Power Rangers Crossover Group 295 members · 133 stories
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Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

Mine is the first. The reason is the theme.

I mean, who doesn't get pumped hearing that?

Okay, I've been giving a lot of thought to the question aaannd... I couldn't pick just one season as my total favorite.
*dodges power-blast*:twilightoops:
What I meant is, that all the seasons from the Saban's era, and some from the Disney era (which in all honesty:ajbemused:, was the beginning of the Power Rangers downfall), always had something that kept drawing me to the show, as well of some stuff that I didn't like, even after MY LITTLE BROTHER got bored from it after the Zordon period (MM I-in Space). I will try to explain as brief as possible the reasons why I liked most of the seasons, along with some of the stuff I didn't like.

MMPR: I began watching PR from the beginning, so it is only natural that this has a special place in my heart. As a kid, I was all over the place whenever they transformed, combined their weapons or called on the Zords. This excitement carried on during season II, whith Tommy (best Ranger) being the team leader and the first White Ranger in history and getting the ninja powers later in season III. Now, while the Alien Rangers count as a different gen. (which shouldn't exist actually), I'm still counting it as MMPR. Why? Because it is in f:yay:ng the tittlle.

Zeo: I was confused a little bit about this one for all the color changes at first, but then I've started enjoyng this season as much as the previous one. It was different, it was new, something completely refreshing from the previous four seasons; it also had a lot of character development, especially with Tommy, I mean good lord this guy had it hard: Kimbely dumps him, Kat starts showing feelings to him, finds his long time lost twin brother, learns more about his american heritage, is brainwashed...:pinkiegasp: All while trying to lead a team of highschool students against an army of evil machines driven to destroy all life on earth!... Yeah, that hard. And btw, Did they won? Oh right, they moved on after the Christmas special without giving a true finale! :twilightangry2:

Turbo: What can I say about Turbo, the same team until half the season, with a change of the Blue Ranger from the beginning (a kid Ranger? Most awesome idea, Ever!), new powers, new villains and a new... what is the common definition of Zordon and Dimitria? Anyway, the show was okay at least, even the Zords were pretty sweet, though I hated the fact that these were cars after five seasons of... *sigh* vehicles aren't as cool as dinosaurs, mistical beasts, h:yay:l even the Battle Borgs were cooler than cars. Okay? Okay!

In Space: I believe this is the best season of all the Zordon period. We get a new character, Andros, who is some sort of Space Ranger (2∞&→ (:trollestia::facehoof:)) who is in a personal quest to find his long time lost baby sister.. Anyway, he accepts the four guys in the team and fight the forces of evil, blah blah blah. The strong point of this season though, is Andros' story, the whole thing, from his home planet and background to his relationships with all the other Rangers and characters, along with one of the best plot-twists I've seen in my life. The Rangers arsenal and powers were also cool, with special mention to the Battlizer (again, "Space Ranger").

Lost Galaxy: New setting, new characters and new villains (kinda odd considering the previous gen finale). Here, the story centers around a Space Colony that goes through several problems caused by a group of space pirates, beginning with the “death” of the brother of this gen Red Ranger (kinda seeing a pattern here:ajbemused:). Now, what makes this series stand out from the previous seasons is the presence of something mystical about the whole setting: The Quasar Sables, Orion’s Light, Even the Zords, that appear to be organic/mineral-like creatures and then turn into our beloved mechanical giants. There’s this magical air to this season that, in all honesty, I thought was very refreshing for the series when compared with the technological centered setting in previous seasons. This was also a very dark season, filled with death, hatred and revenge; totally a different take on the usually action packed Power Rangers franchise.

Light Speed Rescue: Let’s give a big welcome to the first Power Rangers team supported by the U.S. Government (?). This is the first generation to have powers and arsenals exclusively from Earth. The Rangers were public figures instead of secret defenders of humanity, thus they had more limitations due to protocols and f:yay:ing bureaucracy. The Rangers were recruited this time to protect Earth from demons… So you can already guess that this would be a very dark season. And I’m saying this without entering in many details, but h:yay:l it was! The Zords were again some form of giant vehicles, but this time wasn’t that bad, especially that Super Train Megazord!

Time Force: Four special agents from the future travel back to the XXI century with the aid of a contemporary Red Ranger (who wasn’t the leader) in order to chase a dangerous criminal that escaped their time with a prison full of evil mutants that is threatening to change the course of history and possibly destroy humanity… How can I not like that? Time-traveling is not a new asset to the PR universe, but the fact that the Rangers Powers, their weapons and the Zords (this time a form of flying vehicles which is a totally awesome concept) all come from the future is really cool. My favorite chapter was when the team was captured by a director mutant in some sort of movie dimensions, which got me thinking: “this series would be more awesome if instead of staying in one same era, they traveled to several other time periods.” But no, they had the time travel and they barely used it; oh well. Another thing that I found special about this gen was that the Rangers didn’t destroy the monsters, but they capture them in collectible action figures freeze capsules, and that was interesting.

