Miss Harshwhinny is Best Pony 397 members · 94 stories
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You realize, of course, that unless reality is now anything less than absolutely fabulous, your sister will never let you hear the end of it. :raritydespair:

Group Contributor

I've seen that sort of behavior before (falling down on the floor and thrashing around screaming) when young children are denied something they really want. I'm not sure what the clutching at his heart means, but probably he just needs to be placated with some cartoons or a popsicle. I say stick him in front of the TV and run "Games Ponies Play" from the Tivo again.

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor


Oh, she'd probably already faint if she realised I'd had a hoof in just about every school uniform the students are wearing. Not to mention all those giant hats I made.

Of course, for the uniforms, I was mainly doing the measurements, and some of the less complicated stuff, as well as being the main one actually talking to the customers. Madam Fittings does most of the actual clothes-making, but they mostly remember me...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

So, lots of five-legged students there, yes?

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor


Mostly four or two-legged, but Apple Bloom showed me how to use a ponyquin, remember? After making three outfits with it for us, I remember that part. And for the uniforms, I mostly take the measurements down, then let Madam Fittings actually make and fit it. Hats, I can make easily enough, since so far all the students have one head.

--Sweetie Belle


...it's penises, isn't it?

Group Admin

Check out "The Show Stoppers," Episode 18, Season 1. Sweetie is depicted in having some difficulty in sewing the talent show costumes, which is most dramatically demonstrated by her whipping up costumes possessed of five leg-sleeves, not four.

Wow. I just wrote a 100% truthful and factual info post. I should probably counter this by saying that it is my firm belief that Miss Harshwhinny is clearly Apple Bloom's mother, not Scootaloo's.

I can confirm that this post is 103% accurate-ish. Give or take.

I thought that was Sweetie being confused about the gender of herself and the other CMCs?

And of course Ms. Harshwhinny is Apple Bloom's mother! She's "Celestia" remember? And she's AJ's aunt, which is why they are both sun princesses!


SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor


Um, no. Me, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom are all fillies. I've never had any confusion on that point. And I know how many legs a pony has. I just got kinda distracted and sewed one too many on.

And I don't think Celestia is Apple Blooms mother. I'm pretty sure her parents are dead. Applejack would have known that the pony they picked up at the train station wasn't her mother right away.

--Sweetie Belle

As I have explained before, "Celestia" is just a very well fabricated ruse by Ms. Harshwhinny to throw everypony off. Even her own daughters! Besides, they didn't pick Ms. Harshwhinny up at the train station. They missed her entirely. That's how good the disguise is!

Now, on a side note: I'm glad you know which gender you and your friends all identify with and present publicly. However, can you say beyond all shadow of doubt that each of your friends are in fact biologically fillies? Have you checked first hoof, or are you simply making an assumption?

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor


It's not exactly like we wear clothes most of the time. We've taken a bath together, I've climbed a mountain with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo directly above me, and we've slept in the same bed. I made all three of our costumes and helped the others get them on. Trust me, all three of us are fillies.

And why exactly would Discord and Luna recognize Celestia as Celestia, if that was actually Miss Harshwhinny in disguise?

--Sweetie Belle


We've taken a bath together, ... , and we've slept in the same bed.


Trust me, all three of us are fillies.

If you say so.:trixieshiftright:

As for why two super powerful cosmic beings would recognize "Celestia", the answer is simple. They are in on the whole thing and fear Ms. Harshwhinny too much to out her ruse.


SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor



Not really.

And Discord, having just been released from stone, and doing a villain rant, is not going to be trying to protect Celestia's identity.

You're harshing on my headcannon there Sweetie.

....still adorable tho'

AND I said he(and Luna too, that's important) fears her! If you bother to read between the lines just a little, you can see that Discord changes reality around as a way to get the message out that "Celestia" isn't what she seems and you shouldn't trust something with permanence in a world of impermanence. Luna, after fighting the Elements of Harmony to a stand still back in the Season One opener shits bricks so hard after 'Celestia' shows up that she turns into a child and blubbers like a bitch.

Stockholm Syndrome much?

Group Contributor

Don't forget that, according to the Grand Unified Harshship, Celestia is not only Luna's sister but also her mother-in-law. No wonder Luna folded. Never mind that Celestia is also secretly Harshwhinny … MILs are scary.

Group Contributor

Um, problem. The Grand Unified Harshship shows Celestia and the Harshwhinnies as separate individuals.

Also, if Rarity is Spike and Luna's daughter, doesn't that mean Sweetie Belle would be too?

Group Contributor

> Celestia and the Harshwhinnies as separate individuals
Oh! Umm … I guess you could just merge C and H^2? (That would make Luna and Spike siblings, though. I'm not sure whether that makes their relationship more awesome or not.)

> Also, if Rarity is Spike and Luna's daughter, doesn't that mean Sweetie Belle would be too?
… Congratulations, 1469655! You're secretly a half-dragon princess! :moustache:

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor


I really don't know where you get these ideas. Spike has been shown to have been hatched right at the same time Rarity got her cutie mark. Luna was banished to the moon quite a while before that. I wasn't born that long afterwards, then had to put up with living in Rarity's room from then until she moved out and started her shop. I'm not seeing where Spike and Luna could be my parents.

Luna's closer to Scootaloo then me, anyways.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Give this filly her cutie mark in playing the straight mare, already. :unsuresweetie:

Sweetie, dear, you just need to remember that all the ponies in this discussion group are crazy. It won't help to try and win them over with logic, sorry to say!


Don't confuse me with the facts!

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor


You know, it somehow seems a lot more straightforward on a straight roleplaying group, when I'm just pretending to be Sweetie Belle. Actually being Sweetie Belle, I don't have much to pretend. I just have to remember the differences.

