Battlefield: Equestria 264 members · 62 stories
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The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin

This is the directory for all OCs in BF:EQ that can be used in special ops scenarios. All OCs must conform to the creation rules.

Template format here. Rules for creation go here.

Format here.

Discussion of OCs go here.

The Grey Pegasus
Group Admin


Because Goldenwing put a pretty nice format to follow... I might as well.

Name: Stardust "Dusty" Rapture
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Male (unless, of course, someone wants the R63 female Stardust...who does exist...)(wait, never mind, she's official now; scroll down)
Affiliation: Royal Scout Regiment, 1st Royal Scout Division, Detatchment A (Equestrian Kingdom)
Rank (Royal Scout): Captain, though has special privileges when dealing with regular military
Physical Description: Just look at the picture.

Royal Scouts Special Intelligence and Reconnaissance Division Identity Profile [Abriged]: Stardust Rapture

Stardust Rapture is an operative of the Royal Intelligence Agency's Special Intelligence and Reconnaissance Division, specifically the Royal Scout Regiment. His specific unit is the 1st Royal Scout Division. His rank of Captain in the Royal Scouts holds the same power and authority as Colonel in the regular Equestrian military, as do all ranks above Captain.
He is a gray pegasus of classified origins. In fact, his entire life consists of very interesting things. He claims and is confirmed that he was formerly a human until they were somehow wiped out and some subsequently transplanted in Equestria. From there, he is also apparently a universe jumper, an approved action by his home Equestria universe.
Like other human-ponies in Equestria now, his personality is slightly different to native Equestrians. They have certain prowess in combat and violence and the willingness to execute such things that is not easily found in Equestrians. However, they are also fairly charismatic, loose, and good natured and fit in well with Equestrians when not on active duty.
As with all Royal Scout operatives, he has an Augmented Reality Cognition Assistance Neural Enhancement Implant in his brain. In short, it speeds up the thinking process and modifies his vision to see information and notifications of certain field elements. The ARCANE Implant in no way improves his physical abilities, though it does assist in faster reaction times.

(3) Accuracy: Highly accurate with his combat knife, either when striking or throwing a very short distance (10 meters). Also accurate with projectile weapons, such as bows and rifles. Partial assistance by ARCANE Implant.
(5) Observant: Very keen observations. Assisted by ARCANE Implant. Easily keeps track of targets and objects of note.
(4) Quick Reflexes: Reacts very quick. Assisted by ARCANE Implant, mostly by fast identification of danger. Helps in close quarters, as his fighting style relies more on quick, precise strikes rather than force.
(3) Athletic: Though not the strongest, he is certainly fast in flight and on the ground, and has fairly good stamina.
(2) Conversationalist: Likes to talk. Can boost morale, help negotiations, or taunt the enemy.

No armor: On the technicality that the job of a Royal Scout is swift, stealthy recon, Royal Scouts do not wear armor. Exceptional cases include when they move with a main army, but even then, most operatives choose to forgo wearing any. Melee combat relies more on the usage of wings for quick and precise strikes for immediate neutralizations. At the worse, they will just disengage and escape to the air. Unfortunately, no armor makes it easier for one to get wounded or killed in combat (should they shamefully fail to dodge attacks). (2)

Takedown: His training allows him to do quick and immediate takedowns if the enemy is generally unprepared. He can either knock the target out, or more likely and easily, silence the target with a knife to the neck. Lethal takedowns are always quiet. Takedowns are also possible in the middle of a fight if the enemy is charged into fast enough.
Marksman: Give him a firearm (or bow weapon) and he'll take down targets at medium range in a close-support type manner. Effectiveness and succession of shots determined by weapon.
Recon: As does his job description dictate. The premier ability of a Royal Scout is extremely detailed recon and intel gathering. Pegasi are naturally hard to hit in the air by ground fire. His gray coat renders him nearly invisible against clouds. His implant helps track targets when it is dark.

+3 Accuracy (Thrown, Projectile, and Firearm)
+5 Observant
+4 Quick Reflexes
+3 Athletic (Endurance)
+2 Conversationalist (Charisma, Morale Boost)

-2 No Armor (Durability)

Takedown: Guaranteed neutralize on unaware, stumbled, or dazed target, one-turn cooldown, refreshes on stealth kill
Marksman: +4 Accuracy with medium-range weaponry for three turns, two-turn cooldown
Recon: Guaranteed correct intel, one-turn charge, eight-turn cooldown


Name: Stardust "Star" Rapture
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Royal Scout Regiment / 1st Royal Scout Division / Detatchment A (Equestria)
Rank (Royal Scout): Captain, though has special privileges when dealing with regular military
Physical Description: Just look at the picture.

