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So I have an idea for another side fic but I wanted to get some input from everyone here first. Rather than just give you a summary of what I'm thinking I went ahead and wrote up a small introduction. I'm hoping to see peoples reaction to this blurb before siting down and dedicating much brain power to developing the idea further.

Hope you enjoy! :pinkiehappy:

The reemergence of the "Brony" was of course the most obvious result of this whole mess. Not that there was anyway May 1st 2020 or anything that followed could have been predicted (outside of a fan-boys wet dream that is) but once the world had managed to pull its head out of its rear end and see what was going on it was clear things were going to change in a big way. To save you some time Im going to just stick to underplaying the next three years and just sum it all up as a "pretty interesting" couple of years. Point is the dust is still settling and its a whole new Earth.

Back when this all first started it seemed like there were people turning left and right, whole batches of them every day. I think the record came somewhere around mid April that first year, some sort of large scale assault on Discord that (practicably) went sideways, point is that nearly six thousand appeared that day alone. Of course it slowed down quickly after that, but it never stopped, not fully. From what we know now it wont be stopping anytime soon either, seems that mix-matched freak never got tired of his favorite trick and kept using it all the way up till the bitter end.

Sure we have the portals now but its really doesn't solve anything since there seems to be at least five ponies that show up here for every one that decides to go home. Some show up looking to reconnect with lost loved ones, some to just see this new world, but most are just looking for a fresh start. The elements of harmony are doing a good job turning the place around but I guess twenty five years of having a god of chaos run unchecked will really mess with a world, some of the stories I have heard from refugees make mane on my neck stand on end.

Oh yes I'm a pony, a Pegasus to be specific. As you can see from my name tag I go by my "Equestrian birth name" and I work here at Immigrations. Now, your passport seems to be in order, oh and I see you have already had this work permit completely filled out and stamped. Im sure the Canterlot renewal project will be glad to have you sir!

As you can See the idea mostly revolves around the near future of FS/4 earth assuming that the ponies eventually become well known and are brought out into the public's eyes. Sounds like an interesting setting for a story, right? Hell, sounds like an interesting setting for quite a few stories to me.

So, thoughts? :twilightsmile:

How many years later are we talking about? Because I'm writing a story right now where something similar will happen and I intend to have the whole "Magic is real!!" thing as a major plot-point.

Science, industry, culture, religion... There really shouldn't be a single aspect of human society left untouched by something like that, even after only a year or two.

I'm not making a "claim" or anything, just thought I should warn that I've had to do wiki binge after wiki binge to at least sound like I know what I'm (and by extension, the characters) talking about and I haven't even gotten far enough to publish it yet, and its one of those implications so huge it just seems silly if you ignore it.

Now, the original can ignore that because... Well, their staying hidden. But the moment even a single pony reaches public eye and people start realizing that it isn't a hoax? Take something minor, like... rock-farming.

In the show? A joke, more or less. Ha, ha, aren't Pinky and her parents weird?

If we had that in RL? Three words. Titanium and graphane. It would make steel something mostly found in history books. We could build highways crossing oceans and space elevators easy if we could just grow stuff like that.

Medical? Healing spells. Movies? Imagine the special effects you could pull with an illusionist on the team. Archeology? Bring a necromancer and have them talk with the "locals." And on, and on...

That blurb sounds quite promising, but it might become a sci-fi story no matter if you want it to or not. Just thought I should point that out. Granted, you could just gloss over things like that, but isn't that the boring option?

Heck, its easy to imagine, right? I know its something of a HIE cliche, but imagine Luna hearing about the Apollo program. I simply can't imagine her going "Huh, that's neat." and leaving it at that. Or one of the ponies that pulls the Friendship Express seeing a maglev train for the first time.

Or just... Well, see this?

Twilight is the protege of the mistress of the sun. That implies that that thing is what Equestria consider state of the art computational equipment. Granted, its probably half magic, or something considering the setting but I think I've made my point.

I had an idea a little like this but it was focused around rebuilding Equestria on earth

This is definitely an intriguing idea, and one that I never thought about. :rainbowhuh: :rainbowderp:

I like this idea. Fund it.

1600089, It's a great idea, provided you have an editor to put the apostrophes in your "I'm"s and change your "docent"s to "doesn't"s.
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude. It's just that anything wrong with grammar/spelling acts like a magnet to my eyes while reading something.

