Changelings Need Love Too 2,337 members · 1,539 stories
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Did everyone see the new episode today?

5438083 I saw it. It was amazing! :pinkiehappy:

5438083 Yep!
Hasty but I liked it, and the added info on changelings!!!

5438087 Yup, little info but very interesting.

Changelings can now mimic inanimate objects.
This. Changes. Everything.

This episode opens so many possibilities for the future. Stories like "The Village Called Respite" could become kind of canon/ drop the Alternate Universe tag.

5438118 And dragons!

5438153 Yes! Species other than ponies!
But the comics had already made that B-canon.
Just the same, good stuff.

5438083 It was good. But while I'm very glad the changeling(s) finally got an episode, the whole thing felt incredibly rushed, even for such a simple story. This shows especially near the end where everyone hates Thorax, then Spike sings a song, then everyone loves Thorax and welcomes him like the whole thing was no big deal.

Maybe I'm just spoiled from reading so many quality changeling fics that had all the time in the world to explore the concept, but I still say 23 minutes wasn't nearly enough time.

Still, for what it was, it was a really good episode.

I very much enjoyed it! I didn't get the feeling of it being rushed, but I can understand what they mean when they say that. After all, Spike literally did sing a song and then everything was fine, but isn't that often what happens in the show? Actually if anything, I think the story was a tad bit stretched. Spike sang like 1 too many chorus-es, seemed like they wanted to fill a 30 second time gap, imo.

On the other hand, SPIKE GOT A SONG! Like, all to himself, not just a crapass backup singer. And it wasn't half bad! Come on, that's pretty damn cool. And from what I can gather from the credits, Cathy Weseluck sang it herself.

I'm a little confused as to why the episode seems to have ignored that a changeling has been openly living in Equestria since Slice of Life, and surely, all four alicorn princesses knew about it. Why the sudden rampant distrust?


Continuity and this series is weird.

So, uh...multiverse theory?


Saw it

loved it

bought the tshirt

will now ship "Thorax" with "Character development"

5441448 Slice of Life was just a bunch of fanservice. I tried to stick with the the canon it introduced at first, but it was pretty much made so the older audience and fanon could be acknowledged.

That doesn't indicate how much of it is considered canon, though. The wedding apparently actually happened, for example.

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