I have a lot of trouble staying out of the shipping debates, though, because of how silly they seem to me. And Spike and Luna as my parents is just absurd...

(We could have used somepony to pretend to be Princess Cadance the other day, actually. Of course, membership of that group's locked for the reboot right now.)

--Sweetie Belle


AND YOU! Yes, you, behind the grapestand! Stand still filly!
(By which I mean stop giving us ammo for these wild accusations and improbable circular logic jerks. We'll just reload our own, but hey...)

Well, if you ever have need of someone to pretend to be Princess Cadance again, feel free to give me a private message. I've gotten very good at pretending to be Princess Cadance, since I am forced to do it almost every day.

Without saying too much, if the fact that you all are crazy is a "secret," it's not being kept very well. No offense intended.

No offense taken, your Highness. However, our secrets are ours (even if they aren't very secretive), and like our less than firm grip on reality, they are fragile and should be handled with care.

Oh and you've got something in your mane there...

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor

I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about.

I know what you mean. I even finding myself playing multiple versions of myself. I added a new character called 'Silver Bell' who's just a male version of me. I'm still not sure how well I can play that one, but it should be interesting.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Why does the thread title read like a haiku now?

Group Contributor

The problem with time travel is that it breaks causality in ways that are indistinguishable from insanity to the casual observer.

The other problem is that even decades of time-travel of experience are insufficient to qualify you as a non-casual observer.

I still feel awful about my role in Anachron's death, by the way, and I hope you can forgive me someday.

- Future Horizon

Group Contributor

Check your login information. You're about to comment from the wrong account.

Er, not that you'll believe me until it happens, since your comment won't exist to generate a notification of this reply until after you post it. :facehoof:

- Future Horizon

Don't worry, dear. Colts aren't as different from fillies as the world would like you to think. Just pretend you're allowed to burp in public and to express your opinions about other ponies to their faces instead of behind their backs and you'll be fine.

Shiny is rolling his eyes at me right now. Deny it, Shiny. I dare you. :pinkiesmile:

I'm sorry, I can't honestly forgive what I can't remember. You have all my warmth and sympathy if that will help to ease your mind, but it is the comfort of a stranger. This is admittedly better than no comfort at all, but in the end, I sense that it won't bring you the closure you seek.

Group Admin

Ha! It's crystals! So, many crystals. Don't worry, we eventually got it right.

Edited to say: Wait, what? That's not my picture. Yet another wrinkle is added to the mystery that is the aetheric teletype. Let me bang on the side of it a little and see if that helps.

How about now?

Edited to say: Yes, that works. There's about a fifty-fifty chance that this is the effect of residual tree sap versus this being the normal functioning of an aetheric teletype machine.

Group Admin

Hey, Sweetie, apropos of nothing, if you and your two friends all decided to get together and be The Elements Of A Good Cheer, which one would you be? Lots of Control, Screaming and Hollering, or Passion? Screaming and Hollering, right?

Group Admin

Dude, it's "Loss of control."

Group Admin
SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor


Well, in the Weston College group, I was in a cave being invaded by Diamond Dogs recently. I remembered how my sister handled them, and tried just high pitched shrieking for a few minutes, then when they were all on the ground, covering their ears and whimpering, I let them know I'd keep doing it if they didn't leave.

They all left.

So, yeah, could be screaming and hollering...

-Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

It's not so bad, really. Chill out.

Group Contributor



Group Contributor

Thank you for the words of comfort, but you're exactly right about the closure; the forgiveness I need is from the Cadence who understands the true magnitude of my failure.

On one hoof, of course, her death was a supernode, and literally unavoidable — if not me, it would have been a rampaging allosaurus, or spontaneous pony combustion, or choking on her bubble tea, or tiny space aliens mis-setting the coordinates on their jump drive and teleporting smack into the middle of her heart. Thus there's no possible reason for guilt. On the other hoof, when you made your offhand comment and I blithely traipsed off on my "Princess Quest", I made it my fault in ways that I was ultimately unable to extricate myself from — and, thus, indirectly, I made you complicit in her death.

Someday — maybe soon, maybe centuries from now; I honestly can't tell, and I suspect the reason for that is that Princess Twilight will have someday installed anti-temporal tampering measures retroactive to her own unfortunate time loop to prevent herself from getting into further trouble — someday you'll understand. And you'll see me for the monster I was.

All I can do is apologize from my older and wiser self, and carry with me the knowledge of everything I tried to set it right — along with the weight of my guilt, until you can look me in the eyes (or the aetheric teletype equivalent) and tell me it can be legitimately lifted.

- F.H

Group Admin

That was a funny joke about Miss Harshwhinny!

Oh, wait, NO IT WASN'T.

Group Admin

Don't be such an ass, Sky. You don't get to dictate content. You're not the forum admin. That's Sky's job.

Please. Horizon's soul is troubled, Skywriter, for reasons that I admittedly don't or can't understand. He doesn't need ponies taking that kind of tone with him.

I'm sorry, I'm going to be forced to click in this little thing that kind of looks like an arrow pointing down so that a red disapproval number appears.

Group Admin

That would be a hand with a thumb, Your Highness.

Group Admin

Oh, dear. This is going to be hard for the ungulates to understand.

Found this and cannot resist.

OCs name is lockpick.

Aaaand, back from some sorting in the future history section (trying to help out around here), what's this about universe repair? Are we gonna get to go home?


I am not really sure I WANT to.


::poking his head out from a nonexistent panel in the wall::

D'ya know what a mess you all have made of the space-time continuum and the underlying bulk?! It's going to take weeks to get the parts to repair just the local brane alone, let alone the bodywork of the bulk!

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