Royal Scouts Special Intelligence and Reconnaissance Division Identity Profile [Abridged]: Stardust Rapture (female)

The mare Captain Rapture is very similar to the stallion Captain Rapture. Usually, for easy reference, the male Stardust is called 'Dusty', while the female Stardust is referred to as 'Star'.
As with the male Stardust, the female Stardust shows a high degree of intelligence. Star is more intelligent and agile than Dusty, however Dusty naturally has a stronger physique. Also, while both are proficient in ranged weaponry and close quarters, Star shows an affinity for close quarters combat while Dusty is more accurate with ranged weapons.
The two often meet together (due to their involvement in the Unity Program) and maintain a professional relationship, though some other sources say otherwise.

(4) Accuracy: Highly accurate with her combat knife, either when striking or throwing a very short distance (10 meters). Also accurate with projectile weapons, such as bows and rifles. Partial assistance by ARCANE Implant.
(5) Observant: Very keen observations. Assisted by ARCANE Implant. Easily keeps track of targets and objects of note.
(4) Quick Reflexes: Reacts very quick. Assisted by ARCANE Implant, mostly by fast identification of danger. Helps in close quarters, as her fighting style relies more on quick, precise strikes rather than force.
(2) Determination: Being a mare in a dangerous military occupation, she is quite determined to carry out her job.
(3) Charismatic: Likes to talk. Can boost morale, help negotiations, or taunt the enemy. Being a mare helps too.

No armor: On the technicality that the job of a Royal Scout is swift, stealthy recon, Royal Scouts do not wear armor. Exceptional cases include when they move with a main army, but even then, most operatives choose to forgo wearing any. Melee combat relies more on the usage of wings for quick and precise strikes for immediate neutralizations. At the worse, they will just disengage and escape to the air. Unfortunately, no armor makes it easier for one to get wounded or killed in combat (should they shamefully fail to dodge attacks). (2)
Strength: Not that she isn't strong, but as a mare, compared to her male counterpart, she lacks a bit in raw strength. (1)

Takedown: Her training allows him to do quick and immediate takedowns if the enemy is generally unprepared. He can either knock the target out, or more likely and easily, silence the target with a knife to the neck. Lethal takedowns are always quiet. Takedowns are also possible in the middle of a fight if the enemy is charged into fast enough.
Brawler: She can enhance her focus in close-quarters to make full use of her speed and agility. With a lighter frame and slightly smaller build, she can dodge attacks more effectively than stallions.
Recon: As does her job description dictate. The premier ability of a Royal Scout is extremely detailed recon and intel gathering. Pegasi are naturally hard to hit in the air by ground fire. Her gray coat renders him nearly invisible against clouds. Her implant helps track targets when it is dark.

+4 Accuracy (Thrown, Projectile, and Firearm)
+5 Observant
+4 Quick Reflexes
+2 Determination (Endurance, Personal Morale)
+3 Charismatic (Charisma, Morale Boost)

-2 No Armor (Durability)
-1 Strength (as in raw strength; separate from endurance)

Takedown: Guaranteed neutralize on unaware, stumbled, or dazed target, one-turn cooldown, refreshes on stealth kill
Brawler: +4 to melee and +3 to Reflexes for 3 turns, three-turn cooldown
Recon: Guaranteed correct intel, one-turn charge, eight-turn cooldown

[Better reservation than TGPs]

Iron Galley

(I know, I know; it's a glorious piece of art. Yeah, I get that a lot.)
Cream colored earth pony stallion with a black mane and tail. His mark depicts two crossed fencing swords.
Commandeering small seafaring craft as well as having a highly above average skill when utilizing swords and rapiers.

Combat Info:

A short-sword and rapier: As his mark depicts, Iron is very skilled in the usage of swords and other hoofheld weapons, though he needs to remain stationary when wielding them due to being an earth pony.

A flintlock hoofgun: While not precisely skilled in the usage of flintlock weaponry, Iron can manage to land a shot at close range the majority of the time, and sometimes he can achieve a long-range hit, though the inaccuracy of the weapon itself is a big detriment.