I had a similar idea to this. I like the history aspect, the view from the kind of 'normal' man in this case that is now having to adjust to the fact that his world in just a few short years has turned upside down. All that he believed to be possible is being challenged. Aliens from another world, magic that allows for the manipulation of things far greater then what science could alone.

Could an Equestrian doctor help to discover the cure for cancer?
What would rescue operations look like? Would the Equestrians respect that the Earth's weather manages itself, but at the same time try to mitigate dangerous weather? Or would the weather become just like Equestria, managed right down to when and where it will Rain?

A whole new set of laws would need to be written just for Equestrians. From giving them the same rights as humans, to being able to marry cross species.
And speaking of cross species, would it be possible for crossbreeds? Saytrs, Centaurs? Would these be possible? Griffons are already a hybrid race, though that might be more coincidence that they resemble a lion and eagle then actually being a cross between the two.

But then we can also look at the more fantastical options. The idea that it isn't just Equestrians that might start popping up. I mean, unicorns and other mythological creatures are now showing up, myths and legends turn out to be true. These creatures have been here before, but for some reason they left. Is it because magic left the world? But now because of Discord, magic is slowly coming back and with it the rest of these fantastical creatures.

Maybe there could be a special unit composed of members of different races from around the world, dedicated to tracking down magical problems on Earth and dealing with them.

Well so long as it pleases Miss. Gaga, lol. :rainbowlaugh:


How many years later are we talking about?

In the intro blurb thing I stated it had been three years, but this is far from set in stone. I settled on such a short amount of time because ...

Science, industry, culture, religion... There really shouldn't be a single aspect of human society left untouched by something like that, even after only a year or two.

That blurb sounds quite promising, but it might become a sci-fi story no matter if you want it to or not.

That. This exactly why I think that a transitional time period would be one of the more interesting time periods to focus on. Both worlds are healing from the events that have changed them forever and dealing with what this ability to travel between the two means. Equestrian has sudden access to human tech while we see magic for the first time. Things are going to change, but its not going to be a smooth transition.

I could see cities forming "Little Equestria's", lol. With how fast earth ponies can build things I wouldn't be to surprised if small towns just started to pop up completely comprised of Equestrians. Though I wonder what humans would make of Floating Pegasus cities.


But I have no bits! :raritydespair:

I believe I told you last time that you corrected my grammar that I don't mind. :twilightsmile:

My grammar skills are pitiful and If I were to refuse help or throw it back in the faces of those that offered I wouldn't be able to write much of anything without looking like a complete moron. So please, keep an eye out and know that you have my thanks for help.

Pegasus cities might be a problem, air space is already a delicate thing. The last thing that aircraft also need are floating cities. That's the other problem too, they would need to be anchored, even large cities like Cloudsdale move. So they would never be able to be above a certain altitude.


A whole new set of laws would need to be written just for Equestrians. From giving them the same rights as humans, to being able to marry cross species.

Wow, talk about a hot button issue. I don't see such an issue being resolved in a short amount of time but I'm sure that there would be plenty of people and ponies interested in seeing this happen. Something that would be more immediate would be trying to figure out what happens with couples where one turns out to be a pony, do they continue to have the same rights? What if they didn't just change race, but sex as well?

The idea that it isn't just Equestrians that might start popping up. I mean, unicorns and other mythological creatures are now showing up, myths and legends turn out to be true. These creatures have been here before, but for some reason they left. Is it because magic left the world? But now because of Discord, magic is slowly coming back and with it the rest of these fantastical creatures.

Some-pony call Daring Do!

Maybe there could be a special unit composed of members of different races from around the world, dedicated to tracking down magical problems on Earth and dealing with them.

Or that works as well I guess. :twilightsheepish:

Would such an organization be a branch of The united nations or some other initiative?

They would definitely need to be a transparent organization that doesn't belong to one country. The united nations would probably be best for that. They are there to ensure the safety of the world from any magical threats. If this is the first few years, then there could easily be a story about it's founding. I can see a ragtag group of people and ponies and other creatures that simply got dragged into the whole thing by accident.

