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I'm having my unwritten OC take flak, being told that it can't be distinguished from myself. I'm trying to listen and take the feedback, but it really hurts hearing the character I worked so hard on being called a self insert. Even more so as I realize I do have elements of mostly myself inside of him. I know I need to take feedback to make him a better OC, but it hurts having him torn apart like this. How do you deal with OC criticism? Especially when you know it's right, but your afraid to hear it...


Well we're going to need to hear about the OC if we're going to make an assessment

4592204 who cares it's yours not theirs if it was they would be told it's a self insert

The way I deal with any kind of criticism (though it might not be the right way, it really helps for me), I cry for a day or two and then try to take it and fix my mistakes.

4592204 If it's unwritten, how does anyone know about it to criticize it?

See, here's the thing. Many OCs are created as an extension of ourself, whether we intend them to be that way or not. Lyric and I share many things in common, which I had not intended, but they snuck in there. I've seen much the same with other OCs on this site. My advice? Make your OC the way -you- and -only you- want them to be. Otherwise, they aren't yours anymore.

It was a blog I made asking my OC any question, they said they couldn't separate my OC from myself.
Hey Lyric! And that's what I said about the whole thing. Sorry for making this, I'm feeling calmer now, it was just a short burst of anger earlier. Sorry for wasting everyone's time.

4592272 I have a suggestion that you may or may not find helpful: Make a whole bunch of OCs. Use a different premise for each of them and then see how you like them compared to each other. You may find that you can make a really good OC by stealing the best/most interesting parts of several of these experiments and combining them into a single individual. As an added bonus, when you write a story, you'll already have a bunch of supporting characters ready to go.

That's what I've done, I've made a ton of OC's. Though, I've made each one different at it's very core, I have an educated asshole, a nervous author (The self insert-y one, which I can't deny.) And a snarky athlete thus far, and a few others in the back of my brain...

4592290 On the bright side, if your favorite OC is just like you, then you must not have any problems with self-esteem.

This was not a waste of time at all, Kirito. :twilightsmile: Please feel free to always reach out when you need some help or advice or guidance.

4592290 I suppose a quick and dirty method to "fix" a self-insert would be to remove their biggest flaw and give them a different one. For example, make him/her not nervous, but severely absent-minded or oblivious.

That's funny actually, as I DID have problems with my self esteem, still do. But today for some reason, it's not as bad. Odd.
Thanks Lyric ^_^ *hug* I'm gonna listen to his advice and try to mix my OC up a bit, but I'm still gonna be a touch snarky about it.

That could work, I actually have it being self deprication, only nervous around large crowds. But I can add something else to that.. Overly critical, perhaps?

Any time. *hugs* And honestly, I will admit that mixing up a character is not a bad thing at all. Lyric herself has undergone quite a number of changes since I've first created her, most for the better, and most have helped me develop her into a much stronger character. But as you do the same, just be sure that your OC is still the way you want them to be. :twilightsmile:

*hugs* long as he's a writer who lives in Ponyville, and undergoes a story of maturity/development with a hint of wish fulfillment, I'm good ^_^

4592318 I don't know, I'm kind of guessing, since I have the opposite problem, myself. All of my OCs tend to be as unlike me as possible just because I hate reading about people like me. :twilightblush:

I see, well I write them like me because, while I do make them go through actual problems like any character should. (Story without conflict, BLEGH..) And grow as individuals, I feel making them like me let's me write them more naturally...ya know?

Then there's your answer. :twilightsmile: *hugs* Best of luck!

*hugs* thanks! And I hope you and Gears are available to talk tonight, I feel so liberated right now! I really hope nothing happens, but I gotta have faith don't I? ^_^

4592334 Oddly enough, it can sometimes be really difficult to accurately predict your own behavior in a hypothetical situation. Nobody is truly objective about themselves, and your assessment of yourself varies with your mood. A made-up character, on the other hand, is only as complicated as you need them to be, so it's often easier to keep their behavior consistent, especially if their defining feature is an aspect of their personality. I.e. what's the brave pony going to do? He's going to be brave, of course.

Mmm, true but I'm overly critical of myself. And while I'm not trying to brag, (Really I'm not, this new found sudden confidence scares me. I should probably go play Bloodborne and beat it out of me with the inevitability of death.) I do at least think I can earnestly say when I would act or do a certain way, and I still think my character is different ENOUGH from myself that I can write it well. But then, that's probably the ego talking.

4592343 Personally, I have no objection to self-inserts, as long as they're not alicorns/the Chosen One/friends with the entire core cast.:twilightangry2:

but i love self inserts

Too the former two, no. He IS friends with the Mane six, but I'm trying to build it slow at first, being friends with certain members at FIRST, and becoming friends with the other via association. Heck, one of my other non self insert OC's has an absolute HATRED of Rainbow (Asshole academic) and the feeling is mutual.

4592362 The Mane Six is almost a given. I was thinking more of the characters that somehow end up consorts/advisers to the princesses within a month of meeting them.

Gee, really? Within a month?...Well that is the writers choice after all. I can't criticize the writer, when I'm being a snarky ar*e right now...I'm starting to feel a bit bad.

4592380 I wasn't thinking of a particular story. It just seems that most of the authors on this site that don't put much effort into character development end up with something like:

"Bob the lycanthropic-vampire-changeling-mage does a quadruple sonic rainboom, turns into an alicorn and does all the mares."

(This is meant as hyperbole. I'm just exaggerating to illustrate my pet peeve.)

I figured as much ^_^ but yeah, I really love OC's, ESPECIALLY when we put thought and effort into them...


Bottom line is that OCs get flak anywhere for not being canon characters. You've complained about this guy saying your OC is too much like you. First, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Second, does he really know you? Third, as long as people can connect with the problems and struggles of the character, it's fine. In nearly all OCs I've read about, I have been able to relate to them in one way or another.

I deal with it poorly. I don't know how to take criticism, so that's why I do everything prefectly.

4592204 If you don't want the OC to be a self insert, you need to listen to what people say. The number one easiest way to differentiate you and your OC is to give him a different skillset from your own - Not a more powerful one, just a different one. Unless your OC is you just directly ponified. But let's say you're good at drawing, what in your OC's backstory would make him good at the same thing? Nothing? Then that's not something he'dd be good at.
If you can't handle criticism... You're not in the right section of the internet.

I deal with it by getting some tough skin and learning that criticism will hurt more than help if I don't.

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