Chrylight is Alright 838 members · 139 stories
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4192647 None has taken "Protean" the promt I submitted. Should I change it?

4195256 Noone's taken Siren yet either. Give it a bit, I'm working my way through in alphabetical order.:twilightsmile:

4195273 Well I would take it if it would fit... I mean I'm trying to find something that would complete the revised intro I have for my story.

Like 4195273 said, give it some time. Someone will claim it eventually.

4196588 Alright... Though the one that initially did dropped it. Oh well.

Prompt: Centurion
“Chrysalis?” Twilight asked as she entered the underground throne room which was just one part of the series of interconnected chambers and tunnels that formed the Changeling Hive beneath Ponyville. It had been almost a year since the Changelings had arrived in Equestrian territory and while things were less tense it didn’t mean things were completely fine either.

Chrysalis looked up from here work, “Hello Twilight, you’re early.”

Twilight huffed, “There’s a reason for that.”

Chrysalis got up from her work and walked over to the annoyed Alicorn standing at the entrance. “You know if you were early I would have thought it was because you had a surprise in mind or something.”

“It’s something alright,” Twilight muttered darkly. With a flash of magic she had a flask in her telekinetic grip, the fluid within glowed faintly blue. “Mind explaining what this is?”

Chrysalis shrugged, “Chemicals, Twilight. You’re the scientist between us surely you know what exactly it is.”

Twilight began to pace around the Changeling Queen, “Explain than Chrysalis why I found it from one of your Drones then? I know several of your Drones went out of town to fetch supplies. When they got back one of the attendants noticed a lot of flasks and vials in their saddlebags much like this one.”

Chrysalis stepped in front of the pacing Alicorn, “Supplies as you said, some of the chemicals you Ponies have created are useful for us as well.”

With the looming Changeling Queen stopping her pacing Twilight instead settled for a glare, “This is an explosive! Not some chemical that could be used for anything else, but as a component in explosives.”

“We need to excavate through rocks and explosives make it easier than magically forcing our way through,” answered Chrysalis trying to take the flask from Twilight to no success.

“I’ve studied the local geology, there’s one deposit of stone that breaking with magic would require far more energy than it’s safe to do so and that’s on the outskirts of town.” Twilight’s glare intensified, “It’s about that statue in Fillydelphia isn’t it?”

Chrysalis sighed as her composure dropped, “Fine, it is. That statue is horrific and I doubt the town will miss one small statue!”

“Small? That statue is the center piece of one of the larger parks in the city. I’m certain everypony will notice its disappearance,” Twilight retorted.

“Does that matter? The statue has a heavily armoured Pegasus standing-“, Chrysalis began her voice rising in volume.

“That’s the memorial for Centurion Storm Strike of Clan Thunderwing-“, Twilight threw in with her voice just louder than Chrysalis’.

“-over a pile of dead bodies. All of them are Changelings, there’s no other-“

“who led the 3rd Century of the 7th Cohort of the 12th Legion, the Northwind-“

“-species. He’s standing over them like they were a carpet!”

“-and defended the town from Changelings during the Battle of Gust Plains.”

Both Alicorn and Changeling were panting lightly from trying to yell over the other.

“Fine,” Twilight said as she tried to slow her breathing, “maybe that statue is horrible, but its history and you can’t just destroy it.”

Chrysalis had managed to mostly get her breathing under control, “Fine. Not destroyed then, but maybe removed! Shouldn’t it be removed given how much this nation is about harmony and such? That doesn’t seem like it would be a good gesture for peace and co-operation if there’s a public statue depicting dead Changelings.”

Twilight sighed, “You are mostly correct yet we can’t destroy it. His descendants would be furious if his memorial was destroyed or removed.”

Chrysalis snorted, “Why is that?”

“Cultural. The Pegasi were and still are the most militaristic of the Three Tribes and they believed strongly in ancestral memory. Honour the ancestors and it’s from them that one can find protection and guidance, that’s why Pegasi memorials from simplest wood and stone to more expensive cloud-iron and skystone tend to depict their ancestor in their moment of glory. No matter how horrific that moment was. To remove it would be to disrespect their culture and their beliefs.”

Chrysalis sighed, “Fine, if it’s cultural than I guess I shouldn’t try destroying it.”

Twilight exhaled as she tried to relax, “I know it is not the best thing to see, but it is an element of culture here regardless of how long ago that was or how things have changed.”

