The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

If both duelists involved would kindly let me know that they are ready, this duel can begin. If one of the dueling parties does not report in (ready or otherwise) before Wednesday [1/9/2013], they will forfeit the match. If neither report in, both will forfeit.

Whether you are ready or not, please make it known in an ((OOC)) post here in this thread.

This duel was concluded [1/14/2013] with Medicshy as the victor by majority vote.

((Ready and willing boss, though actual availability is spotty thanks to classes. In 9 or so hours I'll be free for four, and then two or so hours later I'll be free once more.))

Snowfall walks into the stands and takes a seat. This was one of the fights she had anticipated most. Almost as much as Skarn's fight. Let's see who wins: the future Night Guard, or the possessed necromancer. This should be good.

601578 ((Prospective? I'm in the guard! I'm just a technical division.))

((Yeah, but if you go through with that transfer, you'll be one of the Night Guards. Snowfall isn't gonna let you just sit around in some crappy lab in Stalliongrad or wherever. No, no, no. You're far too useful to be left under someone else's command.

EDIT: There, edited op for clarity :P))

601582 ((Thank you. Though if there's a magitech division up in the Frozen North getting the dregs of the Canterlot tech, you can bet Rapid's aiming there. Still probably falls under your Command, just as a special officer. Though if that doesn't work, Night Guard is fine too.))

((Well, Stalliongrad has a pretty big magitech division, but it's all r&d unless you want to work in a factory. Snowfall wants Rapid as one of her field techs.

You were there with Data during Candy's testing. You've seen the scrubs she gets stuck with just because most of the cadets that go for magitech positions don't want to have to deal with a little ice in their equipment. That and they look at her like she just murdered their foal when she tells them to leave their equipment behind or else that hydra's gonna eat them.))

Group Admin

((Spoiler: Or you could work under Gearrick for the Vemn Enox tech team. Canterlot's not the only guard in the world you know. :derpytongue2:))

((Screw that noise! Snowfall isn't letting someone as useful as Rapid sit around in Vemn Enox. She's spent too much time getting on Rapid's good side for Gearrick to come along and ruin everything. Not to mention that Rapid wouldn't leave Aurora hanging like that.))

Group Admin

((Calm down, calm down. I know I haven't gotten around to putting the map up yet, so I can;t expect it to be common knowledge, but Vemn Enox is pretty much a central location for the world, which is pretty huge. I'd say it wouldn't be so bad, really, as she could feasibly be deployed anywhere now the the world is united. The way our world works, nations that have peace with one another set up embassies and such, and Visionary isn't so different.

I'm throwing out way too much speculation here on the part of your OCs, but the gist of what I'm getting at is that, as military personnel in a growing world, there's no such thing as a guaranteed post. :pinkiecrazy:

EDIT: This fight hasn't even started, and it is already most popular. :rainbowlaugh:))

((Of course it's most popular. It's got the Drama Fairy as one of the contestants and the drama fairy's leech as one of the first spectators. Though I think we're gonna put a lot into that Skarn/Wastani fight once it gets rollin' since each of our character's love interests are in that one.

And Snowfall's not gonna lose Rapid. Especially not after hearing about what she did to that Hydra. Have you seen the techs Snowfall has right now? 'Useless' would be too generous of a way to describe them. Rapid's managed to piss off most of her superiors in Canterlot, so they're trying to get rid of her, and I can call in a favor to Princess Luna if I have to in order to make the transfer happen [I love playing characters with political power]. Unless Luna decides to try to force Snowfall out of her position in the Frozen North, she's got enough rank to keep the few ponies she wants around right where she wants them.))

Group Admin

((You love playing characters with political power? :rainbowlaugh:))

601526 ((Goodmorning! :D))601578

Trixie wlks into the stands sporting an angry look. :trixieshiftleft: "Lose Darkswirl, and lose hard." Trixie sits and croses her fore-legs, wishing an end to the necromancer.

Group Admin

((Good morning indeed. It's only 9 am, and look how much I managed to get done today, lol. :pinkiecrazy:))

601654 ((I'msoexcitedI'veneverbeensoexcited,wellexceptforthatonetimewhenIwentGAAASPbutImeanreallywhocantopthat?:pinkiehappy:))

601641 ((Goodmorning to you, too. :3))

601526 ((Oh, and I should probably mention that during the RP, I had Nightmare Moon placed within Darkswirl's head just to keep the plot churning. I hadn't planned on using her in the RP because it felt like an unfair advantage, but otherwise the whole Trixie thing wouldn't make any sense.))

Group Admin

((That's understandable, and perfectly fine. I figured you wouldn't, since you never requested an update to your abilities.))

Group Admin

((Who can top it? Who? Do you even know who you are talking to? :flutterrage:))


Group Admin

((My character does not have a banhammer in his equipment, sadly. You luck out this time, Foxi.))