Swift reflexes: Life in a war galley is tough, but so is fighting in one. To survive, a sailor needs to develop swift moves and rapid reflexes in order to avoid arrows, swords, shots, and flying splinters as the cannons thunder about the seas. Iron can use this skill in melee to become rather elusive and hard to hit.

Iron is a Mute: He is incapable of speech and cannot lead others directly in combat. This makes him lack in strategic value once in the battlefield, as all of his plans must be explained beforehand. His reaction to a sudden emergency in the middle of combat is very limited.

Submissive: Due to his lack of social interaction, Iron tends to try his hardest to befriend others. Sometimes a little too hard. He is known to be rather passive and allowing with others, even going as far so as to let close friends gain political influence at his expense.

Political Figure: Due to being a public figure back at home, Iron cannot partake in any controversial activities while in the military. He can fight, but he has moral and ethical restrictions imposed upon him by the figure he is supposed to uphold in order to keep the populace back home happy and in good standards with him.

A Gentlecolt: He will not, and cannot harm a mare or female. In the same way, he has a tendency for falling more easily at their hooves than other males. His judgement more easily clouded by a pretty face than he should allow.


Galera de Hierro/Iron Galley.
A black-maned, light-brown colored earth pony from the province of Navío; Iron was born the fourth son of the Wave Breaker clan. His father– Rompe Olas/Wave Breaker–was the patriarch of the family, and one of the few stallions that were holders of a seat in politics around Navío.
Iron was born a mute, and as such he was never destined to partake in the role of leadership his family prided itself in on the local naval forces. The unfortunate stallion was not deprived of seafaring lessons however, and soon he was as proficient as any of his brothers and sisters on the art of commandeering a vessel at sea.
He could never enroll in the royal navy as an officer–as his family tradition dictated–and as such, he purchased a local fishing company. His knowledge of the seas rendered fruits soon enough, when the small fishing business eventually boomed and flourished notoriously.
He eventually drove all competitors out of business, and took possession of their ships and establishments; all former competitors were rehired under his control at a later time.
Through such means he became one of the wealthiest stallions in Navío, and gained further wealth and honor for his clan and family.
(Fishing companies supply food for the different races living in Equestria, and Navío holds a very large population of gryphons)


Basic information:

Name: Ed the Dead.
Race: Human.
Gender: Male.
Affiliation: Legion of Chaos.
Rank: Koronez Bestia Domar (Colonel, beast tamer).
Physical description:

Ed the Dead was born in an abandoned village back in his home planet. He lived a lonesome existence along with his mother and sister, whom slowly perished due to malnourishment. Ed’s mother slowly went mad, and blamed her death on him. She changed his name to Dead and refused to feed him, or even see him.

Ed eventually ran away; adding his nickname as a surname, he ran across the desert that surrounded his dying home. Armed with nothing but a blunt dagger, he suffered greatly at the mercy of beasts, roaming gangs, and the weather.

He was on the brink of death when he was found by a nomad tribe. The tribesmen took him in and raised him as one of their own. He grew to become a strong and capable nomad; knowledgeable of the ways to survive and fight, he came to be a soldier among the tribesmen.

It would not last long however, as he fell in love with power and women. He’d be severe with those under his orders, but fair and rewarding. The men amongst the tribe began to follow his orders to the point, and the head of the nomads did not like that.

Ed was framed with rape and murder of his wife and that of several others. The corpses were mangled and violated horribly, causing the victim’s relatives to scream for his blood. The man was forced away from the tribe, barely making it out alive.

None followed him, and he was forced to wander aimlessly for many weeks, until a large group of raiders found him.

They beat him and robbed him, leaving the man for dead. And he would have perished, if not for a rival gang. The rivals took him in and armed him. They needed soldiers to fight, and a victim was perfect. Ed fought alongside them in the sand dunes for many years.

He remarried; had sons and a daughter, and even gained rank and prestige among the raiders. It got to the point where history was about to repeat itself.

The leader of the raiders plotted to murder him, but was never able to carry out the act. Ed led a mutiny one night, and had the leader and his family and allies slain. He achieved supreme control of the raiders and their soldiers, and led them in their final conquest against their foes.

He plundered and sacked villages, always sharing the spoils and women with his soldiers. He married four more times and had many more children; he conquered a nearby settlement and fortified it, making it the first real town in the entire area.

