Human in Equestria 16,836 members · 16,991 stories
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To quote someone who is good at this kinda thing (Bronzer):

"Are you seriously saying that the instincts of a prey species that is close to the bottom of the "big animals" food chain has the same instincts as the apex predator? Really? Ponies let their fear control them, humans get violent when frightened or angry and destroy whatever scares them with brutal efficiency."

Sounds about accurate.

Which is exactly why poorly written human in Equestria fics tend to piss me off...

especially when you think of the ones that portray all humans as scared little babies who are outclassed by literally everything in Equestria.
AND the ones where one human is a goddamn one-man army who is undefeatable. We have flaws, but we are not little bitches.

I'm going to ask Meghan McCarthy. I wouldn't be so sure. Ponies are very similar to humans. I don't listen to sources that aren't official, so yeah.

Comment posted by Russian Bank Teller deleted Dec 8th, 2017

False equivalency. We have no idea what the predator/prey situation is like in Equestria, and the ponies are designed to be noticeably human-like in nature. If you're going to compare nature to nurture, then you'd better have a good idea of what both actually are in the world you're talking about.

Also, "humans get violent when frightened or angry and destroy whatever scares them with brutal efficiency"? Sounds like a typical edgy teenager statement to me.

Europa #11 · Dec 8th, 2017 · · 1 ·


"Are you seriously saying that the instincts of a prey species that is close to the bottom of the "big animals" food chain has the same instincts as the apex predator? Really? Ponies let their fear control them, humans get violent when frightened or angry and destroy whatever scares them with brutal efficiency."

Ah ha. Ha. Yes, they do have the same instincts. We see it again and again. Their psychologies were designed to be the same as ours for OBVIOUS reasons.

The last sentence is just not true at all. Take this garbage back to HaS.

I'm not listening to your claims. Also, most of the stuff you say seems pretty biased to me.

Eh... I don't know. If I were to face a big scary monster, I'd grab my ass and haul it to the nearest police officer or something. Last time I got upset and tried to hit someone...we accidentally did dance moves. Did the tango while holding each other's hands. Of course, this is coming from a civilian, Mr. Apex Solider Sir—I'm only speaking for myself.

6234208 Citation seriously needed.

I did not write it. I just forwarded it. Refer to Bronzer

sorry about that. is now deleted

I am a human, after all...

just because it sounds edgy doesnt mean it isnt true, look at every war ever, we devoted entire branches of science to finding more efficient ways to end peoples lives

Europa #18 · Dec 8th, 2017 · · 1 ·

6234247 Wow you mean during war you look for ways to war better. How insightful. You can say the exact opposite about farming and medicine.

im trying to have an actual conversation and your just being a dismissive asshole, i would appreciate it if you wouldnt

6234257 Trying to have an actual conversation. By claiming that because, during war, people look for better ways to war, that makes us inherently violent.

Did you consider that maybe there's a reason for being dismissive? I wouldn't treat flat earthers' theories with respect, why would I for this?

I think human conquering Equestria fics are horrible too. You would have to be a total idiot to even want to do that. Not only are you placing yourself at the top of a government where you are doomed to spend the rest of your life doing paperwork involving laws and complaints, but as their conqueror you have insured the entire world probably now will hate you afterwards as the worst kind of monster...

so basicly your being an asshole because you feel superior in your opinions?

I dunno, considering how weak ass their military tactics have been depicted in show and comics... Pretty strong evidence it runs on herbavore logic and herd mentality...

I like to think that humans and ponies are equal, that if they were to ever meet, that there would at least be some negotiation. We've changed so much since WW2.

i dont think they are quite equal, not in the sense that one is better than the other, but I believe humans have a much more aggressive mindset than ponies would, assuming they were real.

6234270 Yes. Like I said, I would not treat a flat earther's reasoning with respect. And neither would you; the only reason you're getting so upset is that you're on the receiving end. Maybe wonder why your reasoning is treated so poorly?
6234272 This just makes no sense at all. Nevermind the military's there solely to be worfed/redshirted, poor military tactics in no way links to herbivore logic. What even is that? Is there some documented "Ah yes, this is how all heribvores think"?! And neither is herbivore logic linked to cowardice; elephants come to mind.

