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All right I have been reading a book recently;
It is called Fuzzy Business by Amelia Ritner.
It is a murder mystery with a Si-fi twist.
In it scientists have found a way to splice human gens with other mammals gens, but so far it would only work on a developing human. So basically a couple would want there kids to be born part animal, know as Manmal.

So with this in mind, say a character was born being spliced with equine DNA. So it looks like is is one of the Anthro Ponies we have come to read about, sort of. Then One day he ended up In Equestria but not the Anthro version but the Pony version we know.
Think of all the lovely conflict going form one world to another.

So how crazy do I sound?
Thoughts? Ideas? Consenrs? Straight Jackets?

1722539 Sounds like an interesting spin on the Anthropomorphic genre. Give it a go, friend!:twilightsmile:

Go for it!

Will it otherwise be the modern world or will you have a world with the tech advancement that would realistically happen in that time?


sounds like one hell of a ride but i'd love to see this

If you want to do it then do it. I'd like to read it when you do it.

1722677 May I ask you to clarify?
Earth will have the ability to do the gen splicing but it still like a toddler in it's use.
But are you asking if Equestria has tech?

Alex Louis Armstrong says, "This method of crossing over cool ideas has been passed down the Armstrong line for generations!" :derpytongue2:

1723096 First, Nice
Second, I take it you like it.

I give you 4 spikes for coming up with this awesome idea!


Yeah. It'd be a nice spin on the traditional formula of HiE's.

1723452 Like I said it's still in an idea phase but I will work on it thanks for the support.

sounds interesting! Definitely go for it. I wonder how the ponies would react to an anthropomorphic version of them. So many things to think about...:rainbowkiss:

1724584 I know it's just so fun thinking about the possibilities.
1723322>>1723312>>1722681>>1722665>>1722632>>1722585>>1722566 Thank you for your support I have some thinking to do before I can start writing. Thank you again.
1722677 I still like to clarify but after reading you post again I think I know what you are talking about.
Earth will have made a gen splicing brake through in the story but other then that it will fallow most of the normal things we have to day.

Thank you all for the help.

Thank you for your support I have some thinking to do before I can start writing. Thank you again.

You're welcome. If you need any help with the tech jargon or maybe some other form of techno babble, come to me. I'm chock full of the stuff. (See my latest story, White Rabbit Object.)

1724876 Thank you I hope I can get a hold of you if and when I need it.

I say, go for it. The story seems interesting in premise. I can only imagine what you can do with a character like this!

I assume it’s not a cheap procedure to splice the DNA of a fetus with other genes. It seems like a manmal would only be born to eccentric (crazy) parents or would be adopted by a wealthy family as an exotic “pet.” So here are some thoughts on the back-stage reasons for some possible character conflict:

If the birth parents are the ones to raise the baby anthro-pony:

The parents are either short-sighted immature couple who wanted a neat looking baby/pet or the parents were doing something they knew to be shocking and reprehensible purely for publicity. Octomom's parenting style, basically.

The parents probably didn’t think about how hard its life will be in adulthood when it tries to get employers to hire it, the quality of people who would want to marry an anthro-pony, or how equine DNA would change the baby’s inborn tendencies- thus making it even harder to relate to human beings.

If the antho-pony isn't an only child and has normal human siblings, there'd likely be more profound sibling rivalry since the parents showed clear favoritism to the pony baby- customizing its appearance (and perhaps, temperament) like a videogame character. Alternatively, if the children get along together just fine, the normal human children would be the ones to develop some self-worth issues. The normal siblings' internal dialogue might be along the lines of: "Mom? Wasn't I good enough? You had to pay to customize a baby because I wasn't what you wanted. You don't really want me, do you? You just tolerate me"

If a rich family purchases the baby as an exotic pet:

Assuming the baby is loved and fanned over, gifts and hired play dates would be just thrown at the child during his developing years. He probably wouldn’t know how to make friends in a normal setting considering most of the effort to be friends is on the part of the hired play date. His behaviors might be somewhere between harmless social awkwardness: “I wanted to talk about Dragon Ball Z or Pokémon, but the conversation never flowed in that direction, so we didn’t end up doing anything fun together” To abusive bratty behavior: “Daddy hired you to be my friend for the whole day, now you have to get on your hands and knees and be my horse!”

The child would not be taught the skills associated with being a functioning adult because he’d be expected to fill the role of a forever-baby or pet. Furthermore, the kid would probably be rewarded for acting childish (I do not mean “bratty”) or lovably oafish, and though this, be discouraged from acting like an adult. So... you know... emotional stunting. Trapped in a child's mentality.

