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So this new Kamen Rider is like Blade but cooler.

I loved that we got a new card-using Rider now.
Been a while since Decade.

Wondering how Spike would do if someone writes a fic with Gotchard?

Dude. Can you ever leave Spike out of things for any length of time? Especially since this isn't talking about MLP in anyway :facehoof:.

Hey, come on. Give the little buddy some love. He's just trying to give Spike more attention since he's usually pushed to the sidelines. Not our fault he's perfectly adaptable to almost all Kamen Riders.

... Pilets? Really? That might be the weirdest way to spell "Pirates" I have ever seen in my life.

Still, I like the initial design. Been forever since we got a new card-based Rider.

Then save the speculation until Gotchard starts. Much easier that way.

Hai, hai. Wakatta, wakatta.

Also this is a MLP site, anything MLP related that can connect to with the topic on here is fair game

Author Interviewer

So it's "gacha card" then? Interesting. And I guess no one's ever done two cards at once before, though I'm definitely already over two transformation toys at once from the start. Like, we literally just did that, c'mon. Love this design though.

7852054 The four main Rider that uses cards, while I love they are having another main rider who has blue as one of its colors in its starter form, but his helmet looks like a fusion of Kamen Rider 1 and Hot Shot from Transformers Prime toys.

I saw what looked like an official synopsis that mentioned the form being a mix of a Locust and Train, meaning the base form is likely made from Hopper1 and Steamliner. Going from there, that combo makes ten and the Pilets(nice word play) and Madwheel cards make 10 also, this is likely showing us that Gotchard's proper Forms require two cards that add to 10, while anything else either doesn't work at all or creates a weaker mismatched form like with Build.










Update alert! We not only just got an official poster for Gotchard, but a synopsis of his series as well.

Artificial lifeforms called Chemy were created by collecting the best alchemy techniques, and are made to imitate all things that exist in this world. There are a total of 101 Chemy, and they are stored in cards called "Ride Chemy Cards". However, these cards, which have been carefully stored, popped out and were released all at once!

High school student Houtaro Ichinose is entrusted with the GotcharDriver and is given the mission to collect all the Chemy that were released in this world. That said, a Chemy is a reassuring human companion when it resonates with someone with a good heart. This is the case with Houtaro who loads the Hopper1 and Steamliner Ride Chemy Cards in the GotcharDriver to become Kamen Rider Gotchard Steamhopper! But if a Chemy combines with a human filled with malice, there is a danger in creating a creature known as "Kaijin Malgam".

Houtaro's catchphrase is "Gotcha!", which is an English slang for "I did it!" or "I caught it!", but will Houtaro "gacha" all 101 Chemy? What kind of strange combinations will form along the way once Gotchard gets more Ride Chemy Cards? What is in store for the alchemist Rider who manipulates cards?

So this Kamen Rider has the power of alchemy that is in some cards. That's very neat

Author Interviewer

so another high school setting? dang, I need to finish Fourze sometime

the alchemy angle is different, the rest is basically what I was expecting, so we'll see :B at least it sounds like he's going to be a cinnamon roll protag rather than a dick

7859776 This Rider is a fusion of Blade, Double, Wizard, Cardcaptor Sakura, and Fullmetal Alchemist

Am I the only one who thought of this guy when I read this?

And OOO(since alchemy is involved to make the power source)

RIGHT?! His Pre-Henshin catchphrase better be "Let's Rev It Up!" in some shape or form. But that might just be the Yu-Gi-Oh fan in me.

Given that it looks like one of his Cards summons his bike, card games on motorcycle jokes incoming

7859877 Good point.

Author Interviewer

darn, I had meant to make one but apparently forgot :P






Some new details about Gotchard have just been revealed.

His personal weapon is the Gotcharge Gun, which can fire different elemental attacks depending on which Ride Chemy Cards are loaded into it.

His finisher is the Steamhopper Fever.

So he's another Primary Rider whos his primary weapon is a pure gun?
Primary Riders who uses a pure gun for their main weapon are rare

Another Kamen Rider that uses a gun instead of a sword, very cool

Author Interviewer

eh, we've done fevers already :P is all of his stuff gonna start with "Gotch"?

7861224 So far we can guess his modes need the Ride Chemy Cards to be 10 since Hopper1 is a 1 and Steamliner is a 9 that is a ten combo there

Comment posted by PoisonClaw deleted Jul 28th, 2023

The official Bandai channel just dropped a promo for the Gotchard Driver DX.

My thought:
- I love the Driver so far. It's simple, yet elegant in its own way.
- The video seems to imply that Ride Chemy Cards will be released periodically in booster packs of 5. I shudder at the idea of them following normal trading card rules and being random with rarities...
- At least 8 other forms were teased for Gotchard alongside his base form. Judging by the matching backs, these forms will work "Best Match" style, Gotchard has around 50 forms. Of course, history has shown that we'll only likely see maybe 1/4 of those forms actually appear in the show itself.

Author Interviewer

All the design elements so far are really slick and pleasing. :) I very much like the actual mechanics of this driver, there's something cool about performing one motion and having it react with the opposite motion. Also, very simple, kinda like the Zero-One Driver!

Also, Gacchanko??

Author Interviewer

love the little bit right at the end there, it looks like he's gonna be a positive can-do kinda guy and I like that :D

7861781 That's showed I'm right about the form change.

7862405 Nice

Author Interviewer

Earlier today, I wrote my thoughts on Geats and expectations for Gotchard, plus a weird dream I had about Gotchard this morning lol:




Since Geats is taking this Sunday off to air the opening ceremony of the 105th Japanese High School Baseball Championship (we still have King-Ohger, though), I thought I'd share a few recent developments for Gotchard.

Much like Night Rogue and Blood Stalk from Build, we have a pseudo Kamen Rider named Valvarad.

His transformation device and personal weapon is the Valvarusher.

Gotchard has at least two auxiliary forms coming his way.

Apparebushido (#8) + Skebows (#2) = Appareskebow

Antrooper (#5) + Wrestler G (#5) = Antwrestler

Author Interviewer

So Kamen Rider Valvoline, got it.



After years of playing second fiddle, Hisanori "Eitoku" Oiwa finally gets to be the main suit actor!


We've seen a suit actor, so how about some voice actors as well?

Hopper1 will be voiced by Misato Fukuen aka Secchan from Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger.

Steamliner will be voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama aka Tachibana and the narrator from Kamen Rider Fourze.


First look at Steamhopper's Wild Mode.

Gotchard's Rider Machine is a Chemy named Golddash, which he can summon via a device called the Chemy Riser.

Deepmariner (#5) + Venomdake (#5) = Venommariner

I don't think people will care about this, but the Opening Song for Gotchard has been revealed.
The song is called "CHEMYXSTORY" by BACK-ON. You can give it a listen on Twitter/X right here.
I have had this thing on repeat since I heard it!


Heard the song earlier today. Sounds great. Can't wait to see how it meshes with the intro.

Also, here are some last minute images of Gotchard's remaining arsenal.

Chemy Riser: A device that, as mentioned above, can be used to summon Chemy.

Chemy Smaphone: A cellphone that can change from Phone Mode to Chemy Mode.

Gotchartornado: A sword/bow-hybrid weapon.

I saw somewhere that there will be a Hopper1 and Steamliner Chemy form toys coming as well. It reminds me of the Memory Gadgets and Foodroids.

Comment posted by Aegis-Archives deleted Sep 3rd, 2023
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