Wild Force: Grrr! Animals, f:yay:ck yeah! And there’s the Lion, and the Shark, a Bull and a Tiger and an Eagle. Grr, so awesome:rainbowkiss:! And there’s this Island in the sky, and this princess. And there was this wolf-guy, who actually is another Ranger! And they had multiple Zords and many Megazords. And let's not forget the awesomness that was "Forever Red".
I just went “fanboy” for a second, didn’t I:facehoof:? What I meant is that I enjoyed this series because of two factors: 1) The Zords were all wild animals, which I support over the vehicle-Zords and they had a bunch of them. 2) The story, while still very dark, this time it involves topics like grieve, atonement, self-discovery and forgiveness, all of that giving a lot of maturity to all the characters.

Well, those were my reasons as to why I’ve enjoyed the Saban’s era Power Rangers so much, and while some of the Disney series also had good points to its favor, the overall silliness of each season killed anything savable. HS, out. May the Power protect you all.

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

You forgot about "Forever Red" in Wild Force. Also, in the Super Sentai Timeforce was adapted from (Timeranger) they DID go to different eras, Saban just thought it'd be cheaper to keep it in one.

(Sorry it took so long, I didn't know you had posted. Also, damn me and my meta knowledge!)

Best season? Hands down- RPM. Don't get me wrong, I love the campiness of Saban Era, and Disney wasn't that bad (except Overdrive, when I just gave up after few episodes) and as much as I base most of it on nostalgia (I was 10 when MMPR ran in my country), I always wished this series would grow balls. As in, stop being "60's Batman" and turn into "TAS", with more mature themes, while still keeping the kid friendly vibe. And that's what RPM did, it grew up but didn't forget what it was. It had problems, but I was willing to forgive them.

Also, years later I found out what the original series was like (Go-Onger). Just, wow, they changed SO. MUCH. And it worked! I respect it even more knowing what it looked like before.

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

I've never seen the original, so what was it like?

Also, for another one that was changed drastically, look no farther than Lost Galaxy. They turned a nature themed season into a space opera.

1372854 Go-Onger was a parody of a typical sentai story. Main characters were almost all racers, or at least car related, and their robot partners were actually sentient cars from another dimension, where they are heroes, fighting evil robots that pollute their lands. When they cross to human world, they turn into toys.

...no, really. Even for sentai standards, it was bonkers. I only saw first episode, but it was something all right. Not exactly a post-apocalyptic story about last city invaded by evil computer virus :derpyderp1:

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

Well then. I actually stopped watching right after SPD. Didn't have cable for a while, but I'm getting caught up. I watched some of Samurai and Megaforce (Earth's Defenders, Never Surrender!). I'm actually waiting for the Legend War with bated breath.

1372883 Ugh... to be honest with you, Samurai didn't click with me. At all. I get what they were aiming for and I applaud them for trying to be closer to source material, but it just didn't work right. I abandoned this series fast and I dont regret it, to be honest.

And as for Megaforce, there are giant problems for me. One, is that characters ARE. SO. BLAND! After three episodes I never wanted to see them ever again.
But the biggest problem I had, was that I actually watched Gokaiger (Pirate season which brought back EVERYONE) and it was fricking amazing! Best characters, great overall plot, villains were cool if not the greatest ever, cameos from older seasons (which by then, I had no idea who they were, as Gokaiger was my first sentai) - it all worked. The single idea that cast from Megaforce would be recreating these scenes made me just bleh.

I hope I'm wrong and someone will tell me that's its worth getting back to it.

And no spoiler here, but the war in sentai was EPIC. Watch first 5 minutes and try not to squee:

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

Ha, I have the whole movie on DVD. I think they'll have problems though. After all, most of the first four teams are the same people. Tommy's going green, so no Zeo 5, MM White, or Dino Black.

1372943 Like that ever stopped them before :twilightsmile: Im more interested in seeing how they'll make massive combat scene work, since they'll have to cut every single sentai pre Zyurangers. Are they just going to make it from scratch? They did original footage before, but not on this scale.

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

They are doing it from scratch. I admit, they will probably hand wave it. I mean, an entire season dealt with time travel.

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

You know how I mentioned in the other forum post about how I don't like Mystic Force's outfits? I actually like the story.

