Changelings Need Love Too 2,337 members · 1,539 stories
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As the title says, does anybody have an answer to this question?

Knowing that her name has the word "Queen" in it, its possible she's just like a queen bee but does anybody has their own ideas?


Are you... are you at or over the age of sixteen?

5487406 The same way any other mare would get pregnant.

I'm not being snarky or sarcastic, that's literally what i think


Dropbear-senpai noticed you...our chosen one has arrived...

As for how Queen Chryssi gets knocked up, I'd imagine in a sorta-conventional way. Likely her body creates eggs, they are fertilized by a viable male, she lays them, and they hatch.

5487406 could be she doesn't get pregnant and uses an ovipositor to get others pregnant.

Maybe she gets ridiculously bloated, like some sort of queen ant :trollestia:.

Well I liked to think that changelings were mammals... but you know, thanks Hasbro.

Now I like to think they're those types of not-mammals that still give live birth. They basically lay eggs inside of themselves and they stay in there to incubate, and eventually they give birth. It's a real thing.

how has no one posted that image of all of Shining and Chryssie's offspring yet?

My theory is that they are all in fact evolved insects that are pony shaped...

Enter the Shujyugan, an enoki like cordyceps mushroom (developed by dragons) to reduce the aggressive, heterotrophic, and entomophagous tendencies of one apex predator towards their mullerian antecedents. Whether it was convergent evolution, or emsleyan morphology, the brocade butterfly was not exactly what one would consider a good feeder insect. Unlike changelings; a creature that could only be described as the unholy offspring of a 250 pound jeweled wasp _and a glass winged butterfly with the wingspan of an adult pegasus_; Brocade butterflies didn't just taste like turpentine saturated with ovarian ink. Worse, their blood was like an ink made of urushiol mixed with curry and had enough lucibufagins to kill a juvenile within a matter of minutes if left untreated. The fact that the inquilline butterflies lived among both the changeling and equus populations, with the latter slowly becoming brightly colored batesian mimics, and the former being almost exclusively used for reproduction. It was only a matter of time before the dragons took steps to eliminate the threat to the sustainable food supply.

Besides, the idea of a Dragon being laid to waste by a Breezy the size of a Minotaur, defeated the purpose of contaminating the water supply in general. Especially after the alchemists of the badlands went through the trouble of developing a scatological protozoa, from the michigan of froggy bottom bog, to carry a (mostly harmless) baculovirus. One designed to make the livestock break out into show tunes, or giggle at the ghosties, whenever they have a pique of emotional disequilibrium. After all, there is no point in hunting the ponies constantly running into, and out of, the everfree forest _for no apparent reason_ if you couldn't track them down to their nest and smite them all like kittens.

The means of infecting the brocade butterflies with cordyceps was also quite ingenious. Patient zero, code named Chrysalis, was a genetically engineered hybrid. Created exclusively for the sole purpose of eliminating the blight upon the food supply, without infecting or contaminating the other 'tastier' weta in Equestria, she turned out surprisingly resilient. Her conception was actually surprisingly difficult for the alchemists of the badlands until a 'fabulous' sea serpent known only as Algernon, who really wanted to be called Steve, made a shocking discovery. He learned that if you made a porridge with royal jelly, a witches brew comprised of a dragon's whisker (along with a few other magical ingredients that may or may not be considered the ultimate aphrodisiac), and monster's ink, one has all the tools necessary for a magical mutagenic compound. Anyways, once ingested the chemical makeup of the porridge breaks up the blood molecules into kittens, or something, then their cuteness sets phasers to hug. Which allows for the Tuvix bonding of DNA between two incompatible species without intercourse, lighting your farts on fire, or illicit drugs and alcohol. In fact, the process is so very magical and scientific even the author can barely explain it.

Which, brings us to Prometheus. The last of the brocade butterflies, who entered the final throws of death after breaking bad from the cancerous cordyceps, latched on to the first female thing he encountered and managed to impregnate Celestia's woobie. A purple monkey named 'Dishwasher,' for reasons that will probably never be explained, was horribly violated. Although, many suspect the purple monkey was named for its desire to lick a plate clean after having cake and eating it too, the monkey was actually a golem created by Celestia to act as her girl friday. Imbued with Celestia's magic the unnatural creature immediately unleashed the power of the sun upon her visitor. Then, with all the grace of a pineapple being shoved through a straw, Dishwasher eventually laid an egg (or was slowly and painfully eaten alive by the butterfly wasp larva). Soon, a parasitic race of larval monkey demons was born. In addition to a race of horribly mutated changeling creatures infected with cordyceps, seaponies, threstrals, bugbears, ahuizotal, and twittermites. But, in all fairness, the para-sprites had it coming.