He rules up to this day, always praying to the god of the raiders.

The Draconequus. Some say the god often calls his followers on missions in other realms, but no one can say for sure...

Human: +1 on your first roll in any reflex test
Tier 1:
Brawler: +1 on your first roll in any strength test
Veteran: +1 on your first roll in any endurance test
Tier 2:
Survivalist: +1 on your first roll in any endurance or intelligence test
Tier 3:
Titan Augmentation: +2 on your first roll in any strength, speed or endurance test
Natural Leader: +2 to your first morale roll when one or more players have already failed a morale test.
Uneducated, illiterate, superstitious, ignorant, oppressive.
Combat drugs: +3 to your first speed roll for one speed test only. Can only be used once per game.
Attached limitation: Comedown; -1 from your first endurance roll on your next endurance test.

Reflexes: 5
Agility: 4
Speed: 5
Strength: 6
Charisma: 5
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 2
Luck: 3
Morale: 5

Group Admin


Name: Wind Rider/Guardian

Race: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Affiliation: 1st Royal Special Forces Division, United Equestrian Empire (UEE)

Physical description: A white pegasus with a cyan mane and tail. He wears sunglasses, a black and white bandana headband, and has a cuite mark depicting a shield with a cross over it.

Background: Adopted as a baby, Wind Rider was raised in Dodge City by over pacifist parents in, who eventually disowned him when he joined the Equestrian Army behind their backs. Trained by both the Equestrian Army, as well as human soldiers, he is highly skilled in martial arts and archery (specifically, in the use of crossbows). He is also highly trained flyer, can fly for miles in all kinds of weather conditions without stopping, and has become well versed in creating thunderstorms. After experiencing much combat, he was eventually chosen to join the elite circle of the Royal Special Forces. He values the life of civilians, of any species, more than anything else and will never harm them unless absolutely necessary, thus the meaning behind his cuite mark. He also has much intolerance for those unwilling to fight for their homes. His overall goal of protecting and defending civilians has earned him the new name "Guardian", given to him by his fellow soldiers. He uses both names interchangebly, partially to help keep his identity a mystery. He also has a strange and unexplained ability to survive extreme situation... though he may not always be at a hundred percent afterwards.


Base traits:






ARCANE V2 Implant


Quick learner


Divine Intervention


Reflexes: 4

Agility: 4

Speed: 4

Strength: 3
Charisma: 5

Endurance: 4

Intelligence: 5

Luck: 5

Morale: 6

RAINBOW Reservation

I'm bored and am going to present my OC now. Also, I will leave my reservation because it's cool. So here we go!

Edited to fit Bloodpool's requirements.


Essential Details
Name: Silver Feather
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Stallion
Affiliation: N/A
Rank: N/A
Physical Description: See image.
Background: Omg I don't feel like typing that up again.

Base Traits:
Pegasus: +1 on first roll of any Agility test

Tier 1:
- Charming: +1 on your first roll in any charisma test
- Gambler: +1 on your first luck roll in any luck test
Tier 2:
- Leadership: +1 on your first roll in any charisma or morale test
Tier 3:
- ARCANE V2 Implant: +2 on your first roll in any reflex, inteligence or agility test

Perk - Lucky day: +2 to your first luck roll when one or more players have already failed a luck test.
Power - Daredevil: You gain an extra die for this test. Can only be used once per game.

Reflexes: 5
Agility: 3
Speed: 3
Strength: 3
Charisma: 7
Endurance: 3
Intelligence: 3
Luck: 6
Morale: 7


Name: Lunar Aegis
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Stallion
Affiliation: NLR, LUNA, UEE
Rank: Colonel, Commander, Captain
Physical Description: Coat - Dark Grey, Mane & Tail - Streaked Black & Blue, Eyes - Amber, Build - Deceptively Strong, Cutie Mark - Black Shield with Blue Crescent Moon on it and Three Crossed Swords Behind the Shield.
Background: Lunar Aegis was, seemingly, a normal pony. Other than the fact that he was bullied incessantly, anyways. He finally retaliated, but only incited worse treatment to be brought upon himself. Finally, the last straw was drawn when the bullies targeted his mother. That's when he discovered the supernatural abilities that had been granted to him by the Night. Shortly after, he ran away from home and learned to control his abilities. After a couple years of intense training, Lunar Aegis returned to his hometown, Ponyville, and became a vigilante. He picked off anypony who treated another wrongly. Eventually, he was tracked down by the current commander of LUNA and offered a job. He took it and gradually rose up through the ranks until he became the new commander. He joined the NLR officially and was given a position as the commander of the Ground Forces.

