Bronystories Fan Club 212 members · 68 stories
Comments ( 21 )
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Hey guys, I've been wondering (and I'm pretty sure Bronystories has been wondering too, he just hasn't asked us yet) what's your favorite Bronystories fanfic, and what's your least favorite?

I'll start off. My favorite would have to be One Tight Knight.

My least favorite (and I know I'm bound to get some hate for this) is 120 Days of Blueblood.

I'm sorry, but I just find 120 Days of Blueblood absolutely appalling. I liked the first few chapters with Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight, and the Apple Family. They were damn good chapters, even if they went full blown dark side. But when I got to the chapter with the foals...:pinkiesick: I'm sorry, but that's where something crossed some sort of line. That's actually the first time I've ever left a story midway because of its content. Kudos to you Bronystories, you magnificent perverted bastard.

Flutterbox has to be my favorite.
It makes me snicker the entire way through. :rainbowlaugh:
My least favorite is probably Big (Mac) Love for no real apparent reasons, just not up my ally I guess.

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Thanks. I know that 120 Days of Blueblood rubbed many people the wrong way.

I am curious to see what everyone's favorite stories are, and why.

Is it the clop? The comedy? The disturbing imagery? The alliteration?

I may talk about my favorites at some point, but for now, I'm quite curious to see what everyone else likes.

My favorite story of bronystories (from what I've read so far) has to be Lyra and Bon Bon's odd jobs 2. Perfect mix of clop and comedy, even in the same scene sometimes. Least favorite is... can't think of one. Have read up to chapter 4 I believe of 120 Days of Blueblood and so far it's fine by me. I don't know what you're talking about NightmareKnight with the foals, I must not have gotten to that chapter yet but I'll be sure to read it soon.

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>Having morals

Fav: Odd Jobs 2. Damn near pissed myself I was laughing so hard on the Octavia chapter. For reals. :twilightsheepish:

Least fav that I actually read: Big (Mac) Love. I think that the concept is perfectly good, but somehow the execution just flopped. (giggity) Nothing technical, it just didn't click. :fluttershysad: Win some, lose some, I guess. :unsuresweetie:

120 Days of Blueblood? Not even once.

My favorite Bronystories stories have to be Don't Move a Muscle with One Tight Knight being a close fucking second. There so goddamn funny and well crafted, the wordplay and etc in them are extraordinary. I can't praise them enough.

883814Yeah Chapter 5 is the one with the foals.

883821Trust me, it's not morals.:ajbemused: If it were morals, I would've quit this site months ago.

883812No problem. But yeah, you had me hooked from chapters 1-4. When I got to about the halfway point in chapter 5 I literally just said 'That's it, I'm done!' and closed the page. It's not so much foalcon that gets to me, as I actually do tend to enjoy foalcon when it's written correctly. No, it's more along the line of the fact you had the foals eat shit and drink piss. That's where events basically gave me a 'FUCKING ABORT!' signal.

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884099condescending 'pffft' or laughing 'pffft':unsuresweetie:

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884112 why not both

My personal favorite is Lyra and Bon Bon's Odd Jobs 2: Frisky Fillies, it's very funny, keeps the tension between characters that makes you keep reading, and has my fav characters, so it's an all winner for me.
special mention to Princess Sparkle's First Wingboner, and Ponyville's Triple Threat here.

the least favorite is Marshmallow Holes :pinkiesick:
:facehoof: has something that makes me say, heck, no:

But to be honest, i haven't read the one with blueblood or big mac, so honorific mention to those two.

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If you only read the chapters named after an occupation or title, you'll avoid all the chapters with Scootaloo and the orphans.

If you've read the first four chapters, you really owe it to yourself to read The Assassin, which is the Rainbow Dash chapter.

"To call [The Assassin] the best chapter of Blueblood... the best chapter from [Bronystories], or the best grimdark fic in existence all seem understatements. I think this is the one of the very best things on FimFiction." -The Sweezlenub

884236Don't make me go back there.:fluttercry: I don't want to read more. But you make me want to because it's Rainbow Dash.:raritydespair:

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Did I mention she's a kick ass nun assassin? :unsuresweetie:

She wears a black habit and everything... :trixieshiftright:

It's pretty awesome. :rainbowkiss:

Seriously, if I were to go back and revisit this world, I'd want Rainbow Dash the nun to have her own spin off alternate timeline story.

884288 That's such a terrible concept I couldn't imagine anyone else producing anything but complete and utter crap from that seed.

Write that shit. Do it now.

My favorite Bronystories story has to be Adventures of a Teenage Foalsitter. That story had everything for me. Damn good clop. It was funny. The plot was, well it was different for me. Such a small act just blew up and completely twisted Cadence into the psycho that well all know and fear. Plus it has to be the only story that I've read that had Chrysalis on the side of good that I actually liked. Most of the time there's always just something off with how the concept is pulled off that keeps me from liking it completely.

My least favorite story has to be Ponyville's Triple Threat. It just didn't do anything for me and I couldn't even be bothered to finish it :/

Just to add on though, my favorite story of his that was clop for clopping is hands down Pin the Tail on the Griffin. It was just so hot. One of my all time favs for clop that I've read on this site.

~Have a good one.

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My favourite, and the one that got me reading Bronystories in the first place is Adventures of a Teenaged foalsitter. It was clever, witty, had a good balance of sex and character/plot development, and made me laugh in a few spots. I am eagerly awaiting the sequel.

My second favourite story would be Lyra and Bon Bon's Odd Jobs, again for witty dialogue and interesting development on a controversial issue. I have turned the dramatic reading into an audiobook to listen to on the go.

My least favourite would be Rarity's story: Marshmallow Holes. That kind of extreme fetish just didn't do it for me very much. While it was still well written and up to the usual standard, I just didn't really like it all that much.

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Funny you should say that, 120 days of blueblood is my favorite. One tight night is my least favorite. Bronistories Ego has been stroked enough as of today so I shall say no more on the matter.

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