Miss Harshwhinny is Best Pony 397 members · 94 stories
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Group Admin


Group Admin

I thought MM did a fine job deleting the thread whose only purpose was to be deleted.

Group Admin

I disagree.

I miss it. That thread was full of hilarious moments and thoughtful discussion. I really hate it when mods delete threads even if the thread's purpose is just to be deleted.

I'm fine with it, except now we need a thread whose only purpose is to not get deleted, in order to restore balance to the Force.

I think it was within his right to delete the thread. However, I also believe dinosaurs will rule over us with or without jetpacks.

What does that have to do with anything?!


I agree with your disagreement. Deleting it once would not be enough for all the material that thread contained.


I disagree with your agreement with 1449184's disagreement with 1449180's statement. If it was only to be deleted, then all the material was expendable anyway.


I agree with your disagreement of 1449580's agreement with 1449184's disagreement with 1449180's statement. If the purpose was to delete the thread, we should have known better than to post anything particularly good in it.


I disagree with your agreement with 1449590's disagreement with 1449184's disagreement with 1449180's statement. If we'd known that it'd be deleted and posted wonderful material anyway, the transience of the posts and the good times we had would have enhanced their value.

Comment posted by El Dante deleted Aug 7th, 2013


I disagree with your disagreement with 1449642's agreement with 1449590's disagreement with 1449184's disagreement with 1449180's statement. I happen to know about a certain Pony book by El Dante that would put your opinion about the value of transience to shame.


We all know what you're talking about. The guy's only writing one thing.

What a one-trick pony.


No, the guy wrote that one with the Cold War reference.


He's only written one that matters. I've even heard him say that other one meant crap to him.


Wait, how'd you hear about that? Has it leaked somehow?

I'm not a pony, sheesh.

I'm certain he was just deleting the thread to make the thread feel like it had actually fulfilled it's so-called "destiny". My question to you, my fellow Harshwhinny-philes, is as follows:
Was the deletion of this thread assisted suicide? Was the thread pressured into feeling as though it had to be deleted? Was this digi-murder?

1449833 You idiot, that's three questions. Learn to count.


Actually, the "This thread has been deleted. Just because." thread was created to balance the "This thread is locked for no particular reason" thread. Only somepony keeps unlocking the latter thread!

Group Contributor

You know, this gives my friend's black OC pony Sweet Dreams a whole new and disturbing subtext that I never before had bothered to consider.

Group Contributor

I disagree with your agreement with 1449642's disagreement with 1449184's agreement with 1449590's … um … misstatement of … uh … oh, drat.

1451716Disturbing subtext is my sole purpose in life... Well, that and cheese.


Ah, the power of cheese…

Ah Mighty Mouse!

Representing substance(cheese and/or power pellets/pills/drugs) abusers of a past age. Good times... good times.

Also, screw you! I said:

with or without jetpacks

They will rule us even if the jetpacks aren't S&P approved!

1452226 Oh god, are you going to digi-murder me now? Do I have to join your glorious revolution of forum euthanasia or suffer the consequences?


Group Admin

Alright, who's the wiseguy who deleted the thread whose ONLY PURPOSE was not to be deleted?

You had ONE JOB, people. ONE.

Group Contributor

Technically, the dinosaurs already have ruled us once, up until all of the mucking about with the timestream that led to a temporal war (resolved by changing the past to prevent a hug), which left half of our time-travellers and robots stranded in the Library Outside SpaceTime, and our group's resident talking dinosaur ran away sobbing and hasn't been seen since.

Everyone misses him. We tried to bring him back, but nobody's guessed his name yet. :fluttershysad:

* the research and rereading to dig up all these links took an embarrassingly long time

Group Contributor

While we're complaining, the Thread Whose Only Purpose Is To Be Locked is locked again, and now I can't complain there about how its unlocking is making a mockery of our entire forum.

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor


In the meantime, me, Silversmith Senna Spoon, and SB have all been going to Weston College, Silvy as a teacher, at one point headmistress, and now vice-principal. And arcum42's just been kinda busy.

(Lightning Stripe and Sharpshot's Academy didn't work out.)

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

But... but... I mean... it's locked now, right? Surely you can't be complaining about it now, yes?

Group Admin

Hello? Internet. We can complain about anything. An-y-thing.

Group Contributor

1462090 1462091
At one time in the past, it was unlocked. I didn't say anything when it was unlocked but it still upset me. Now I've decided I want to complain about the situation which once existed, but at this point I am unable to do so in the proper location.

I think it should be unlocked so that I can register my complaint. I shouldn't be penalized just because I was too lazy to speak up at the time.

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