Comments ( 12 )
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Viking Hoof
Group Admin


Pony Race/Species: (limited to relevant characters)

Nationality: (limited to known countries)


Cutie Mark and special talent:

Physical Appearance:

Religion or lack of religion:

Political factions:

Noble bloodlines (and how much):


Position (note, you can apply to a high position, but we have to approve it first. Lower spots can just be claimed.)

(note note, by high position we mean anything above captain in military (navy and army), political office, and Major bussinesses owners)

Financial Politics:

Social Politics:


Viking Hoof
Group Admin

(Note Note, you can have 1 dirty secret as a bad attribute, but it MUST be hidden in a Blog of yours, comment on your story or blog of yours, profile page (but not a profile page comment), or in a pinned thread of a group YOU have created. They must also have a link to them PMed to me. If your secret is dumb or weak, I reserve the right to assign you one.)

Comment posted by Viking Hoof deleted Oct 5th, 2013
Viking Hoof
Group Admin

Princesse Yndig Skissa (her normal name is Cute Scribble)


Scandineighvian, Equestrian (as in the nation Equestria not the Empire)

18 years old

Two crossed Pencils with a red heart in the top quarter

She can create things by drawing them such as living ponies, physical objects, and sometimes sound (as big or small as she wants)

Is a soft snowy white, with a red mane, and blue eyes. Her wings are a tad small, and her horn is very short for a Alicorn.

Religion: Fantasi

Espa (near Jonklopping)/ Ponyville

Financial Politics: Undecided

Social Politics: Extremely Liberal (neutrality is not a option for this)

Positive Attributes: Extremely Adorable (only counts as one for her), Extremely Rich (counts as 3) (owns Cute Conglomerate, a major Crystal refineries, crystal electric products factories, rock farms, and shipyards owning corporation), Has a powerful talent (2),

Negative Attributes: Naive, Physically weak, Part Vampony (counts as a negative trait. Is not weak to sun, but does need to feed), Mute (negative trait), Magically weak (negative trait)

Comment posted by F4D3 deleted Oct 5th, 2013
Comment posted by Viking Hoof deleted Oct 5th, 2013
Comment posted by F4D3 deleted Oct 5th, 2013
Comment posted by Viking Hoof deleted Oct 5th, 2013


Name: Halvard Naess

Pony Race/Species: Gryphon

Nationality: Gryphonian

Age: 32

Cutie Mark and special talent: N/A (Gryphons don't have cutie marks)

Physical Appearance: His stature is slightly smaller than a normal gryphons, with red accents on his feathers. He is blind in his left eye as indicated by the large scar over his eye as well as the eye being clouded. He is missing his right wing and has scarring on the right side of his chest as well.

Religion or lack of religion: Faustian

Political factions: None

Noble bloodlines (and how much): None

Hometown: Ravndal, Gryphonia

Position: Former Sergeant Major in the Gryphon Army. Now Skandneighvian Diplomat for Gryphonia

Financial Politics: Believes that finances should be used to help the people of their nation, and that the Rich should be taxed more than the poor

Social Politics: Believes that The people should make the decisions more then the "Elected" officials. (He knows that there are some that buy their way in and fake being elected)

Positive Attribute: Due to his Non-Com training in "The Pit" (If you want to know what that is just ask) he has incredible pain tolerance and fighting aptitude (2), Charismatic leader, Honest and Honorable (2)

Negative Attributes: Has PTSD, Has a permanent scowl making him hard to approach, His scars also make him incredibly hard to approach, believes in harsh punishments, has trust issues

Name: Rock Solid

Race: Earth Pony

Nationality: Scandineighvian

Age: 39

Cutie Mark: Shield with a halo over it

Special talent: Activism (i.e. finding a cause and advocating it.) Rock Solid has long fancied himself as a knight-like figure, crusading for what he believes to be right. This has included many things over time, including peace efforts, charitable work,

Physical Appearance: Brown coat and black mane. Longish messy mane and scruffy beard.