Not to mention the ponies have literally not once displayed herd mentality and even if you try to argue they have, humans also have mob mentality which is the exact same thing.

no, actually, im upset because your using an excuse, comparing this to something as idiotic as the flat earth theory just to make me look like an idiot, when i didnt do anything to earn it.

6234283 Because it IS as idiotic as flat earth theory. I mean, listen to yourself! "During war, the object of which is largely to kill enemy soldiers, research and development teams look for ways to kill enemy soldiers better. Therefore it's true that humans in general are violent and destroy anything that threatens them with brutal efficiency."

You're just coming to your defense. "He's being mean!" Not considering why it is I hold your view in such low esteem. No, the problem SURELY isn't you, is it?

im going to ignore you now, your twisting words, and i dont feel like dealing with it anymore'

6234293 Good riddance. And ha! Twisting words! I've twisted nothing. Don't like hearing what you really said, do you?

Comment posted by Dreadknight garen deleted Dec 8th, 2017


humans get violent when frightened or angry and destroy whatever scares them with brutal efficiency. - what OP said

Therefore it's true that humans in general are violent and destroy anything that threatens them with brutal efficiency. - what a fag said.

6234300 "I'm going to ignore you now." - Well, that lasted all of, what? 4 minutes? Great job, way to stick to your guns.

And you didn't say that yourself, but you were supporting it. You said, and I quote:

just because it sounds edgy doesnt mean it isnt true

But I suppose you just conveniently forgot that, didn't you?

And resorting to name-calling now. How mature. At the very least I've only insulted your ideas.

you compared me to a flat-earther, so no, you didnt "only insult my ideas"

6234309 Except that's not true. Look back at what I wrote, I only ever compared your reasoning to a flat earther's reasoning, not you to a flat earther.

So yes, I really was only insulting your ideas. But I suppose being the victim is more important than reading comprehension.

jesus christ, alpha male 2 stronk, im sorry master, ill go back to the plantations now

at this point im just going through and laughing at how alpha male you are trying to sound throughout all of this, thx for the 20 minutes of amusement

In the Terik episode the guards had weapons but seemed not to possess either the knowledge or the killer intinct necessary to actually use them...

6234317 I'm sure you will, for all of four minutes. Just like your promise to 'ignore me'.

Also, gotta love that you have no actual defense of your ideas, so you resort to passive-aggressive insults. Why are you even still responding? Some kind of chest-beating nonsense?

You made a stupid statement. I pointed that out. Your reaction wasn't to try to defend it, but rather start flinging insults and whining about me being mean. Get over it.

6234328 They had weapons and didn't even have time to show whether or not they had the knowledge or killer instinct before Discord levitated them out of sight. Besides, I'm pretty sure we saw the Wonderbolts directing a charge at Tirek with murder on their faces.

im responding because it keeps you responding, thanks for taking the b8 m8

6234335 Yes yes, the old "Aha, I was merely PRETENDING to be stupid, joke's on you! I was just responding because, uh, it's uh, entertaining for me to watch people insult my blatant stupidity!"

You know nobody over the age of 5 actually believes that, right? Come on, be honest.

Crimmar #42 · Dec 8th, 2017 · · 2 ·


To quote someone who is good at this kinda thing (Bronzer):
"Are you seriously saying that the instincts of a prey species that is close to the bottom of the "big animals" food chain has the same instincts as the apex predator? Really? Ponies let their fear control them, humans get violent when frightened or angry and destroy whatever scares them with brutal efficiency."

There are so many things wrong with this statement that I don't even know where to begin.

First, the idea that the ponies are a prey species while we are an apex predator. By the Power of Buzzwords, I am a Dumbass!

Dumb. Ass.

Dun, dun, dundundun dun dundun, dundundun, dun dundun, dundundun du dudun....

