Love and Tolerate 819 members · 6,324 stories
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The Brony Mantra of Love & Tolerate has guided this fandom for over a half decade has done wonders to help Bronies & Pegasisters get over the trying time when the fans of the show were bombarded with trolls, haters, and anti-bronies. But is Love & Tolerance relevant in this fandom today? Or a relic of the past. I understand it is a bit ironic having this video posted on this site, but I think it is an interesting topic to discuss nonetheless.

May we do need a new motto other that Love & Tolerate to guide the Brony Fandom in the future. What do you think?

5053752 I think it still is relevant, despite the actions of a few bad seeds. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and the show isn't perfect. As long as people are not attacking others for their opinion, and as long as they aren't sending death threats to writers of the show, they are perfectly entitled to voice their frustration and have a differening opinion from the majority. As long as they back up their opinion with valid reasons, and show respect to those who disagree with them, then lover and tolerance can still be a thing.

I think the motol should be kept, and I think the haters should know that we all are a "Melting Pot of Friendship"

iirc, wasn't Love and Tolerate used to troll haters back on 4chan?

I've never spoken in this group before, but let me break silence to say this:

It has never mattered what "our" motto is, and no one cares. Any phrase purposed to represent the ideals of a diverse group is going to fail in that endeavor. None of us have the same morals, goals, and philosophies. Personally, I think love is a poorly used word in the English language; I prefer the four, Greek loves. And I find tolerance is often condescending because it causes us to treat each other like pitiful pieces of glass.

And yet, I'm in this group. Why? Because these irreconcilable differences are normal. Every Motto is meant to be taken at less than face value and not seriously. It's the style of the statement that communicates something significant. In the same way that personality tests can reveal more about the people that make them than those that take them, a motto stands as an arbitrary testament to what me may want to sort of be like.

And that's why I'm in this group, so more people get the impression that I'm a hopeless idealist to a logical fault.

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