Agile - Can dodge around falling objects with little-to-no problem. (3)
Fast Reflexes - Can dodge half the projectiles fired at him. (3)
Stealthy - Due to his time as a vigilante, Lunar Aegis is accustomed to moving around in the shadows. (5)
Athletic - Fast flier and, despite his slight build, he is deceptively strong. (3)
Brawler - Definitely a better fighter when in melee. (3)

Brawler - Lunar Aegis is a horrible shot due to his focusing on stealth and melee. (2)

Assassinate - If Lunar Aegis can spot his target and move into place behind it undetected, he can do a quick assassination. (Basically, he can instakill an enemy after a full round of stalking said enemy.)
Burst Flight - Lunar Aegis can fly faster than normal after a full round of preparing himself.
Electromancy - Lunar Aegis can spend a whole round charging whatever weapon he's currently using with electricity, making it do more damage. He can concentrate for two rounds instead and blast any five targets in front of him with electricity. After the latter is used, he must wait another two rounds for the electricity to recharge before using either option again.

Name: Hothead
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Stallion
Affiliation: 4th Royal Scout Division, UEE
Rank: First Lieutenant
Physical Description: Solidly built; dark-blue coat; flame colored mane and tail; amber eyes; cutie mark is a white shield with a black sword on it.
Background: Hothead was a very athletic pony when he lived in Cloudsdale, he still is in fact. He loves competing against others but knows that it’s all in good fun. Except war. Hothead has been through hell and back, receiving 20+ years of military service for his efforts. Hothead is now 38 years old and has finally been promoted high enough to command a battlefield of troops. He is known within the UEE for losing his temper easily.
Favored Weapon: Wingblades

Quick - Can react faster than most normal ponies. (3)
Stealth - Due to his training as a Royal Scout, Hothead is used to moving around undetected. (5)
Strength - Stronger than most Pegasi, he almost equals an average Earth Pony strength wise. (3)
Survival - Can forage enough food to survive in almost any environment, and can find water too. Very good at keeping himself alive. (3)
Endurance - Can keep moving even when normal ponies would drop dead from the exertion. (3)

Hotheaded - Loses his temper very easily. When he loses his temper, he flies into a blind rage, which can be both a good thing and a bad thing, depending on the situation. (2)

Shadow Cloak - Can pull shadows around him to move unseen over empty ground as long as it's nighttime and there are shadows nearby.
[More abilities may be added.]

Pictures coming eventually.

Comment posted by IrresponsibleCupid deleted Apr 3rd, 2013
Comment posted by CuriousCurse deleted Apr 4th, 2013
Comment posted by Irongalley deleted Apr 3rd, 2013

Name: Pen Knife
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Affiliation: United Equestrian Empire (supports Luna)
Rank: Captain
Physical description: Light brown fur. Deep blue eyes. Dark blonde mane and tail, both neatly trimmed. Broken horn. No cutie mark. Wears uniform to hide lack of said mark. Uniform consists of a blue suit and black vest. Subject appears to be unusually strong for a unicorn of his size.
Background: Most information on subject is classified. Subject is a military stallion from a military family. He was the leader of a small squad of soldiers in the Equestrian special forces before being promoted to a strategic advisor, though he still does some field work. Pen Knife has no cutie mark. This is believed to have something to do with subject's personality and interests combined with current occupation and classified information on his past. Subject has a broken horn though it is currently unknown how he suffered this injury.

Race: Unicorn: +1 to your first roll on intelligence tests
Tier 1:
Charming: +1 to your first roll on charisma tests
Determined: +1 to your first roll in morale tests
Tier 2:
Investigator: +1 on your first roll in any intelligence or charisma test
Tier 3:
Titan Augmentation: +2 on your first roll in any strength, speed or endurance test
Dashing grin: +2 to your first charisma roll when one or more players have already failed a charisma test.
Broken Horn: +3 to your first intelligence roll for one intelligence test only. Can only be used once per game. Attached limitation: Nausea: -2 from your first agility roll on your next agility test.