I do like the idea that it isn't just May 1st that these changes started to happen. Discord would keep doing this for YEARS and he has had 25 years. He isn't going to get everyone at the same time. Unfortunately I can see this working towards the paranoia that it is some kind of disease as a more logical explanation. We would also need to delve into the more unsavory side of things. Twisted already covered the ponies being captured and sold as sex slave bit, but it could go even worse then that.

Fanatical religious groups or race supremacists, hate crimes were bad enough against people of another race, ponies would likely have it even worse. I can imagine some might not see them as having rights since they look like animals and treating them as such, others might go as far as to kill them. Imagine a man that was put out of a job by a Unicorn or Earth Pony, he's become a shell of himself, but to add insult to injury, his Wife suddenly starts to become a Pony.

It's going to be a very hard transitional period.


I can see a ragtag group of people and ponies and other creatures that simply got dragged into the whole thing by accident

Seems a bit more grand than what I first had in mind but Its definitely an interesting idea. I could easily see this making the news actually interesting to watch as well.

"Later today Miss. Daisy Chain, the head chief of the International Earth/Equestrian Division, will be making a official statement regarding the deployment of units to Cairo earlier this week. Today we have only been told that it was a routine seizure of potentially dangerous Class three unknown arcane device. The IEED has announced earlier today that today's address from Daisy Chain will reveal in more detail the nature of this mission and the UAD".

How does the world react to the new residents of Earth? How does the world adjust to the (re?)application of magic to our universe? The sociological changes? The scientific ones? Spiritual? Philosophical? This would be an amazing project. I can actually imagine this working as a really neat collaborative project with a bunch of short one-offs from both humans and ponies. A slice of life sort of deal where we get a window into how the world has changed. No doubt there would be a few more expansive fics that pop up as well.

Five Score Divided by Four and a Few Years More


Five Score Divided by Four and a Few Years More

... So awesome!:rainbowkiss:

That is a seriously cool name.

Just had a thought about clothing. Sure for Equestria, clothing is more about status, but for humans clothing is also about being decent and if Equestrians want to be considered sapient, perhaps it would be for the best to also cloth themselves.

It's harder for an Earth Pony or Pegasus though, but all the same, I don't think too many humans would feel comfortable looking around and seeing ponies just letting their junk hang out. Not to mention the indecent exposure laws.

Hmm, Twisted and others have also gone ahead with Equestrian Ponies having an Estrus cycle like normal ponies. What are the standard practices for intimacy in Equestria? Are they like humans and that's a behind closed doors only? Or do they feel no shame about doing it outside, or in front of someone. That would probably be a HUGE culture clash if a Stallion just started mounting a Mare on the sidewalk in broad daylight.


Recursively recursive fan-fiction. :pinkiecrazy:

I just love this fandom.


What are the standard practices for intimacy in Equestria? Are they like humans and that's a behind closed doors only? Or do they feel no shame about doing it outside, or in front of someone. That would probably be a HUGE culture clash if a Stallion just started mounting a Mare on the sidewalk in broad daylight.

I'm fairly sure that intimacy is dealt with at least a degree of privacy similar to hear on earth. The main bit of evidence I have for this is the episode where the CMC use the love poison on Mac and Cheerlie where we see people acting awkward around the twos public displays of affection. Its possible that perception of indecency doesn't extend to more intimate displays such as "mounting a mare on the sidewalk" but I doubt it.

True enough, good call. But it was just suppose to be a more extreme example of a clash of culture. What Equestrians find appropriate might not quite fit with what a human does. There should also be a bit of over lap too. Like humans might not realize that touching the ears of a pony is suppose to be a rather intimate thing and offending someone accidentally.


"I hear that on earth they will just walk up to you on the street and rub your ears in broad daylight!"

"What? No.... really? And they dont even charge you any bits?"


This thread and this idea keep getting better and better. Why am I not reading this story RIGHT NOW?


Because I work weekends and thus only write during the weekday? :twilightblush:


Not an excuse. I expect you to quit your job and devote all of your time exclusively to writing for my singular pleasure.:rainbowdetermined2:


Because I'm busy reading pony fics and juggling my own 5S/4 fic along with a non-pony project.

However! I think I'll probably do a one-shot for something like this. Hammering out some details about how things went down would certainly be a good idea.