Actually, I haven't watched Timeranger in it's entirety, but Saban actually wanted to do it spanning across time, hence the opening sequence, but since all the fights were in modern day, they kept it in 2001.

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

Was that the reason? I thought it was money.

1122079 It's tough to say really.

MMPR Season 1: This is the one that started it all and was pretty good for quite a while. But in the big gap after Tommy left and before he returned the show became rather formualistic. Then when Tommy returned it started to get better.

MMPR Season 2: Lord Zed was quite dark at first, perhaps too dark as he later got retooled into being a hammy husband. Goldar really came into his own here considering he was no longer just that commander that was in charge of the troops. Tommy's return was the highlight of the season but it did pick up again when it included some fresh blood. (Though Rocky could never compare to Jason).

MMPR Season 3: Only a few episodes in and guess what happens the rangers lose all their zords and all their powers. Then they get new powers and new zords. Pretty exciting start. The 10 episode story arc involving Kat and Kimberly's departure was probably the darkest stretch of MMPR up to that point considering what happened to Kimberly. But after Kimberly left the show wasn't quite the same. Then came the mini arc with the Alien Rangers which really just focused on the rangers as kids. At least it ended with a bang (pun intended).

Zeo: For the first season to introduce a costume change this one was pretty good. Character development was quite strong and was a breath of fresh air for the series. Tommy really grew into his role as leader and Kat really started to stand out, especially after the infamous Kimberly break up letter. Jason's return was unexpected and very enjoyable. And technically this was the first season to include a team up. (The Alien Rangers teamed up with the Zeo Rangers in "Rangers of Two Worlds"). It just never got a proper ending.

Turbo: Justin was arguably the best thing about the first half of the series considering the rest of the cast were now adults. For a time Devotix was annoying and the series very formualistic and comedy centered. Then came the new cast and the series seemed to get better. And then came that infamous downer ending where the rangers actually lose. Yeah needless to say that didn't really work out all that well. The extra rangers Blue Sentruion and Phantom Ranger were quite intresting even if they rarely showed up.

In Space: This is what saved the franchise from fading into obscurity after "Turbo". Andros and Zhane were very unique and the team ups with former rangers Justin and Adam were perfect. Alpha 6 also became a lot more likeable. The plot twists and first two megazords were quite surprising and it was intresting to see a villan join the rangers team for a time. It introduced the concept of the battleizer.And the two part finale was a very fitting end that wrapped up just about all the loose ends dating back to the begining. But the best part had to be the Pyscho Rangers story arc, it was so popular it was made into what we all thought was a "movie".

Lost Galaxy: An attempt to cash in on the sucess of "In Space" that was actually quite original. This series had a high death tole and they had a lot of episodes that really tugged at your heartstrings. (There's even a episode where the monster doesn't want to fight but is forced to against his will and the rangers actually feel sorry for defeating him.) The team up with "In Space" was great and Karone made a good replacement for Kendrix. The end of this series marked the end of the transition from the Zordon era to the Post Zordon era.

Lightspeed Rescue: The first series to have an American ranger (though the Titanium costume was actually going to be included as Go Go Silver in Go Go V before being dropped due to budget cuts) and the first to make the rangers identity known to the public. The first megazord was also unique since the zords didn't just fly around and combine. And the inital big bad ended up redeeming himself in the end. It's just too bad Ryan was put on a bus because the writers had no footage of a sixith ranger to work with.

Time Force: Perhaps the darkest series until "RPM". This one introduced us to Wes and Eric both of whom are among the most developed rangers of all time. Each ranger got a chance to shine and the finale was very emotional and very inspiring. Plus we got two red rangers (three if you count Alex). And like with "Alien Rangers" it was not the Red Ranger who was the leader. And we can't forget about the development Wes' father went through. The only negative for this series was the rushed team up with Lightspeed rescue.

Wild Force: The first series to have CGI zords and came with a green aesop. We got the first evil ranger since Tommy who unlike Tommy had to really struggle to overcome his demons. The connection between Cole and Master Org was truly shocking, the zords really felt like living beings. And it was nice to see the rangers personal lives be connected to their fights. There was even an episode that showed us that in the end regardless of what we might think "Humans aren't Bastards". Plus we can't forget "Forever Red" which was originally going to have a much sader ending.

Ninja Storm: In my opinion a very underlooked series. It was actually pretty good, especially when they introduced the Thunder Twins. Cam was also a great assest. And by the end this rag tag team truly learned how to act as one and how to embrace each others differences. Plus it gave us this epic quote "We might not be Power Rangers but we still have powers!"

