FIMFiction UserScripts 383 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Woke up this morning, saw how everything is dead. We’ve had the word from our alknighty ruler for a while now, but looking at all of this falling apart overnight is still just fucking depressing, man.

Since I didn’t really do much pone anymore, let alone read or even write, I was on the verge of leaving FIMFic anyway, passing the torch of this group to somebody who still cares enough.

Would you be that person?

I nominate Sollace.

I let them know of some small bugs with their work, and they had it fixed in about a half hour. They’re really good at what they do.

Group Admin


I nominate Sollace.

I second the nomination.

(Though if you aren’t able to find anyone that’s willing to take adminship, let me know. While I’m not really interested in being the main admin, I could easily hold down things if need be.)


Group Admin

Alright, messaged Sollace and he agreed, though reluctantly as he doesn’t want to feel tied down. He is the new Group Admin for now, but the gates are still open for other people.

If you’re worried about obligations, let me give you some context:
In my four years of leading this group I did nothing at all in terms of moderation. My only contribution was the creation of the banner graphics and main page entry, but that was done past the first year. From then on it was more of a trophy thing.

Group Admin

Howdy, y’all. I guess I’m your knighty now. :moustache:

... I’m not sure how to feel about this.

Group Admin

I’m not really worried about obligations, since I’m an admin in a number of other groups. I just mainly would prefer the main admin to be someone more involved in userscripts and the group than me, since I probably would just be stepping in as admin when a need arose, and not trying to get the group more active, etc...

If you want someone as a backup admin, I can still do that, and help out when needed. I’d just rather not be the main one this time around.


Group Admin

Well, as I was just basically saying, let me know if you need any help. I’m fairly familiar with group administration in general.


Group Admin

Alright, that’d be great.

Honestly, I don’t really come onto this group too much myself, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to manage it alone-- even with how clear Selbi’s been about how little work it is.

Group Admin

Ah fuck it, you’re in for the ride as well. Welcome to the club.

As I’ve told Sollace before, in the most likely case (and I mean insanely likely), nothing at all will change for you two sans the new title.

Group Admin

No problem. It’s really one of these things where it’s as much work as you want it to be. Things that can be involved in being an admin in a group are writing up group rules, making new threads and stickying them, making banners, enforcing the rules, and wielding the ban hammer when it’s necessary.

If it’s a fairly quiet group, you may just need to pop by when someone’s acting up, though. And sometimes a rule thread isn’t absolutely necessary, though it’s always nice to have.

In this case, I’m tempted to go through the thread list just modifying all the script thread titles to have “(broken)” in them, and let the script authors update them to say they aren’t as they fix things, on the assumption all the scripts here are broken.

Alright, no problem. I do like having multiple admins in a group, anyways, because that way if anything happens, there’s someone to fall back on.


Group Admin

Alright, it sounds like a plan.

Currently *most* of my scripts are likely broken. I’ve got almost everything in Fimfiction Advanced working again, and Nosey Hounds works (save for some bugs still present in FimFicEvents).

Group Admin

I’m surprised you already have almost everything running again in Fimfiction Advanced, given how complicated it is. Especially since I couldn’t find the banner archive page any more.

But yeah, I’ll start labeling them. Maybe we should have a thread for linking to userscripts and styles that haven’t had the author post a dedicated thread for, too. I noticed someone’s already done this ”Stop Shouting pls” style for the site update, that changes the main toolbar to be mixed case again.

Oh, and just as a note, there’s a new bbcode tag “codeblock” that I expect will get some use in this group. if you do {codeblock=”javascript”}code{/codeblock}, it’ll do color formatting for javascript, and the same goes for css...


Group Contributor


kinda lazy thœ

and I see you found someone already, so whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Swan Song
Group Admin

5976303 I’m a Fimfic chat moderator who does a lot of CSS reskinning. I’d be down to play support admin, if you guys would have me.

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