“It’s just frustrating that nothing can be done,” Chrysalis said.

“Learning of other beliefs is difficult and changing how others view yours even more so. All you can do is challenge those perceptions and work towards changing them and in time you will be able to find success,” Twilight recited quickly.

After a pause Twilight continued, “That’s more or less what a few Ponies have stated before from some of the books I’ve read. It wasn’t easy to integrate three nations together and it took a lot of time. I think Changelings are on that same path now and it will take time for cultural perceptions to fade, but it is possible.”

No new prompt as our current list is already too long.

4196896 Is it wrong I'm squeeing inside to see a Pegasi introduced under that title.

Er, no? I think I'm missing something here though, do you mind explaining?

4197160 Not really, just really like Rome, well...the idea of it. Sorry, guess I'm bein weird again.

You're not being weird. Ancient Rome is something I'm really interested in. In fact the position of Centurion from the Roman Army is what kicked this whole prompt off and why I tried to create as close as possible to the title as I could manage.

4196896 If that caused her to wince how about her own defeat back in Canterlot?

I'm not entirely sure and this is probably one of the flaws with this prompt. But I would think she would be a bit bitter about it and may have considered revenge at one point. Although the failed invasion hurt more in the sense of pride because it ended in defeat, but the causalities were not major more, I think, injury than death. Also there isn't exactly a large public reminder of her failure, the stained glass are large, but not always as prominent.

4200099 Right. I still consider glorification of killings a bit wrong. Most statues dont choose to depict the villain. But the hero.

4196896 Like it, but I feel like Chrysalis is getting gipped. 'Oh, their culture views it as good? Great! Let's totally ignore how our culture views it as horrific!'.

This prompt is flawed in many ways, I will acknowledge that. I was struggling to end the prompt off which led to an odder than I wanted ending.

4200272 No, don't get me wrong, it's good, it just unfair to Chryssy.

4200275 Those are Great War Era German helmets on the pyramid taken from slaen soldiers. I'm not saying its right but a momument dating from a certain time can be grissly.

Claiming: Protean

Prompt: Protean
Protean 1.0

Protean 1.1

“Are you sure about this?” I ask the little unicorn, of course I knew the answer already I could feel her eagerness at my offer. She was practically glowing with the build up of emotions. I was most certain that if I pinned her to the wall and drained her, she would be the most tasty morsel I’d ever tasted. Now that I’d had the thought though, I doubted I’d drain her if I pinned her down.

“Y...yes, Its just Protean Magic is forbidden to most Mages. The likelihood of failure and…..mishaps is too great,” Her voice startles me out of my imaginings and I had to struggle to catch up with myself once more.

“That is why I am here, I will….” I pause for a moment searching for a better word, I doubt impregnate would be a good choice, before settling on, “Infuse you with my changeling magic. It is an old technique not used by any of the hives in this age. It will plant a seed of our energies in you. I can then teach you to draw on that, and infuse your own magics with it to allow you to change almost as easily as any of my children,” Again I feel a wash of resentment from her, but I brush it off and focus on my task. “Are you really sure about this Twilight Sparkle? Only your Princess will be able to undo what I am doing to you.” I say fixing my gaze on her.

"I am” She answers standing firm under my gaze. I’m not sure if her own kind can see the same things in those deep pools of violet that I do. To me her eyes show the marks of a great mage, the swirling energies that she unleashes through her horn. It was then I made my choice, I’d throw caution to the wind.

I lean in and press my lips to her’s and I can’t help but smile as our horns touch. A thrill shoots down my spine as my magic and her’s pulse together a bit of my own sliding down into her core. I hear her muffled gasp and then, to my surprise and pleasure she pressed back into my kiss. I let the kiss linger and enjoy myself, our tongues meeting for a few moments, before I pull back from her panting faintly for breath.

“Th-” I start to speak before I am cut off by a slap across my muzzle. I stumble back blinking in surprise, and look up feeling a wash of mixed emotions from her.

“Not without my permission.” She says glaring at me, with a luminescent blush across her cute little cheeks. The emotional colors are swirling around her pooling in her heart, and elsewhere. I have to remind myself what I was doing to keep myself from pouncing on her right then and there.

“Then let us focus on our lesson. If you can master a changeling form, then we can visit this nice little place by the docks, if not I suppose you know of someplace I could take you.” I put on the airs of a Queen once more, but I feel a slight flutter in my chest from her feistiness. It had been years, since I’d taken a personal consort, I supposed working to earn one the pony way wouldn’t be a terrible burden. Did I mention she was adorable and tasted amazing?