Though before we do anything else I think we need to decide what happened to Celestia. Last we knew she was half-dead and Discord punted her into a volcano. Is she alive or dead? Because the answer to that question is a huge game changer. The Two Sisters having access to Earth would be a Pretty Big Deal.

Sorry, I couldn't keep a straight face any longer.

Well, we have a couple of fics where the Sisters survive, but they seem to be alternate timelines where Discord decided to send them to Earth instead of kill.

I think for the Main timeline, she died. She was too weak to protect herself from the lava. Luna, from what we know, was in another location and Discord went to deal with her. He could have sent her to Earth, he might not have.

So we are pretty much running off the idea that Luna, Cadence and Twilight would be the ruling body of Equestria after Discord is dealt with. Speaking of Cadence, we have yet to have any Crystal Ponies show up.


So we are pretty much running off the idea that Luna, Cadence and Twilight would be the ruling body of Equestria after Discord is dealt with.

This is indeed the head cannon I have been working with for the most part.


Sounds about right.

Next question? What about Discord?

I vote turned back into a statue. And possibly fed into a rock grinder there after.


Did you just make that up, or is that actually a quote from another story? ...Because if it is I so have to read that. :rainbowderp:


He just made it as a story prompt.

As you can see it is causing a hell of a lot of prompting.

1602130 The idea for "little Equestria" is to centralize ponies to "manage" the conversion.
Nice Idea though

My vote is he is in statue form under heavy quarantine, possibly in space being prepped to be launched into space.

What Rebonak Said. :twilightsmile:


I have to wonder, though. Would extreme heat kill Celestia? She's the embodiment of the sun. Would lava truly kill her? I'd like to think that, even if it did destroy her physical form, she could pull an Oni-wan and her essence would survive, maybe reconstitute itself over the course of, say, 25-30 years.


Head canon tiiiiiime!

I don't think Celestia is the embodiment of the sun. She isn't a god. Her special talent is sun-moving, magic that was once used by the unicorn tribe as a whole which she took over. She's powerful, yes. And immortal. And rather god-like in some senses. But I don't think she's on par with, say, any of the gods described in various sets of mythology around the world. More of a demi-god I would say.

Celestia got laid out in her fight with Chrysalis and she apparently got her flank handed to her in this story by the Balrog or something. She isn't invulnerable. She isn't immune to heat. No more than Twilight is immune to magic on account of being the Alicorn of Magic.

Darkwing Dash
Group Contributor

I could see some interesting clashes over this.

Humans: You can't take our clouds!

Pegasi: Why? You weren't using them and we need places to live.

Humans: Yes we were! For... you know, weather and stuff.

Pegasi: Don't worry, we'll take care of that for you.

Humans: :rainbowderp:... :rainbowderp::rainbowderp::rainbowderp::rainbowderp::rainbowderp::rainbowderp::rainbowderp:

this is a pretty rad idea.

I have long maintained that there would probably be ponies who cropped up after the 1st, sometimes in clumps, sometimes one at a time.

I had run some numbers, shared them in the comments on the group's front page.

I imagine there would be official hotlines in most countries, though I imagine in muslim countries they'd be run by some international agency
(800) I M A PONY

(heh, autosuggest thought I might have wanted to say PONYBUTTS instead of PONY)

I still maintain that ALMOST ALL of the ponies would pop up after the 1st. The only ones who would start on the 1st would the ones Discord attacked on that first day. And we know from the sequence of events described in the main story that by the time he finished the last of the mane 6, the day is already almost over. So unless he's flitting off to fit in some random anarchy in between his attacks on the mane 6, they (and the the ones directly around them, like family) are the only ones who would start their transformation on the 1st. I have I've got my guys starting between the 2nd and the 4th (and possibly later than that).

So now the big question, Should I do this? Im actually pretty sure that I do have the time to start another project since Im already ahead of schedule with my current fic. (Ponies Anonymous) and the response here has been pretty good. Any more thoughts or opinions?

Do what you want to do and what you think you're able to take on. No one can decide but you. As Captain Planet would say, "The power is yours!" I'd definitely read it though.


Hummm... I do like people reading stuff I have written, as well as shamelessly promoting them as well (such as my other fic. "Ponies Anonymous") :raritywink:

Anyway Ill figure it out tomorrow when I get off of work. I certainly have enough ideas but I'm not going to start writing anything till I start taking some notes.

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