Reflexes: 4
Agility: 3
Speed: 3
Strength: 5
Charisma: 7
Endurance: 3
Intelligence: 4
Luck: 4
Morale: 7

Group Admin

841819 Yes, we do, but this is written in a way that means it's much easier to get the information needed for including an OC in a scenario. The other thread was more of a general overview of who we are, rather than the spesifics of OCs.

Nice job by the way 840878. I look forward to having more OCs to mess around with. This gets my offical seal of approval.

Reservation filled

Name: Starfield

Race: Unicorn

Gender: Stallion

Affiliation: Equestrian 1st Auxiliary Tactical Division.

Rank: Commander

Physical description: A dark blue coat with light blue hair and silver eyes. Cutie mark is a few comets being thrown around by stars forming an eye. Excessive observation might bring to light that the center star is preventing the comets from smashing into the other stars as well as a comment about "staring".

Background: Starfield was originally from a lesser noble family. He had a relatively average life though a few notable characteristics were that: he was always a bit of a "wanna-be" hero, he was generally sarcastic when playing around but rather straight forward and encouraging when serious, and had a bit of a silver tongue when it meant getting his way (which he probably learned from some of his parent's questionable social ladder climbing tactics). From this early age, he learned the words and the perception of their meaning held all the difference in the world when combined with trickery and illusions.

He applied for Celestia's school for magically gifted unicorns but a freak accident involving a rather large dragon prevented his entry exam until after they had decided they were out of room until the next year. This is when he went to guardspony military school instead and discovered the one thing that required power and deception even more so than politics: Tactical warfare. He graduated third in his command class (mostly due to the teacher obviously not being able to fully grasp the complexity and effectiveness of his battle plan and giving him someone who apparently is scared of wooden swords).

He was deemed capable enough for a command slot in an auxiliary division (mostly just a jumble of "spare parts" used to supplement armies with gaps in them after nasty combat operations or be used for minor escort details in a pinch). After a heart attack killed the commander of the crystal empire's equestrian garrison force, he was sent to fill in until they could figure out how they were going to handle this officially. The city was attacked soon after.

Attributes: Light weight (stealthier and faster), nocturnally inclined (stats boosted by 25% when in the dark)

Abilities:Silent assassination (makes no sound and can be quickly brought within starfields cloak by holding the enemy close, often with the purpose of dragging them to a better hiding spot), laser sniping (1 minute recharge, usually one shot kill if hit a vital area, wound cauterizes), projected cloaking (cloaks others in a small area not including Starfield himself)

Perks: Advanced Army Command (soldiers and their COs obey new commands faster and with greater effectiveness including ambushes, formations, and various tactical maneuvers.)

Limitations: Light sensitive (being in a bright area gives him a headache as he can sense light magically (hence his aptitude with light manipulation) and reduces stats by 25%), Weak (Starfield is exceptionally weak physically due to his tendency to be doing research rather than training for personal combat), foolish martyr (when starfield's moral is low, he tends to try and attack the enemy himself which, for an open-combat challenged officer, isn't always smart. This stims from the fact that he has romanticized heroism since a child even if he was never really good at it.)

Powers: Cloaking











Each character starts with 24 skill points. You can only spend a maximum of 5 skill points on any skill area. You must spend at least 1 point in each skill area. The following holds true for all skill areas:

1: Poor

2: Average

3: Competent

4: Adept

5: Expert

Note: this is merely kept as a descriptive reference and is no longer part of the actual character sheet and my contain information not in line with CS standards enforced by Bloodpool. It is merely to give an idea of the original concept behind it and may be altered later once an approved variant is found.

Dual hoof blades. When Starfield curls his hoof all the way (as if he were to punch someone), it activates a mechanism that causes a blade to extend out of the device by about 6 inches. It is somewhat thin and awkward to wield in any way other than simple, but precise stabbing motions. While the hoof blade mechanism is incorporated into light weight shin guards, it really isn't ment to do much serious blocking.

Rapier. This long, thin, light-weight sword is very sharp and is best used to quickly spar with opponents and overwhelm them with faster movement and decisive thrusts. Starfield's distaste for prolonged combat makes this weapon ideal due to it's ease of use and quick fighting style. It's light weight and secure sheath allows him to move unhindered and noiselessly.