She smirks at me,

“Deal, but you’ll go as a unicorn,” She says before closing her eyes. I see her horn spark, traces of green flame in her purple light. “It feels empty, hungry.” Her voice sounds worried, I was glad for that. Fear was a good feeling, it would keep her from pushing too fast.

“Yes, that is why I caution you to only use this sparingly. Too much and you may become a…” Again I search for a term, “A zombie I suppose is the best way to put it. You would become lost in the hunger, you might retain your form, or become more like my children, but you need not worry. You will only truly risk it if you exhaust yourself using the seed.”

She nods and looks to me. I see the fear flowing away under a new wave of eagerness. She was soon glowing with determination.

“Alright, what now?” She asks smiling her horn still glowing, I see the green traces becoming more pronounced as I begin my instruction. I’d often found watching unicorn magic fascinating, the build up from their core and cutie marks, channeling through their bodies and released through their horns.

“Focus on the seed, feel it and then feel yourself becoming something else. Use your memories of my drones as a template.” I watch the glow in her magic core start to glow more brightly as the seed was drawn on.

She nods again and begins her try. I expect her first attempt to fail but instead she is engulfed in flames of purple and green. I’m almost blinded by the bright magics, but through the glare I see her body shift. My eyes water as I look away from her and I feel my breath taken away as I clear them

“By the Ancestors” I mutter looking at her. She was gorgeous.

A/N: I was inspired by Vamp: The Requiem.
New Prompt: Queen Twilight

4204353 neat idea, planting a seed of Changeling magic.

4204364 I needed a way for Twi to learn the magic, and then I half-remember blood transfering abilities in Vampire and well bam....

4204364 also yes, in theory it is the first step to full changelingification.

4204353 Very interesting take on how Twily can use changeling magic. And now... X becomes a changeling AHOY!

4204473 -shrugs- I haven't decided if I'd go that far. Still this is a continuation from my first blurb. I figure most of them will be. Extra Credit to anyone who's figured out Twilight's problem.

4204373 Neat! Though I suggest that you check again for some errors. I like it! Interesting idea... kind of like what Raava did on the first Avatar in the series. Or at least that's what comes in mind.

3557585 We're getting close to 200. Any special plans in store, Queen Foals?

Hmmm, lets see Season five is coming up so lets do the prompt FIVE

I have no idea its what came to me... but I think I have a better one Stepford

4207332 *googles* Stepford... denoting someone who is regarded as robotically conformist or obedient.

Oh, I can have some fun with this...

4207380 What is Stepford really?

4207435 ... that's what I got when I googled 'define stepford'.

it's from an old movie Stepford wives where the wives were killed and replaced by robots who were perfect thats what those equal ponies respond me of

4207819 So my queen, should I be putting both "Five" and "Stepford" on the prompts list?

And also, was "Tasty Murder" submitted? I may have just missed it somewhere... :rainbowhuh:

go ahead and add both and i'm going to try and get Tasty Murder written today

4195273 Hey Europa. Not to sound like I see Siren right there and I pity it being there but Imma take it and imma write it over the weekend. I found a way it could fit in my idea. You are going to hear the song of nature... the wind will the flute, the saxophone and moreover the Sky shall be the drums, the bending trees will be the violins e.t.c. IT SHALL BE GLOOOOOOORIOUS!!!

Still got Gaseous, but it's turning out to be a long one.

4215750 I am a little late but working on it.


It's long.

It's grand.

It's glorious.

aaaand it's the first draft and needs editing! THE SIREN!!! Gonna taka a break and decide later if Imma create a new prompt.

4215750 I'm going to hell for this, but I'd guess Europa would be attracted to a something big and gaseous.

4289337 :rainbowlaugh: Funny you should mention that.

The story is... coming along, but I'm just so tired, and so sick, and so all around miserable and hopeless about my situation in life.

4289351 -hugs- Life's hard, ponies and friends make it easier. Hang in there and feel better

Also, I'm working on updating Protean, since I've got a bit before it would get posted :rainbowlaugh:

Version 1.1 is added to the original post. Only a few changes, I left 1.0 up to compare if you'd like

Wow its been awhile since I have been here huh?


