Reviewers Willing to Review your Fics 67 members · 190 stories
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Alright! Welcome to the first ever review of this miniscule group. So, let's get started!

Ponies Of The Abarat by Aslfrasle

Feather Book:
It’s hard to read a crossover when its world is seemingly obscure and unknown. Ponies of the Abarat takes place on one such world. Abarat is a unique fantasy universe that the author has managed to get me in interested in.

The first three chapters seem to be nothing more than an extended prologue. As such the chapters can be slow and confusing to those who are not familiar to the world. But the author turns it around and if you persist you will become enchanted into an interesting plot on a well written world whose history gradually opens up as you follow the main six in a journey across it.

Good points:
- Interesting plot
- Well written characters
- Few or no spelling or grammer mistakes
Bad points:
- Slow start

Overall score 7/10


Ooh, I have absolutely NO idea what's going on here, that's not to say I hate this fic, no. Actually it's not bad. It's long and detailed, you can clearly see the author has put a lot of work into this, there wasn't a moment that felt rushed.

I will agree that yes, the opening is rather slow and any newcomer to the Abarat series might be turned off. But a good use of grammar, almost perfect execution will make any Abarat fan content.

Good Points
- Almost no grammar mistakes
- Spelling is impeccable
- Characters are definitely well written

Bad Points
- Any newcomer to the Abarat series will be almost instantly turned off
- Slow start, thus not many people will stick around

Overall Score: 6/10 (Above Average)

Demons Within

Feather Book:

Some stories get away with a simple writing style. Demons Within isn’t an exception. The plot is the only real thing that would make this story interesting. Demic is an orphaned unicorn that is plagued by demons whose purpose and goals aren’t always clear.

What lets this story down is its lack of general punctuation rules. For example starting sentences with capital letter and putting paragraphs after speech. The story is fast paced with little description and character interaction.

With some love and care this story has potential however in its current form it is little more than a distraction.

Good points:
- Interesting idea
Bad points:
- Bad grammar
- Little description
- Little character building

Overall score 4/10


Oh man, I REALLY didn't want to do this. I'm sorry Demic, but you might want to leave. Now.

Where do I start? Well, execution is rushed, clearly. And whenever the OC is the main character, you know your gonna need SERIOUS skills to compensate for it. I have never used OC's as main characters unless they are Human or it's a second person narrative fic.

Oh man, there is double spacing, parts that have to be center aligned aren't, there are grammar and spelling mistakes at every sentence.

And for the plot? The fact that the OC is a main character is just enough to turn it off for me. If the main character perhaps was a canon character, then maybe I could lighten up a bit.

Good Points
- Unique Plot
- OC isn't a complete Mary Sue

Bad Points
- Little character interaction
- Grammar and spelling mistakes
- Execution is rushed
- Dialogue is messy

Tips: Next time, try and put a little more time into your work and make sure to give it a little read skim before publishing. Okay? But other than that, you have potential.

Overall Score: 3.4/10 (Needs improvement)

The Lion And The Unicorn By Feather Book


Feather Book didn't send me what he thought about this fic, I mean, he IS the author, so, Let's take a looksy.

Now, as for spelling and grammar, it's okay. Though there are some mistakes here and there.

The start is fast and should grab the attention of readers. The plot itself isn't too bad, but not anything new and neither is it the next "Conversion Bureau", but it's unique enough to not be classified as "average".

Characters, They seem to be in characters, they don't seem to be going out of character as far as I know, and so far I'm kind of interested to where this is going. Not interesting enough to grab my attention, but well, enough to make me sit through one or two chapters.

Good Points
- No OC's
- Characters feel natural and their personalities seem intact
- Starts out hard and strong, enough to grab the attention of viewers.
- Grammar and spelling mistakes are rare

Bad Points
- Plot gets dull over certain amount of time
- Is a bit bland

Tip: A bit of excitement here and there would be nice, some surprise, a cameo once in a while should do the trick.

Overall Score: 6.7/10 (Not bad)

Alright, that's all for this week. And if you couldn't notice, I'm one reviewer short. The doors open. Anyone is welcome.

Feather Book
Group Admin

751454 You’re right about mine. It isn’t the most exciting first few chapters but they defiantly will be getting more exciting.

I’ve also decided that the next book in the series will be Fluttershy’s story. And it will be a whole lot more exciting and unique.
Plus it has wolves in it

I should also have the next three reviews done by the end of the weekend.

I've heard comments on how the opening chapters of Abarat are a little slow, which why I was considering fusing the three of them into one chapter to make it a little simpler for those who are reading it.

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