Religion: Not part of an organized religion, but not exactly atheist.

Political Faction: Libertarian

Noble bloodline (if any): Paternal lineage of generals

Hometown: Doesn't have one (spends most of his time campaigning)

Position: Former Lieutenant in army, currently campaigning for Senator

Financial Politics: Conservative, believes the government should only exist to keep order, running with a close to a balanced budget as possible.

Social Politics: Believes government should stay out of social issues, but campaigns against war.

Positive: Loyal, ambitious, has strong morals, makes a good leader
Negative: Never admits his wrongs, self-interested, resistant to change, is very serious

Name: Storm Surge

Age: 46

Race: Unicorn

Cutie Mark: A Sextant over a map.

Other Physical attributes: Storm Surge boasts a jet black coat, complimented by a dark red mane which he oft styles into a duel Mohawk of sorts. While this is usually frowned upon, Surge has proved himself competent enough for this to be overlooked. Another thing that makes Storm Surge stand out in a crowd is his scarred and pitted face, coming from years of service aboard serving military ships.

Backstory: Storm Surges family line originated from some of the oldest unicorn bloodlines in Equestria, supposedly being related to princess sapphire herself. However, as the years went on, the family became less obsessed with preserving the purity of its bloodline, and intermingled with other bloodlines of worth.
Storm Surge himself can trace his family line back to its origin with the Spectrum family merging to create the Surge bloodline, which causes most of the family to be born as Pegasus, it being a more dominant allele than that of the Unicorn. This makes Storm a valuable asset to the Surge family, and they were against his intentions of joining the navy. Never the less, he signed up, serving on-board multiple air-ships as a lieutenant, before being given his first command, and rising through the ranks to a full captain.
Storm himself is very modest when it comes to his own past, hating the fact that many see his position attained only because of his ancestry. However, he has proved on multiple locations that this is not the case, and is instead based on his knowledge of air-ship navigation and combat, and his charisma with any crew he serves with.

Special talent: Navigation across oceans

Position: Lord Admiral of the Navy

Religion: Atheist

Political Faction: Fiscal conservative

Political Status: High in matters concerning the military, considered low in other regards.

Noble bloodline (if any): Surge. A split of family from the Spectrum bloodline. Seven generations from main Spectrum bloodline.

Positive attributes: Years of commanding ships in the navy have left him with an extremely good grip of when and where it is best to deploy the forces under his command to minimize loses in combat, this has endeared him to those under his command, and his orders will be carried out 99.99% of the time. Popular with the general population due to his success in military actions, meaning the public will rally behind him for all but the most outrageous proposals. Due to his past record of combat victories, when he makes a point, other listen to his advice and act upon it accordingly.

Negative attributes: Has seen more than his fair share of combat, and assuch has numerous scars, both large and small, that make others uncomfortable to be around him. Dark Secret

Comment posted by Viking Hoof deleted Oct 5th, 2013
Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1888234>>1888234 being a good leader is too general, pick specific traits (intelligent, charismatic, likeable/respected, good looking.)

2) self interested is what everyone in this RP is supposed to be.

3) having a serious demeanor is either + (seems responsible) or - (seems dull), pick one.

4) place of birth?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1888513 any decision making attribute is YOU not your character. All traits are observable traits or percievable attributes. EX: seems intelligent adds to popularity and weakens less intelligent characters intellectual arguments, but is intelligent is a less effective debate and popularity booster that has a major boost to management and money results.

Being experienced is like being intelligent, while a well respected veteran looks intelligent.

Why is he popular? Being popular is a symptom of attributes not a attribute.

Seperate experience and it's results attribute whise. Aka, just experienced or Suffers from PTSD are seperate.

Cool. Will change it when I can

Edited a bit, how is it now?

Edited a bit, how is it now?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1891354 look at the new attributes thread.

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