"...Hats." - Twilight repeated slowly, - "You want... hats?" The being in front of her squirmed under the inquisitive glare. Stepped from one perforated hoof to the other. Batted her eyelashes cutely. Tried to say something but then suffered a critical anxiety attack and hid her head under the transparent wing. "...Alright, enough with the Fluttershy routine. I admit, you`re getting good at it, but I still remember what you are." - proffered mare uneasily, - "Why hats?" Chrysalis just redoubled her efforts to look cute and abashed.

"I want to be pretty." - she offered finally, looking away. That was not exactly what Twilight expected to hear. As per terms of agreement, Chrysalis have had been placed under a geas that made it impossible for her to lie or withhold information from Twilight, so she knew that answer given was genuinely believed in. It just... didn`t match what she expected to hear.

"Pretty? Why?" - she regretted the question as soon as it escaped her mouth, stumbling over the words to amend it - "I mean, why do you think it`s hat you need to be pretty?" There, much better. She could see the initial question sent thunderclouds across Chrysalis` mood... Thankfully, by now, changeling queen was familiar enough with the oddities of one Twilight Sparkle to know there was no malice in the awkwardly posed question.

"Any mare wants to be pretty." - she answer was simple and quick. And incomplete. Twilight knew it and Chrysalis knew it as well. What`s more important, geas "knew" as well too. A second later, and wincing as from a toothache, Chrysalis added quickly - "I met... somepony. I want to look pretty for them." It was clear it`s not all of it, but it was also clear that`s all the spell would force out. Twilight had to include some limitations to protect privacy - it would be just flat-out inequine to put a geas like this otherwise.

Pausing to collect her thoughts, Twilight ventured - "Still... why hat? You can take any form you wish. You can literally become that stallion`s dream mare. So why do you suddenly need a hat?" If Chrysalis was looking evasive before, now she became downright desperate-looking.

"No. I can`t." - she finally gritted out, sweating. It was weird to see. Until now, Twilight wasn`t even aware changelings could sweat. They likely couldn`t, and what she was seeing was just Chrysalis` masking ability doing it`s best to reflect the current perturbed mood of it`s owner. She simply waited, confident that this time her spell would wring out more out of Chrysalis. She was right. Changeling finally hissed out - "I do not want to deceive her."

Her. How strange. How... wait. No. Nonononono! Not Stackhome syndrome. Please, not it. Anything but it. "So... a her, is it?" - she quipped, voice suddenly hoarse and alien even to herself - "And you don`t want to deceive her. Or maybe unable to?" She could see her suggestion hit the home dead-on. Chrysalis jerked and even whimpered a little as she was forced to nod. That was as good of an admission as she could get. What do, Sparkle, what do?

Dimly, she recalled what she could about Stackhome syndrome. Under no condition, it said, should she attempt to dissuade the crush directly. Therapy, yes, working things out, yes. Direct denial? No. That tended to... cause problems. Play along? That could work. For a while. She`d have to get Chrysalis some help. But for now, she needed to defuse the situation somehow. Some... how. Vaguely, she heard someone proffer - "Well, if you`d ask me, you don`t need a hat. You look fine as you are. But, hey... If you want it, then why not?" With a dull surprise, she realized it was her own voice. Saying the right thing, she could tell, if Chrysalis perking up was of any indication.

"Oh, Celestia, what have I done? This is a right mess, that`s what it is!" - Twilight moaned mentally, following Chrysalis out of the door. At least the changeling queen was in high spirits now. She preferred not to think what would come later.

Next Prompt - Tobacco.

4337933 Hmm... Interesting. This might be the first reversal of Stockholm Syndrome that I've seen in this prompt thread— usually Twilight is the prisoner.
You definitely need to have someone go through this for errors, though. Most of your mechanics are incorrect, and there are quite a few grammatical errors as well. :unsuresweetie:

Current prompts (Up-to-date as of 10/23):

Crash Landing (palaikai)
First Contact (bobbananaville)
Gaseous (Europa)
Home Run
Peppermint (TheMusicalBoy93)
Queen Twilight
Tasty Murder (Foals Errand)
Ten Years Later
Winter Wonderland

4271544 After a disgracefully long time, while I'm supposed to be studying for my physics final, I finally read it. Very interesting concept with the Sirens, and of the changelings renewing the Badlands. Some quotation errors here and there, though.

... Cadance Bitchslap.:rainbowlaugh: She is the only pony with a confirmed bodycount, after all.

4337933 Ouch, poor Chrysalis. Geases are... nasty stuff. Still, nice to see this will - probably - work out.

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