Dino Thunder: The best of the Disney era and not just because Tommy came back and we hit 500 episodes. There was a lot of character development present especially among Conor and Trent. Mesogg, Elsa, and Zertrax were all very intresting villans when we found out their relation to the ranger team. And the battleizer got a refreshing take when Connor had to tap into a super mode first.

S.P.D: A bit comedy focused but still really good. This series surprisingly enough had few monsters and more gaint robots fighting the megazords. This was also the series with the highest ranger total with a whoping total of 7 active rangers. The central theme of judgement and guilty and innocent really helped to show that not all villans were so black and white. Plus this time around we had two team ups with the same series (though they didn't bring back Tommy).

Mystic Force: Haven't seen it so can't say much for it. The rangers becoming zords rubs me the wrong way though and the capes, well I don't quite think rangers should be wearing capes. As for the theme song, um what can I say I don't like it, the alternative one sounded much better. The battleizer is pretty cool though, a ranger merging with a dragon=B.A.

Operation Overdrive: We did get "Once A Ranger" and a catchy theme song but this wasn't much of an improvement. Mercury sounds like they were scrapping the barrel for colors. Also haven't seen this one so again can't say much. And was it me or did Mac seem a little too eagar to put himself in harms way after he realized he was a robot.

Jungle Fury: A little on the light side but a good revival. RJ might not have been as good as Tommy but he was still pretty cool. The growth of the rangers as a whole is fairly good. The zords are kind of bland though. The last two episodes are probably the best part.

R.P.M: A bit rushed in places but a very good series. This series took a very funny show in Japan and turned into a post apopclyatic wasteland with the central theme of "Man v.s. Machine." Ziggy was hillarious and this show even broke the fourth wall to show us how Power Rangers is made. Dillion's story also brings back memories of Andros.

MMPR Rebroadcast: Saban says this technically counts as a season. All in all this would've been fine had it just been reairing MMPR Season 1 with improved sound and picture as opposed to making it more comic book themed.

Samurai and Super Samurai: Okay. Decker being played by the man who played Cole was quite intresting (a former ranger as a villan, holy cow!). But outside of Jayden no one seemed to get much focus. Lauren had a lot of potential if the writers had tried to produce a few more American episodes. Antonio was intresting though. I just wish the final battle wasn't so anticlimatic.

Megaforce and Super Megaforce: A modern day remake of MMPR but after getting off to a good start this series has become a bit bland. I'm hoping it will pick up but for now I'd say this is the very definition of average for Power Rangers. Super Megaforce is an improvement, but the Pirate theme is never explained, and it probably would've been better to just skip Mega Force and split the Pirate costume into two seasons. The finale was terrible, and was created solely so Nick could hype it up. I feel sorry for all the veteran actors that got brought back only to do very little.

Dinocharge and Dinoovercharge (Or Super Dinocharge): Well, the theme song ditches the roll call, and the main villan is a bounty hunter. Plus, like with Dino Thunder it's a return to the franchise's roots. Hopefully it'll be more like the golden years of the 90's and early 2000's.

1877642 R.P.M did have kind of a rushed feel to it. Would you believe at that one point this was considered an opening theme instead of what we got?:

(This song along with three others were demo themes that were considered but dropped.)

1884395 Yup. And like I said above there were 3 other songs that were also considered as theme songs, including one sung by the group that performed the first one. The first demo song seems to be the most popular among fans.

Aegis Steelshield
Group Admin

Mac was suicidal after finding out he wasn't human. It was a part of his character development.

Haven't seen much Power Rangers, so I can't really say. :raritydespair:
It sucks, I know.

I have seen Chojin Sentai Jetman, though. And it was SO AWESOME!! :rainbowkiss:

I would have to say that my favorite power rangers series would have to be power rangers in space. As for why it was the first power rangers series that I saw, the powerful psycho rangers, and the cool zords and music.

Mighty Morphin and Zeo hands down, those were the two shows I grew up. Hell I still have and play the MMPR SNES game I got back in 1994

only one mention of dino thunder?! That series needs a lot more love! Best season hands down!
in Disney era at least. I did like MegaForce tho. As well as MMPR.


That is deeply, deeply odd (the start is very old-school spaghetti western).

I'd have to go with Dino Charge/Dino Supercharge: Everything just seemed to gel, especially after the clusterf**k that was Super Megafarce. They seemed to have gotten a better standard of actors playing the rangers.

5757265 I'll agree on Dino Charge, definitely an improvement. Better acting, some really cool ideas for ranger characters (a skateboarding New Zealander, a caveman, and a knight from medieval times), and a good sense of direction and continuity. Dino Super Charge though was a lackluster at best followup, lots of filler episodes, a revolving door of antagonists, and a terrible season finale.


You're not wrong about the season finale.

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