Button Mash 1,380 members · 825 stories
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Hey everypony if you haven't thought of this well heres mine a story about sweetie bot and button mash sweetie tries to keep her secret from button mash romance and other stuff so just take this and make it something awesome...

I second this opinion.

The motion is carried.

1558431 1558451 1558586
I think it's pretty much Sweetie Bot has a crush on Button Mash and doesn't want him to know about it. I kind of like it; it's quirky.

feel free to make your own story for this i dont have anytime to make one

Ah. That could work very well. Bare with me for a second:

Sweetie Bot can talk normal but her voice module gets damaged, she goes to Button to see if he can help fix it, because he plays computer games and should know about these things. He does, he helps and they grow on each other.

Or he doesn't and he accidently screws with her programming.

wow. that's actually... really cool.

Hey OP, have a moustache:

That would seem to imply she is a robot...as far as I'm aware she is a perfectly normal biological sentient life form :ajbemused:. She says so all the time.

[Seriously though. She shouldn't be aware she is a robot, right?]

I suppose you have a point. What if she doesn't know she's a robot and goes to her best friend Button Mash to see if he knows what's wrong with her, Button discovers she's a robot but decides not to tell her?

1558942 But then, the truth slips out and Sweetie bot almost goes on a rampage but Button calms her down through some romantic speech of some sort.... Seems like a legit idea.:scootangel:

Alternate: He remembers that one time he left his Joyboy too close to a magnet and somehow disables her. Because SCIENCE. >_>

:rainbowlaugh:I luv it:scootangel:
Yes! The whole robots (re)gaining humanity thing is a huge yes from me!:heart:

1559288 So who's willing to make this story?:trixieshiftright:

Just like the OP said, the idea's are free use. I may even have a go at writing something like this later:twistnerd:

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The only other thing I can see is that Button Mash tossed a game disc at sweetie belle/bot tp put in his game system and instead of catching it it is instead apparently loaded in through her mouth? and maybe its one of those violent games i dunno go on try this on for size

or during fixing her, programs in some "extra" commands in for some fun :trixieshiftright:

Combine those two:

He asks Sweetie Bot to put Pony Effect 2 in his Ponybox 360, but instead puts it in herself. He's up to the suicide mission and saved just before the sexxy part.

Um, the whole Sweetie Bot thing has always seemed kinda weird to me, but I think usually she doesn't know she's a robot unless somepony tells her, or she gets hurt.

I sorta doubt games intended for a console would run on a robot. Unless Sweetie Bot was originally intended as a console accessory, in which case, she probably wouldn't need the disc and would just become part of the game when she got within range of the console.

--Sweetie Belle

Hmm. What if she's like a wireless reciever and picks up Button Mash playing a game? Nah.

What about if Button's trips and lands on Sweetie, accidentally jamming a cartridge/disc inside her?

I'm worried that when they confess love for each other that Sweetie will go all #404: Emotion not found.


What if Button was the one that was actually a robot? Maybe that's why he reacted so badly to drinking a milkshake.

--Sweetie Belle


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