Starfield's suit is more a small set of harnesses with a cloak. The suit is of his own invention and is enchanted with a unique ability to project a small ward around him to turn away piercing weapons. It runs primarily off ambient light which tends to decrease the visible light around the cloak and harness slightly. Should the cloak's ability to gather light via magic be stopped, the harness can continue to hold the ward in place for a short while as the power drains out. This suit has turned many near fatal blows into glancing wounds.

His hoof blades also work as light shin guards

840880 840895 840887

Name: Metal-mane
Race: Unicorn
Age: Adult
Gender: Stallion
Talent: Recon / Intel
Main Weapon: PSG1
Secondary Weapon: Katana
Tertiary Weapon: Horn
Limitations: Poor eye sight in left eye from scar of unknown origin
Abilities: Berserk rage, night terror, energy blot and fog of war
Skills: Propaganda, Sabotage and Assassination
Agility: Above Average
Speed: Above Average
Strength: Average
Charisma: High
Dexterity: High
Endurance: Above Average
Intelligence: Average
Luck: High
Morale: Extreme (Never Gives Up)

Bio: I love to be on the front line in the thick of the fight also I find that hunting and eliminating a target rewarding I also relish the moment when I plunge my Katana to the hilt into the chest of an enemy man and seeing the light in there eyes fade.

Group Admin

Name: Firebolt
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Affiliation: 5th Infantry Division, United Equestrian Empire (UEE)
Rank: Captain
Physical Description:

Background: Firebolt is the only son of an Equestrian Aristocrat. When he came of age, he left his family home to join the military, deliberately cuttting off all conections with his mother, father, and any other family members. As an aristocrat, the art of leadership is something that comes naturally to Firebolt and he quickly rose through the ranks to the position of Captian. He is quite capable of using his charm and charisma to get others to follow him of their own accord. When that doesn't work, Firebolt simply bullies others into doing what he wants, although he will not (usually) attempt to intimidate his superiors in any way. While he is respectful of the authority and power of Equestria's rulers, Firebolt is loathe to turn down any opertunity to gain power or wealth, even if it means going against the orders of his superiors. Firebolt's ultimate goal is to eventually take the throne of Equestria for himself.


Base traits:
Unicorn: +1 on your first roll in any intelligence test

Charming: +1 on your first roll in any charisma test
Educated: +1 on your first roll in any intelligence test
Intimidating: +1 on your first roll in any strength or charisma test
ARCANE V2 Implant: +2 on your first roll in any reflex, inteligence or agility test

Natural Leader: +2 to your first morale roll when one or more players have already failed a morale test.

Saving throw: You may choose to roll one of your dice again. Can only be used once per game.
Attached limitations: N/a

Group Admin

Name: Jack Beekeeper
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Ghost Division
Rank: Sapper
Physical description: Average height, dark brwon hair, heavily built muscle-wise, light beard, practical and simple clothing
Background: Born 23 years after the Excusrion, Jack comes from an old family of beekeepers from the destroyed land the Ghost Division and the populace under their care hail from. He signed up for the Division at the standard recruitment age of 16 and, after 3 years of standard service, was selected for sapper training for his quick thinking, ingenuity, and exceptional lack of care for personal comfort. He graduated from sapper school four weeks later and has had a successful career since.

Attributes: Having gone through basic Ghost training, he is very skilled in ambush warfare and open warfare (so long as there is ample concealment). He has very well-formed marksmanship. He is able to sneak very close to enemies, plant explosive charges, and escape before anyone notices, having gone through sapper school.
Abilities: Tier one (Educated, Gambler). Tier two (Survivalist). No Tier 3.
Perks: Lifesaver
Powers: Common Sense
Limitations: N/A

Reflexes: 5
Agility: 4
Speed: 3
Strength: 5
Charisma: 1
Endurance: 7
Intelligence: 6
Luck: 2
Morale: 7

Name: H. "Volcano" Kliagon

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Affiliation: [REDACTED] Team 2, League of Human Republics

Rank: 1LT

Physical description:

Background: After serving at [REDACTED] under [CLASSIFIED], Lt. Kliagon was promoted and assigned to special warfare group [CLASSIFIED] with his fellows [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. He was later given a [REDACTED] medal for his actions at [CLASSIFIED]






Titan Augmentation


Natural Leader


Time Traveler's Warning


Reflexes: 4

Agility: 4

Speed: 3

Strength: 4

Charisma: 6

Endurance: 4

Intelligence: 6

Luck: 3

Morale: 6


so you lads may want to update your OCs here to match the system I've set.

