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Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor

I don't know what the distinction is between a horse and a pony. I mean, I know ponies are smaller, but then there are animals known as "miniature horses" which can get even smaller. (Some of them look to be about the size of your larger dog breeds in pictures I've seen.)

This one is especially tiny, due to not only being of a miniature horse breed, but also due to being just a few days old*. As you can see, the little foal has already bonded with at least one human.

That tail reminds me of somepony...

*Comments on the video mention that he/she is only three days old, and I believe the website that I saw sharing the video said the same thing. It might be mentioned in an audio track, but I didn't have the sound on when I watched this.

That is literally the size of a Hyracotherium. Though of course it's a modern horse, you can see that by the bigger, brainier head if not the hooves.

4671563 Oh geez... my heart... I'm dying... Damn you.

This is the greatest thing.

I would love to have one of these cuties, if I had more room. Sadly, I think my lawn would be insufficient.

But a man can dream.

Group Contributor

4671563 Hmm. Complicated. Anything under 14.2 hands at the shoulder is technically a pony, and also more like what I prefer to ride, but also there are pony breeds. Probably you've seen Shetlands, but there are breeds that are bigger and more like horse types. Icelandic ponies and Connemaras are gorgeous. Some of the Arabian horses bred at my school are pretty small (it's a small breed), and technically they'd be "ponies."

I know some people who would flat out say that miniature horses are an abomination prone to all kinds of genetic ailments. But here's a scoop on the difference on a miniature horse page, both on size and on "type."

Most of the characters on MLP, especially the females, to the extent that they have real equine characteristics at all, resemble pony breeds more closely than horses, the exception being Troubleshoes Clyde.

That's a very cute video. Incredible, isn't it, the way they can walk and run almost right from birth?

Dat tail wag. It's glorious.

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