601673 ((Foxi: 1, Razorbeam: 0 /):rainbowkiss:(\ ))

Group Admin

((Enjoy it while you can... :ajbemused:))

601683 ((Oh, I will :trollestia:))

Half-wing walks to the stands, sitting near the front.

"You can do it, Darkswirl! I got trust in you!" Half-wing pauses for a second. "And I'm betting 50 bits! So no pressure!"

((Hmm...let's see...Sky wants to get Rapid to like him...but he's already Darkswirl's friend...I don't know what to do!:fluttershbad: Good thing I can't do anything anyway until like 4:45 PST))

601599 ((...Ouch...Nothing about the dark and angsty Necromancer being popular...:fluttercry:))

Wastani walks into the section of the stands that is close enough to the front, but far enough back that he can actually see. "Don't worry, Rapid. I believe in you." he whispers, as he sets up a large flag with those very words, and a picture of her face on it.

Brazen trots in and takes a seat next to Snowfall, "Oh I can't wait for this match to start, I've never seen Rapid in action, but from what I can tell, it'll be a fun fight," Brazen said beaming in anticipation, "Oh and who is this Darkswirl? I heard a few rumors, but I never had the pleasure of meeting her," Brazen shrugged.

601657 ((Nothing personal, RP-Trixie is just sore about losing her alicorn book.))

601787 Trixie lifts her wizard hat up to reveal her horn bathed in a dull-purple aura. A small storm cloud forms above Half-wing before giving him a quick zap. Trixie quickly puts her hat back on and acts like nothing happened.

Getting a small singe mark on his flank, Half-wing shrugs it off, having dealt with much worse weather.

"GO BREAK A LEG!" Winterjet shouted from the tribunes. Watching the Zebra-Unicorn-thingie in the arena.

A small, glowing, metallic ball blinked into existence, hovering in one of the seats.

This was a Remembrall. A fairly standard interrogation device that most military ponies in Germaney knew, it saved a video record of the things that happened in the area. A memory crystal allowed the user to review the recording. This particular device belonged to Wind Spark, Storm Blitz's wife.

((Just going to leave this here...))

Trixie sees a movement in the corner of her eye, she instinctively turns to find the remembrall floating next to her. "...the hell?" She backs away slowly from the strange device. She finds a new seat, she breaks her sight of the thing to find that the new seat is next to Brazen((602343)). "Oh, hay. What's happening?"

Hearing Brazen's comment, Snowfall leans over to be heard above the growing crowd, "She's that necromancer everypony was all up in arms about a week or so back. I've gotten to spar with her a couple times, and lets just say, this fight is gonna be really interesting."

Brazen smiles to Trixie, "I'm here to cheer on my friend, Rapid Fire," He says pointing to the green Earth pony in the arena, "What about you?"
"Necromancy huh? This will be ineresting, but my money's still on Rapid," Brazen said chuckling.

602502 "Trixie is here to boo the other guy." She points to Darkswarl. "That one has some issues."

601683 ((Is it alright if I post my entrance, at least, since it isn't fighting?))

Group Admin

((That's fine, just don't go slapping each other. Bell hasn't rung yet.))

"Hmm, I guess that puts us on the same side when it comes to who we want to win," Brazen said with a chuckle.

602582 ((Oki doki loki)) 601575 Darkswirl hides under her dark brown cloak with the hood drawn over her head and horn as she steps out into the arena from her entrance. To one side she sees that the stands are filled with a few ponies united under a crudely drawn picture of her opponent.

And to her other side, Cli'Kat sits alone...The only one rooting for her.

In all honesty, she had expected this, but that didn't make it hurt any less.

Giving a sad sigh and pulling her hood back, Darkswirl uncloaked her three magically hidden coffins and prepared to summon her first minion.

602588 ((I'm here for 3 hours.)) 602582>>602583>>602260

Rapid Fire enters the arena, eliciting a cheer from the crowd and a slight boost to her confidence. The banner of her with the small zebra beneath it only boosted it higher. Alright. I got this. Just gotta keep fighting. So who's it gonna be? She walks to the center, only then really noticing the other mare in the arena.

The unicorn. With three coffins. "Wait, you're my first opponent?" She smiles. "I mean, I was kind of hoping back when we met on day two, but I didn't actually think..." She smirks, jumping in place to ensure her Peacemakers were set and locked and her body was loose. "This is going to be fun."

602649 ((So, now that we're both here, are there judges online so we can start? Also, I never got anything form you on my gmail about a chat, so...))

602672 ((It's being done in PMs, but I am just as in the dark as you.))

602674 ((Whoops. xD Meant to reply to Razorbeam there. 602582 RAZORBEAM read this, please --> 602672))

602588>>602649 ((hmm...should I root for the one who can barely stand to be in my presence, or the one who hugged me when I said I wanted to be her friend? Decisions, decisions....))

602688 ((Root for the one that punched you in the face. It'll confuse everyone))

602689 ((but the one that nobody likes...well, nobody likes her. Oh, what the hell, imma root for Darkswirl.))

602703 ((


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