Straight Shipping 2,899 members · 6,638 stories
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Group Admin

I am, of course, talking about rape.

Okay. So this is a shipping group, and usually rape doesn't fall under that category, but I still felt the question needed to be asked.

A Rape folder: do we need one?

Although I'm only aware of one rapefic that's in the entire group (which is currently residing inside the Fetish / Kink folder), I wasn't sure what to do with it. I suppose rape does fall under a fetish of sorts, but what about variations of rape, such as pseudo-rape? Do these all fall under fetish, or do some cross the line into clopfiction? If so, where do we draw that line?

While my brain fries from lack of sleep, I just want to see what everyone's general opinion of an individual folder for this subject is (Whether you want to actively seek it or actively avoid it).

There is a group dedicated to rape you know, I guess all of the rapefics go there

I think it comes down to what does the word "shipping" mean to you? Do all stories here have overt romantic connotations, or are some just about two characters having a zipless fuck?

The zipless fuck is absolutely pure. It is free of ulterior motives. There is no power game. The man is not "taking" and the woman is not "giving." No one is attempting to cuckold a husband or humiliate a wife. No one is trying to prove anything or get anything out of anyone. The zipless fuck is the purest thing there is. And it is rarer than the unicorn. And I have never had one.

— Erica Jong, Fear of Flying (1973)

If this is a haven for non-romantic straight fics, then I think rape would have a place here. Which also reminds me, I need to talk more about Fear of Flying at some point.

Yes, but the thing about rapefics is, they never go willingly. :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin


I'm aware. That doesn't mean groups can't overlap. You gotta remember this group is for straight pairings.

Secondly, this group is for both shipfics and clopfics, and rape usually falls under the latter.


All that said, I'm saying that rape fics involving a M/F do exist out there, and there is one in the group. If it got a dedicated folder, it'd be easier to avoid, if that's what you want to do, and easier to find, if that's the way you roll.

Group Admin

I'm sorry, but if this is a shiping group, we should not put rape-fics here. It makes no sense, and if we have some pseudo-rape fics coming, let them rest in the Fetish/Kinky Folder. :moustache:


"If [rapefics] got a dedicated folder,... [they'd be] easier to find, if that's the way you roll.

In the words of Darth Sidious, "Do it!"

Oh my gawd I just read a bunch of people talking about rape. My life is complete.

Comment posted by The Elusive Badgerpony deleted Nov 16th, 2013

992736 I am of a mind that we should not have a folder for rape fics. After all, shipping implies connotations of consent, rape implies that absence of consent. Therefore, rape is something that does not fit into this group.

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