this one deserves to.

Poor little angel. When she comes home, give her head pats from me. I hope she gets better soon. :heart:

I pray that Mista’s last remaining years with you are warm ones:heart:

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