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Do you have a Brony/MLP shirt?

Have you ever worn it in public places and social settings? If so, what were your experiences.

This videos documents and discusses just that.

4857765 I was hoping to actually see footage of him in the restaurant/store... :(

Edit: I have just noticed the username; are you the one in the video? :twistnerd:

4857789 Yes, I am. I didn't want to say "Hey, watch my video" or talk about Hallelujah Brony in the 3rd person... oops. Good observation. Yeah, didn't want to film people without their permission and didn't know how to film subtly.

4857842 Ask Target for their security footage! :rainbowkiss:

4857765 I want to do something like this but with a Grimbro shirt (Grim Dark Brony) with a creepy image of Pinkamena on the front (would probably have to make a custom shirt for that). lol. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:


Me at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally (circa 2012):

Literally no one gives two shits. I actually had a couple of burly biker types compliment my poneh shirt, which i thought was slightly odd, but whatever. Point is, no one that's not a complete sociopath will care.

I wear pony shirts for just about anything (grocery shopping, errands, going to the movies, going out to dinner, whatever) but I get very little reaction from people most of the time. The most frequent commenters are usually little girls who are excited to see ponies (and sometimes their parents who want to know where I got it).

I also tend to rock them when I go to theme parks (Universal, Disney, etc.) but again, surprisingly few people say anything even though if you pay attention you can always spot the ones who are looking at you sideways, :rainbowlaugh:

4858048 I've worn my La Grande et Incroyable Trixie shirt nearly everywhere, especially airports and faculty meetings. By now, it's just a shirt and I often don't think about it, so I was surprised when a student launched himself at me, crying "BROHOOF!"

Me: What?
Now Very Embarrassed Student: Um, your shirt?

Then I realized he was wearing Rainbow Dash headphones.

I frequently wear it when I travel, because I've gotten "I LOVE your shirt!" so many times.

Also, I once wore it to go and vote.


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