Prometheus wasn't the only brocade butterfly to go on a wild mating spree that day, the vampire like species of butterfly as a whole just went ape nuts, and ran amok in an attempt to lay and impregnate everything that looked like it was remotely compatible... like green alligators, and long necked geese, humpty backed camels, and some chimpanzees, bats, and rats, and elephants, and you can be sure, the luckiest of all was the unicorn. Thus, spreading cutie pox, feather flue, petrification, rabies, and tonsillitis, throughout all of Equestria faster than you can say prestidigitation. Ever the pragmatist, Celestia had the offspring (at least the ones that didn't look like ponies) rounded up and disposed of in the most humane manner she could come up with. Namely, shoving them all through a hastily enchanted looking glass and making the horrible creatures quietly disappear, like she had done with Sunset Shimmer when she discovered the poor dear had "ambition" and wanted "power" of all things. Because, the idea of injustice anywhere was a threat to her perfect world everywhere. So, fearing the fallout of trauma visited upon her little ponies if they were reminded of intercourse, Celestia magically fig leafed the entire population with magic. It goes without saying, after the deed was done, the living portion of dragon's food supply was irreparably contaminated with lucibufagens and the west wing virus. In fact, the dragons probably would have gone completely extinct if they hadn't evolved a capacity to obtain vitamins from minerals or developed new uses for the aerial screw.

Eh, she could be parthenogenetic. Or whatever the evil, love-sucking magical monster equivalent is.

They're mammals in my headcanon though. Screw show canon. :rainbowlaugh:

5487524 Ovovivipary. Lots of sneks do that sort of thing. :twilightsmile:
5487433 Or she could do that, if your headcanon is kinky enough. :rainbowlaugh:

5487406 Well, in my stories they are adaptive hermaphrodites who switch between producing sperm and producing eggs depending on how much love they are actively consuming. So they get pregnant the normal way but lay eggs using an ovipositor. More details are in the stories I have published, but be warned: they are clopfics.

There are several possibilities:
normal male/female reproduction either bug style or mammal style
ability to adjust the genetics of her offspring either with or without a male's contribution
introduction of dna from host species (i.e. shining armor)
conversion of other species into changeling through those cocoons (i.e. what might have been happening to celestia)

so... not much different than traditional succubi?

My headcanon is that, while gathering the requisite genetic material happens roughly the same as with insects, she can alter it somewhat and choose which genes will be passed on to which eggs, so that she can have a few very intelligent infiltrators, strategists, and overseers and a whole lot of brawn for the rest

My headcanon is that (1) only the Changeling Monarch (who can be either gender, which is also headcanon) can reproduce, and (2) non-monarch eggs may be laid without the need for a mate. However, (3) a mate of different species is required in order to proliferate another monarch. In this regard, Changeling Monarchs aren't limited to ponies as their mate. Also, conquest/mind control (a la Chrysalis) is only one of several options. Seduction, deception (by posing as a potential mate's significant other), and even true love are also equally valid options.

In Chrysalis's case, had she taken over, she would have mind-controlled Shining Armor that night so he would ahem "do her bidding," and would not have removed the mind control until the morning, if ever. Option two, seduction, would have been to catch his eye as he walked through town, then whistle at him and bat her eyes, then turn and begin slowly walking farther into the alley as she subtly looked over her shoulder. I'll leave the rest to your imagination. Option three, deception, would likely happen post-marriage. Cadance leaves to go to a summit in Canterlot for a few days, but a couple hours later, "Cadance" comes back saying it was cancelled. Night falls, love happens, and the next morning, a very happy Chrysalis flies back to the hive.

The fourth option, true love, is pretty straightforward. Also worth noting, it's probably the best for all parties involved. Chryssi basically marries into the Equestrian elite with Celestia performing the ceremony and thus putting her stamp of approval on their relationship. This would form not only a marital union, but also a political union. Changelings would be viewed similar to crystal ponies in the eyes of the general public: they're just another race of equoids who possess special racial talents, abilities, and diet. Thus, they would be free to befriend and be loved by the locals. A true happy ending. (And possibly fanfic material.)

I had a story idea in which somewhere in it, a changeling would find a pregnant pony and literally steal their baby before being born. That baby would then be born as a changeling instead. So basically my idea would be that all changelings are really stolen babies from actual ponies.

That story got canceled though...

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