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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, I say new... it's Russel T Davies!

I'm good with that. I enjoyed his era.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

I'm definitely having mixed feelings about this, but overall I'm optimistic. Did his era have flaws? Sure, especially in how he treated Mickey and Martha. Would I rather have someone new? Maybe??? But overall, I did enjoy his era quite a lot, and I hope that we get more stories like the 9 and 10 era produced.
Also, this is what he wrote as descriptions of the Doctor in the novelization of Rose, which hopefully is a sign of things to come.


On the whole, I think I'm going to reserve judgement until his first episode airs, but I'm going to be cautiously hopeful.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Oh, his era did have flaws, one of which I'd consider 9 only getting one season. And there were episodes like "Fear Her".

I'm mostly feeling good about it, though.

I also think some people are going to suddenly realise that he was at least as political as the current era is...

--Sweetie Belle

I think his era was a bit hit or miss, but I'm excited for him to come back! I was honestly hoping for Neil Gaiman, but I'm at least eagerly awaiting the show's return again!

Huh. Honestly wasn't expecting that. Not really against it, of course--it was during his era that I even got into Doctor Who in the first place--but really didn't think he'd come back, or that the BBC would even be interested in having him back, in favor of continuing to move forward with new talent instead. And a part of me kinda would've liked to see someone new take a shot at the show...but then I suppose this could be the BBC saying they feel the need to get back to basics and tried and true with someone they know has already proved themselves, and I can respect that, given fan reactions as of late. I may not necessarily agree with said fans, but its a point you can't ignore nonetheless.

To be fair, 9 only got one season because Eccleston opted to not stick around for another, so that's a bit more Eccleston than it was Davies.

But potato, potahto.

Best news I've heard all week (other than the new movie).

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Eccleston has also said things like:

“My relationship with my three immediate superiors – the showrunner (Russell T Davies), the producer and co-producer – broke down irreparably during the first block of filming and it never recovered. They lost trust in me, and I lost faith and trust and belief in them.”

Asked if Russell T Davies was aware of the issues, Eccleston says, “If you’re the showrunner, you know everything. That’s your job,” adding that he “never will have” a working relationship with the screenwriter again.

So at least some of that is on Davies.

Bringing Davies back means we have a showrunner back in charge that I'm familiar with and liked his previous work, though, which is good news.

--Sweetie Belle

Hmm, wonder when he said that then, because last time I had seen the topic come up with him in an interview, he didn't really want to get into it, feeling there was nothing to be gained from it and that his stance on the matter was probably bias and not totally fair for all parties involved, who would probably want to have their own say in the matter so to keep the story straight.

Not that I'm doubting you or his comments on the matter (I sort of figured it might have been due to a falling out with Davies--it's not hard), but the fact Eccleston felt obligated to say that at any point probably suggests the matter was overall more nuanced than it sometimes gets made out to be.

But nevertheless, it's all in the past now, so probably for the better to just move on anyway. :twilightsmile:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It was a 2018 interview with the Radio Times. Some of it is quoted here:

“When I left, I gave my word to [then-showrunner] Russell T Davies that I wouldn’t do anything to damage the show. But they did things to damage me. I didn’t criticise anybody.”

But yeah, it's in the past. Trouble is that I really would've liked Eccleston to do multi-Doctor stories. Wasn't likely anyways on screen, I suppose...

--Sweetie Belle

I swore off New Who after chrins chinball, not just for bad writing but because of his changes to the lore, plus both him and Moffat making the doctor the most important person in the universe instead of a normal character with a life and personality like in doctors 1-10. If Russel retcons all of this I will restart, but if not even his writing won't save New Who from what it is now.

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