Miss Harshwhinny is Best Pony 397 members · 94 stories
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Group Admin

I know, this forum has something of a reputation for ridiculousness, but I think it's important for us to remember that we can also serve as a genuine fandom appreciation portal for the indisputable best pony in MLP:FiM, which is to say, Sea Swirl. But what are the chances we'll ever see Sea Swirl again? After the conclusion of the brilliant "Under the Sparkling Sea" arc, wherein half of Equestria was completely flooded in order to make a happy compromise with the Seaponies (who will now, presumably, be available to be called upon whenever their land-cousins are in need) it would seem as though the show has no real use for Sea Swirl. This is the danger of attaching yourself too profoundly to a one-storyline character! Just for fun, I'd like to use this thread to blue-sky a few roles that Sea Swirl might fill in the coming season.

1. If Blue Laser makes good on its to blow up the ocean, Sea Swirl could fill an important role in defusing the ocean-exploding device.
2. Sea Swirl could literally jump over a shark in its natural environment. Take that, Fonzie!
3. Sea Swirl could be instrumental in locating the lost city of R'lyeh. Actually featuring the Great Old Ones would finally give Danny I. an excuse to do the Dexy's Midnight Runners send-up he's clearly been aching for ever since S1's "At the Gala." (Come on, Eileen, too-loo R'lyeh; come on, Eileen, too-loo R'lyeh).
4. An entire episode could be just 22 minutes of Twilight Sparkle saying the words "Sea Swirl" in a super-drawn-out and distorted way while the camera closes uncomfortably close on her face.

Any other options? This is the largest and most active Sea Swirl-themed group on FiMFiction. Surely you must have some ideas to feed to the writing staff!

4. An entire episode could be just 22 minutes of Twilight Sparkle saying the words "Sea Swirl" in a super-drawn-out and distorted way while the camera closes uncomfortably close on her face.

Be right back tweening 22440 frames of uncomfortable close up and lip synching. Can someone get Tara Strong on the phone?

Group Admin

That's great if you can swing it! It'll be known as the "First Fandom Episode"!


What about "Double Rainboom"?

Group Admin

I don't understand. Did that have Sea Swirl in it?

There is the unresolved dolphin diplomacy subplot. They never officially accepted the annual tribute of a thousand breezies. After mentioning the deal, Celestia just moved on to crowning Sea Swirl and presenting her with her ceremonial trident.


It doesn't matter because Amethyst Star would still beat her in a straight fight, you need to look at the expanded series but it's all there


... Just need to make Gentleman for Mares Canon so we can have our Sea Swirl extravaganza

Group Admin

Ugh, the expanded series? What, you mean the comics? No sirree am I ever considering them canon. I mean, can you believe it? That whole "Tirek gets free from Tartarus and blows up the library" plot? What kind of hack scriptwriters is IDW hiring for that thing? Isn't it enough that we had to suffer through the Great Flood and the ridiculous Flash Sentry / Twilight "second royal baby" two-parter? Canon is shaky enough as it is.


Look, there's ups and downs, but it's what made bowler hats canon, and you have to admit that Pinkie Pie's personality really rooted itself when she got one. If you ignore the invention of bowler hats, her characterization is going to remain inconsistent and schizophrenic between writers.

Also, the one about Discord carving stone soap statues was cool. Like, carving bars of soap sculptures out of entire mountains. Shame about the fatality rate though, but it was gorgeous artwork, both in and for the page.

I didn't even realize they could get John De Lancie to guest voice a comic, and I still think it was a weird way to do it, but it was worth the price of admission.

I feel like whenever Sea Swirl's not on screen, the other characters should stand around and say "where's Sea Swirl?"

5146816 I'm wondering if Dinky is Ditzy's daughter in the American version still,
If so Sea Swirl is Dinky's sister as we see them together at Sister hoof social.

Pfft. Card games. Who even bothers with those anymore?

I thought we didn't do the whole "discussion with yourself" thing.

We do when it's that important.


I admit, I never much cared for Sea Swirl. All I gotta say is that they better not make the hinted "Harshswirl" pairing canon.

Group Admin

Wait, I don't get it. If you don't actually like Sea Swirl, what are you doing in a forum called "Sea Swirl is Best Pony"?

Also, could somebody remind me what the "Harsh-" prefix means in 'shipping contexts? Is it some sort of hurt-comfort thing?

Group Contributor

Seriously, if they have Blue Laser blow up the ocean, I'm going to ragequit MLP fandom. That would completely joss the 150,000-word Blueswirl OTP that I've finished writing and am most of the way through editing.

Group Admin

You don't think she could forgive that? It is true love, after all.

Group Contributor

Could Sea Swirl forgive it? FORGIVE? Are you kidding? Equestria's living, ascended avatar of pro-ocean-alism?

Group Admin

You're right. Blowing up the ocean would probably sink that ship, with the caveat that with the ocean blown up there's nowhere for it to sink to.

The thing I love about this forum is that you don't have to stop April Fool's Day jokes after the fact.

Well, the heat of blowing up the ocean might leave a convenient magma pool, though that's dense enough that ship will more likely burn than sink...

Group Contributor

5151443 does raise a good linguistic point. What do you call a ship that can no longer sail, if what terminated the ship is also what blew up the oceans?

I propose that -- if only because the double entendre is just so perfect -- we say such ships are "dry-docked".

I don't know, this ship was plenty hot even before the magma.

And wouldn't lava be more a Red Laser thing anyway?

Group Admin

Your instincts are smashing as always, my good man! Go for it! Make existing words refer to new referents! You magnificent bastard! Ride, Postman, ride!

Ever since they introduced Purple Laser in Season 4, it's just been one big continuity snarl.

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