Gosh, I'm trying to figure out which one of my O.C.'s I want to use,

Name: Sky Shocker

Race: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Affiliation: 23rd Air Force unit, 49th Joint Pegasus Wing Shocker, has ties to the Equestrian Secret Service

Rank: Captain (although highly respected by those who know him)

Physical Description: Average build pegasus, Has a solid orange goat and a short electric yellow mane which seems to be ruffled at all times. Has a tail which is as equally ungroomed. (HE thinks its useless grooming it as it's likely to get messed up.) Cute mark is a crosshair with a lightning bolt
EQRG-AR: Fresh from the R&D labs of the Crystal Empire, the Royal Guard Assault Rifle is a prototype of Equestria's first firearm. They sourced technology from the Empire of Man and modified it to first the equine population. This weapon gives Sky the ability to take out more targets than your ordinary pegasus, and also allows for longer ranged atttacks.

Metal pole: His favourite weapon for one on one takedowns, the pole allows him to precisely strike or smack targets to submission while still keeping them alive.

Retractable Hoofclaws: A gift from a bat pony in the Nachtjagdgeschwader Squadron, his hoofclaws are his got to weapon for quick and deadly kills. He always wears them as part of his armour.

Grenades: Used as an emergency group clearer, Sky always carries 5 of these. They were the brainchild of another group of researchers from the Crystal Empire R&D Labs.

ARCANE helmet: A derivative of the ARCANE implant project, the ARCANE helmet has slightly less capabilities as the ARCANE implant. However, it is still quite effective in assisting its user. Sky prefer's this due to not wanting a foreign object in his head. The helmet also functions as a radio.

Flexi-plate armour: A present from the secret service, this armour is basically a chain-mail jumpsuitwith multiple plates to cover the vulnerable parts of the abdomen. It is effective at providing armour while maintaining mobility.

(5) Accuracy: Even without his ARCANE helmet, Sky is a very accurate hitter and shooter. He trains his fighting skills daily without and aid from the Helmet , up to the point that he can precisely target medians whether at long range, or when at fast-paced close ranged combat. The ARCANE helmet just helps him track targets and correct slight discrepancies in aim, making his accuracy with any weapon almost god-like

(4)Defense: His flexi-plate armour is practically impervious to any kind of small arms fire, let it be arrows or pistol bullets. Only high-caliber bullets are actually able to pierce through the armourat the plate areas while assault rifle fire may pierce the chain-mail areas. There are a few weakspots around the head however. The armour also provides moderate defense against melee attacks, although in this case the armour is not as effective if the enemy can hit hard.

(3) Adaptability: Due to his war experiences, Sky has the ability to quickly change tactics in order to suit his situation. He is also able to improvise quite well, with being able to use any weapon imaginable when push comes to shove.
(3) Agility: Sky is an effective fighter of the skies. HIs agility is a result of many years of quick dogfighting and aerial combat. It would be better if he did not wear armour though.
(2) Elemental Affinity: Due to his cute mark, he is able to channel ions in the air as electricity for his attacks.


Metal armor: Due to wearing metal armour over his entire body, Sky is highly vulnerable to magical attack or firebreath, as they easily can conduct through his armour and thus his entire body. Thus, he takes quite a bit of care in evading such attacks(2)

Evasive maneuvers: Owing to his agility and experience with dogfighting, he has a number of tricks up his sleeve in order to get out of an opponent's kill zone.
Critical Shock: With his accuracy, Sky is able to fire at or hit weak spots with precision. A single hit will render an enemy paralyzed and unable to use that limb, potentially taking him out of action.

840880 {reserved}
Name: Alonso del Bartoya(A.K.A. Al)
Affiliation:UEE(he is a strategist on loan to equestria)
Rank:technically non but is treated as having the pull of a corporal.
Physical description:tall,thin,short brown hair,green eyes
Equipment: Sword of the white-a rapier that has a handguard resembling a white rose
Weakness: no armor(1)
Abilities:Lead by example-by leadintg a group personally he may moralize troops and under certain conditions also afflict a opposing force withfear.
Elaborate parry:using his sword defensively he may increase the difficulty of successful attacks by one step.note:if successful for several rounds in a row demoralizes/angers opponent.

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