Once he’s in Equestria, his overall character arch would probably somewhere along the lines of:

• Learning authenticity of character, letting his “Look at me, I’m cute!” mask fall off so he can sort through what he really thinks and feels.
• Learning proper give and take in friendships.
• Learning to trust parent figures (if parents were neglectful like in the scenario where they fathered him only because it increased the parents chances of getting their own reality TV show or movie rights)
• Learning independence, not having your life scheduled for you and your destiny predetermined (if parents purchased child as an exotic pet without expectation of letting pet go)

This looks like a really cool and unique concept. GO FOR IT. You've also given me a new book to read, and I think you for that. :3

1725563 Oh, that is good. I like these two thought most of all.

1) "If the antho-pony isn't an only child and has normal human siblings, there'd likely be more profound sibling rivalry since the parents showed clear favoritism to the pony baby- customizing its appearance (and perhaps, temperament) like a videogame character. Alternatively, if the children get along together just fine, the normal human children would be the ones to develop some self-worth issues. The normal siblings' internal dialogue might be along the lines of: "Mom? Wasn't I good enough? You had to pay to customize a baby because I wasn't what you wanted. You don't really want me, do you? You just tolerate me""

2) "The parents probably didn’t think about how hard its life will be in adulthood when it tries to get employers to hire it, the quality of people who would want to marry an anthro-pony, or how equine DNA would change the baby’s inborn tendencies- thus making it even harder to relate to human beings."

There is three problems that I have that could give me a headache, not with what you side but with in relation to the book. I know that not many people would have read the book because it's a local Author but I don't want to be seen as ripping one off.

1) Is that in the book they cove both ends of the spectrum one main character comes form eccentric (crazy) parents. The second is rich family purchases the baby as an exotic pet. So I don't want to be seen as trying to just take one of the characters and making them into another type them cramming them into this story.
Though I have not seen a sibling aspect so I could differently do that. I think I would like to do perceived favoritism issues and may be the character constantly trying to fight to prove they have a right to even exist, I could see how overly religious types could have a problem with this an make life problematic.

2) In the book both went to a government certified place but I could see illegal places and either done from one of those or even the character's mother being accidentally stabbed by impropriety deposed of materials while pregnant. More of a force on both parent and child.

3) The POV or rather voice Third person Narrator Or First Person both have advantages and disadvantages but I am still not sure.

But pleas note that I am still working this out all my thoughts on this and all your input is helping greatly this would probably be my third big project so it will take some time.
I am glad for you input and help.

It you like to add any thing else then I would be glad to here it.

Thanks again.

I could see how overly religious types could have a problem with this an make life problematic

Hmm... I hadn't thought of this before, but what if it's not the religious protesters who cause developmental stress on the kid, but the kid comes independently to the conclusion that he doesn't have a soul?

I mean, there's still a good chance that the baby is shielded from the public in general because it spends all its time inside his parents' house. But, assuming it has access to TV or the internet, the kid can see just how differently a true simian perceives and reacts to the world compared to something with some equine DNA. Our entire culture is based on certain monkeyish reflexes, such as periodically choosing "fight" when we get our Fight or Flight response tickled, wanting to be carried during infancy and later perceiving hug-like embraces to be comforting rather than threatening, liking music with melodies that are clearly replicatable within the human vocal range, and so on.

I mean, all that's different with horses. Infant horses are capable of a great deal of independents soon after birth- I think they can walk within two hours.

Either way, if the kid believes he doesn't have a soul, isn't entitled to an afterlife, or that he will be sent to a lonely one because he's supposed to join an afterlife only with other members of his own species (You know how we say dogs go to Dog Heaven?)... he might spend a great deal of his time trying to over compensate: manufacturing strong opinions about everything on the spot because he thinks having a weak opinion or not caring is a sign of being a glassy eyed drone, and whatnot

I can't really think of anything this early in the day. I'll respond with more after I come back from work.

more spikes for this (it ranges from 1-10 but i'm going over board)

100 SPIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1728617 Thank you again for all your help. Thank you for helping me work one this idea.
Pleas not I am not turning any of your ideas down I just was pointing out the problems that I might come across.
I also like to note that I really like a lot of what you said.
I hope that I can develop a story that I would really like to write.
I both appreciate and am glad for your help.

Thank you again.

I'M SO F:pinkiegasp:CKING PUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have two words for you my friend...*ahem, deep breath*

DO IT!!!


1722539 I didn't read it.Hehe.

Apocalypse Is Magic

1730845>>1732521Thanks for the support I still have to hammer this idea out it would be like my third biggest project but I want to get the other two going first. But I will try and hurry things the best I can.

1742840 is this just a random post? :unsuresweetie: Thank any way. :pinkiehappy:

Don't poop on ur keyboard! :pinkiecrazy:

I mean it bro! Don't! your keyboard watches your butt... it will make sure that u will never poop again if so.:pinkiecrazy:

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