Let us take the example of a human male at his 25. No teeth to write home about, soft nails, some muscle that depends on whether he is a slouch or not, and a body optimized for duration provided he has adequate water, and soft, easily penetrated skin with no defenses of fur, scales, or any horns. Also, he is an omnivore and rarely an equal for the majority of animals close to his size. Many times not even that.

Does this sound like a predator to you?

An apex predator, also known as an alpha predator or apical predator, is a predator residing at the top of a food chain upon which no other creatures prey. Apex predators are usually defined in terms of trophic dynamics, meaning that apex-predator species occupy the highest trophic level or levels and play a crucial role in maintaining the health of their ecosystems.

Now, which position do you think the ponies occupy in their food chain, and how much of a crucial role do they have in their ecosystem? Do at any point in the show seem to hold a bottom food chain position any more than we do? You think because they are chewable they are prey while having a civilization, industry, and standing forces? Do you think you can go against a lion and laugh as it tries to bite through your impenetrable Apex Predator skin, now in neon?

And I don't want to hear any nonsense about how a pony will run from a timberwolf or such. Let me put you in a forest with normal wolves, lets see how you will fare (not good). Also, if you say anything dumbassery like "I'm gonna have my #beretta that is customizable and can drop a black clan ork at 50 paces and I always have with me and are a crackshot with, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the room and play with your dolls outside.

Ponies let their fear control them, humans get violent when frightened or angry and destroy whatever scares them with brutal efficiency.

The idiot who wrote this must have no idea of what control is. When ponies are afraid they move to leave the area and then turn to their leaders for what to do. The counterargument is that... we get violent and destroy what scares us? You think that denotes control? Are you 11 years old? Do you even understand the ramifications of what comes out of your mouth or do you think it's smart as long as it is edgy enough?

This is like saying that when a man gets angry with a woman and beats her, he is doing so because he super controls his Apex Predator anger or fear.

Have you seen what happens when there is a fire in a building? A bomb threat? A gunshot? Or do you close your eyes and go, "nope, we are all cool as hell, this never happened,"?

Is... Is there a dumbass reward? Can we make one? Maybe we can give a new one each month or something. Anyone knows?

To quote someone who is good at this kinda thing (Bronzer)

If you mean he is good at speaking foolishness, then yes. I tip my hat to him.

P.S. Get your egos in control rather than trying to rub them out against fantasy cartoon horses and still failing.

oh, be honest?

well, i think that you have a VERY large need to be in the right, and that if you find a way to assert your superiority over someone, you will take it because you have to be on top


Be mature, you two. As much as I like to see two people measure each other’s dicks, it’s bloating the thread.

6234350 Quoth the pot. No, the fact is this is a thread to discuss something, which is what I did. You brought something up. I pointed out that it's wrong. And now you're here getting all bent out of shape. Why, is it because you couldn't "assert your superiority"?

6234354 I have been. He said something, I pointed out how incorrect it was, his response was to start some chest-beating nonsense and accusing me of everything he's doing.

at this point im just egging him on, i realise im part of the problem, but i also dont care

I am honestly starting to hate threads that revolve around psychology. Someone genuinely states something on an intellectual level and idiots like Europa and Dreadknite flood the thread with their own argument. I honestly detest Europa because every thread I've been in where they have appeared has turned into a warzone. They have to be right all the time and everyone else is supposedly an idiot for not agreeing with them.

this is litteraly the first time ive ever seen europa, and the first time ive participated in one of these flame wars, so pls explain what your talking about.

Your response was beautiful. You've earned a new follower!~:heart:

6234370 Well maybe if people would actually argue my points, instead of just arguing about how what a bully and oh-so-mean I am, that wouldn't happen. That's exactly what happened here. I pointed out why his point was wrong, and was his response to explain how my debunking was wrong? No, it wasn't, and the results speak for themselves. But surely it's my fault, right? All the blame is mine. I'm just so detestable but you're not, you're SUCH an angel, aren't you Mist_Chaser?

Actually no, don't respond. Fuck this. I'm logging off and never back on. I hope you all rot.

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